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class HttpSocket(mixed $config = array())

CakePHP includes an HttpSocket class which can be used easily for making requests. It is a great way to communicate with external webservices, or remote APIs.

Making a request

You can use HttpSocket to create most kinds of HTTP requests with the different HTTP methods.

HttpSocket::get($uri, $query, $request)

The $query parameter, can either be a query string, or an array of keys and values. The get method makes a simple HTTP GET request returning the results:

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');

$HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();

// string query
$results = $HttpSocket->get('', 'q=cakephp');

// array query
$results = $HttpSocket->get('', array('q' => 'cakephp'));
HttpSocket::post($uri, $data, $request)

The post method makes a simple HTTP POST request returning the results.

The parameters for the post method are almost the same as the get method, $uri is the web address where the request is being made; $data is the data to be posted, either as a string, or as an array of keys and values:

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');

$HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();

// string data
$results = $HttpSocket->post(

// array data
$data = array('name' => 'test', 'type' => 'user');
$results = $HttpSocket->post('', $data);
HttpSocket::put($uri, $data, $request)

The put method makes a simple HTTP PUT request returning the results.

The parameters for the put method is the same as the post() method.

HttpSocket::delete($uri, $query, $request)

The delete method makes a simple HTTP DELETE request returning the results.

The parameters for the delete method is the same as the get() method. The $query parameter can either be a string or an array of query string arguments for the request.

HttpSocket::patch($uri, $data, $request)

The patch method makes a simple HTTP PATCH request returning the results.

The parameters for the patch method is the same as the post() method.

New in version 2.4.


The base request method, which is called from all the wrappers (get, post, put, delete). Returns the results of the request.

$request is a keyed array of various options. Here is the format and default settings:

public $request = array(
    'method' => 'GET',
    'uri' => array(
        'scheme' => 'http',
        'host' => null,
        'port' => 80,
        'user' => null,
        'pass' => null,
        'path' => null,
        'query' => null,
        'fragment' => null
    'auth' => array(
        'method' => 'Basic',
        'user' => null,
        'pass' => null
    'version' => '1.1',
    'body' => '',
    'line' => null,
    'header' => array(
        'Connection' => 'close',
        'User-Agent' => 'CakePHP'
    'raw' => null,
    'redirect' => false,
    'cookies' => array()

Handling the response

Responses from requests made with HttpSocket are instances of HttpResponse. This object gives you a few accessor methods to access the contents of an HTTP response. This class implements the ArrayAccess and __toString(), so you can continue using the $http->response as array and the return of request methods as string:

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');

$http = new HttpSocket();
$response = $http->get('');

// Check the body for the presence of a title tag.
$titlePos = strpos($response->body, '<title>');

// Get the status code for the response.
$code = $response->code;

The HttpResponse has the following attributes:

  • body returns body of HTTP response (normally the HTML).

  • headers returns array with headers.

  • cookies returns array with new cookies (cookies from others request are not stored here).

  • httpVersion returns string with HTTP version (from first line in response).

  • code returns the integer with HTTP code.

  • reasonPhrase returns the string with HTTP code response.

  • raw returns the unchanged response from server.

The HttpResponse also exposes the following methods:

  • body() returns the body

  • isOk() returns if code is 200;

  • isRedirect() returns if code is 301, 302, 303 or 307 and the Location header is set.

  • getHeader() allows you to fetch headers, see the next section.

Getting headers from a response

Following others places in core, the HttpSocket does not change the casing of headers. RFC 2616 states that headers are case insensitive, and HttpSocket preserves the values the remote host sends:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:14:16 GMT
server: CakeHttp Server
content-tyPe: text/html

Your $response->headers (or $response['header']) will contain the exact keys sent. In order to safely access the header fields, it’s best to use getHeader(). If your headers looks like:

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:14:16 GMT
server: CakeHttp Server
content-tyPe: text/html

You could fetch the above headers by calling:

// $response is an instance of HttpResponse
// get the Content-Type header.

// get the date

Headers can be fetched case-insensitively.

Automatically handling a redirect response

When the response has a valid redirect status code (see HttpResponse::isRedirect), an extra request can be automatically done according to the received Location header:

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');

$HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$response = $HttpSocket->get('', array(), array('redirect' => true));

The redirect option can take the following values

  • true : all redirecting responses will fire a consequent new request

  • integer : the set value is the maximum number of redirections allowed (after reaching it, the redirect value is considered as false)

  • false (default) : no consequent request will be fired

The returned $response will be the final one, according to the settings.

Handling SSL certificates

When making requests to SSL services HttpSocket will attempt to validate the SSL certifcate using peer validation. If the certificate fails peer validation or does not match the hostname being accessed the connection will fail, and an exception will be thrown. By default HttpSocket will use the mozilla certificate authority file to verify SSL certificates. You can use the following options to configure how SSL certificates are handled:

  • ssl_verify_peer Set to false to disable SSL verification. This is not recommended.

  • ssl_verify_host Set to false if you wish to ignore hostname match errors when validating certificates.

  • ssl_allow_self_signed Set to true to enable self-signed certificates to be accepted. This requires ssl_verify_peer to be enabled.

  • ssl_cafile Set to the absolute path of the Certificate Authority file that you wish to use for verifying SSL certificates.

These options are provided as constructor arguments:

$socket = new HttpSocket(array(
    'ssl_allow_self_signed' => true

Would allow self-signed certificates for all requests made with the created socket.

New in version 2.3: SSL certificate validation was added in 2.3.

Creating a custom response class

You can create your own response class to use with HttpSocket. You could create the file app/Lib/Network/Http/YourResponse.php with the content:

App::uses('HttpResponse', 'Network/Http');

class YourResponse extends HttpResponse {

    public function parseResponse($message) {
        // Make what you want

Before your request you’ll need to change the responseClass property:

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');

$http = new HttpSocket();
$http->responseClass = 'YourResponse';

Changed in version 2.3: As of 2.3.0 you should extend HttpSocketResponse instead. This avoids a common issue with the HTTP PECL extension.

Downloading the results

HttpSocket has a new method called setContentResource(). By setting a resource with this method, the content will be written to this resource, using fwrite(). To you download a file, you can do:

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');

$http = new HttpSocket();
$f = fopen(TMP . 'bakery.xml', 'w');


The headers are not included in file, you will only get the body content written to your resource. To disable saving into the resource, use $http->setContentResource(false).

Using authentication

HttpSocket supports a HTTP Basic and Digest authentication methods out of the box. You can also create custom authentication objects to support protocols like OAuth. To use any authentication system you need to configure the HttpSocket instance:

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');

$http = new HttpSocket();
$http->configAuth('Basic', 'user', 'password');

The above would configure the HttpSocket instance to use Basic authentication using user and password as the credentials.

Creating a custom authentication object

You can now create your own authentication method to use with HttpSocket. You could create the file app/Lib/Network/Http/YourMethodAuthentication.php with the content:

class YourMethodAuthentication {

 * Authentication
 * @param HttpSocket $http
 * @param array $authInfo
 * @return void
    public static function authentication(HttpSocket $http, &$authInfo) {
        // Do something, for example set $http->request['header']['Authentication'] value


To configure HttpSocket to use your auth configuration, you can use the new method configAuth():

$http->configAuth('YourMethod', array('config1' => 'value1', 'config2' => 'value2'));

The authentication() method will be called to append the request headers.

Using a HttpSocket with a proxy

As part of auth configuration, you can configure proxy authentication. You can create your customized method to proxy authentication in the same class of authentication. For example:

class YourMethodAuthentication {

 * Authentication
 * @param HttpSocket $http
 * @param array $authInfo
 * @return void
    public static function authentication(HttpSocket $http, &$authInfo) {
        // Do something, for example set $http->request['header']['Authentication'] value

 * Proxy Authentication
 * @param HttpSocket $http
 * @param array $proxyInfo
 * @return void
    public static function proxyAuthentication(HttpSocket $http, &$proxyInfo) {
        // Do something, for example set $http->request['header']['Proxy-Authentication'] value



To use a proxy, you must call the HttpSocket::configProxy() similar to HttpSocket::configAuth().