This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!


class AuthComponent(ComponentCollection $collection, array $config = [])

Identifying, authenticating, and authorizing users is a common part of almost every web application. In CakePHP AuthComponent provides a pluggable way to do these tasks. AuthComponent allows you to combine authentication objects and authorization objects to create flexible ways of identifying and checking user authorization.

Deprecated since version 4.0.0: The AuthComponent is deprecated as of 4.0.0 and will be replaced by the authorization and authentication plugins.

Suggested Reading Before Continuing

Configuring authentication requires several steps including defining a users table, creating a model, controller & views, etc.

This is all covered step by step in the CMS Tutorial.

If you are looking for existing authentication and/or authorization solutions for CakePHP, have a look at the Authentication and Authorization section of the Awesome CakePHP list.


Authentication is the process of identifying users by provided credentials and ensuring that users are who they say they are. Generally, this is done through a username and password, that are checked against a known list of users. In CakePHP, there are several built-in ways of authenticating users stored in your application.

  • FormAuthenticate allows you to authenticate users based on form POST data. Usually, this is a login form that users enter information into.

  • BasicAuthenticate allows you to authenticate users using Basic HTTP authentication.

  • DigestAuthenticate allows you to authenticate users using Digest HTTP authentication.

By default AuthComponent uses FormAuthenticate.

Choosing an Authentication Type

Generally, you’ll want to offer form based authentication. It is the easiest for users using a web-browser to use. If you are building an API or webservice, you may want to consider basic authentication or digest authentication. The key differences between digest and basic authentication are mostly related to how passwords are handled. In basic authentication, the username and password are transmitted as plain-text to the server. This makes basic authentication un-suitable for applications without SSL, as you would end up exposing sensitive passwords. Digest authentication uses a digest hash of the username, password, and a few other details. This makes digest authentication more appropriate for applications without SSL encryption.

You can also use authentication systems like OpenID as well; however, OpenID is not part of CakePHP core.

Configuring Authentication Handlers

You configure authentication handlers using the authenticate config. You can configure one or many handlers for authentication. Using multiple handlers allows you to support different ways of logging users in. When logging users in, authentication handlers are checked in the order they are declared. Once one handler is able to identify the user, no other handlers will be checked. Conversely, you can halt all authentication by throwing an exception. You will need to catch any thrown exceptions and handle them as needed.

You can configure authentication handlers in your controller’s beforeFilter() or initialize() methods. You can pass configuration information into each authentication object using an array:

// Simple setup
$this->Auth->config('authenticate', ['Form']);

// Pass settings in
$this->Auth->config('authenticate', [
    'Basic' => ['userModel' => 'Members'],
    'Form' => ['userModel' => 'Members']

In the second example, you’ll notice that we had to declare the userModel key twice. To help you keep your code DRY, you can use the all key. This special key allows you to set settings that are passed to every attached object. The all key is also exposed as AuthComponent::ALL:

// Pass settings in using 'all'
$this->Auth->config('authenticate', [
    AuthComponent::ALL => ['userModel' => 'Members'],

In the above example, both Form and Basic will get the settings defined for the ‘all’ key. Any settings passed to a specific authentication object will override the matching key in the ‘all’ key. The core authentication objects support the following configuration keys.

  • fields The fields to use to identify a user by. You can use keys username and password to specify your username and password fields respectively.

  • userModel The model name of the users table; defaults to Users.

  • finder The finder method to use to fetch a user record. Defaults to ‘all’.

  • passwordHasher Password hasher class; Defaults to Default.

  • The scope and contain options have been deprecated as of 3.1. Use a custom finder instead to modify the query to fetch a user record.

  • The userFields option has been deprecated as of 3.1. Use select() in your custom finder.

To configure different fields for user in your initialize() method:

public function initialize()
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'authenticate' => [
            'Form' => [
                'fields' => ['username' => 'email', 'password' => 'passwd']

Do not put other Auth configuration keys, such as authError, loginAction, etc., within the authenticate or Form element. They should be at the same level as the authenticate key. The setup above with other Auth configuration should look like:

public function initialize()
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'loginAction' => [
            'controller' => 'Users',
            'action' => 'login',
            'plugin' => 'Users'
        'authError' => 'Did you really think you are allowed to see that?',
        'authenticate' => [
            'Form' => [
                'fields' => ['username' => 'email']
        'storage' => 'Session'

In addition to the common configuration, Basic authentication supports the following keys:

  • realm The realm being authenticated. Defaults to env('SERVER_NAME').

In addition to the common configuration Digest authentication supports the following keys:

  • realm The realm authentication is for. Defaults to the servername.

  • nonce A nonce used for authentication. Defaults to uniqid().

  • qop Defaults to auth; no other values are supported at this time.

  • opaque A string that must be returned unchanged by clients. Defaults to md5($config['realm']).


To find the user record, the database is queried only using the username. The password check is done in PHP. This is necessary because hashing algorithms like bcrypt (which is used by default) generate a new hash each time, even for the same string and you can’t just do simple string comparison in SQL to check if the password matches.

Customizing Find Query

You can customize the query used to fetch the user record using the finder option in authenticate class config:

public function initialize()
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'authenticate' => [
            'Form' => [
                'finder' => 'auth'

This will require your UsersTable to have finder method findAuth(). In the example shown below the query is modified to fetch only required fields and add a condition. You must ensure that you select the fields you need to authenticate a user, such as username and password:

public function findAuth(\Cake\ORM\Query $query, array $options)
        ->select(['id', 'username', 'password'])
        ->where(['' => 1]);

    return $query;


finder option is available since 3.1. Prior to that you can use scope and contain options to modify a query.

Identifying Users and Logging Them In


You need to manually call $this->Auth->identify() to identify the user using credentials provided in request. Then use $this->Auth->setUser() to log the user in, i.e., save user info to session.

When authenticating users, attached authentication objects are checked in the order they are attached. Once one of the objects can identify the user, no other objects are checked. A sample login function for working with a login form could look like:

public function login()
    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
        $user = $this->Auth->identify();
        if ($user) {
            return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl());
        } else {
            $this->Flash->error(__('Username or password is incorrect'));

The above code will attempt to first identify a user by using the POST data. If successful we set the user info to the session so that it persists across requests and then redirect to either the last page they were visiting or a URL specified in the loginRedirect config. If the login is unsuccessful, a flash message is set.


$this->Auth->setUser($data) will log the user in with whatever data is passed to the method. It won’t actually check the credentials against an authentication class.

Redirecting Users After Login


After logging a user in, you’ll generally want to redirect them back to where they came from. Pass a URL in to set the destination a user should be redirected to after logging in.

If no parameter is passed, the returned URL will use the following rules:

  • Returns the normalized URL from the redirect query string value if it is present and for the same domain the current app is running on. Before 3.4.0, the Auth.redirect session value was used.

  • If there is no query string/session value and there is a config with loginRedirect, the loginRedirect value is returned.

  • If there is no redirect value and no loginRedirect, / is returned.

Creating Stateless Authentication Systems

Basic and digest are stateless authentication schemes and don’t require an initial POST or a form. If using only basic/digest authenticators you don’t require a login action in your controller. Stateless authentication will re-verify the user’s credentials on each request, this creates a small amount of additional overhead, but allows clients to login without using cookies and makes AuthComponent more suitable for building APIs.

For stateless authenticators, the storage config should be set to Memory so that AuthComponent does not use a session to store user record. You may also want to set config unauthorizedRedirect to false so that AuthComponent throws a ForbiddenException instead of the default behavior of redirecting to referrer.

The unauthorizedRedirect option only applies to authenticated users. When a user is not yet authenticated and you do not want the user to be redirected, you will need to load one or more stateless authenticators, like Basic or Digest.

Authentication objects can implement a getUser() method that can be used to support user login systems that don’t rely on cookies. A typical getUser method looks at the request/environment and uses the information there to confirm the identity of the user. HTTP Basic authentication for example uses $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] for the username and password fields.


In case authentication does not work like expected, check if queries are executed at all (see BaseAuthenticate::_query($username)). In case no queries are executed check if $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] do get populated by the webserver. If you are using Apache with FastCGI-PHP you might need to add this line to your .htaccess file in webroot:

RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

On each request, these values, PHP_AUTH_USER and PHP_AUTH_PW, are used to re-identify the user and ensure they are the valid user. As with authentication object’s authenticate() method, the getUser() method should return an array of user information on the success or false on failure.

public function getUser(ServerRequest $request)
    $username = env('PHP_AUTH_USER');
    $pass = env('PHP_AUTH_PW');

    if (empty($username) || empty($pass)) {
        return false;
    return $this->_findUser($username, $pass);

The above is how you could implement the getUser method for HTTP basic authentication. The _findUser() method is part of BaseAuthenticate and identifies a user based on a username and password.

Using Basic Authentication

Basic authentication allows you to create a stateless authentication that can be used in intranet applications or for simple API scenarios. Basic authentication credentials will be rechecked on each request.


Basic authentication transmits credentials in plain-text. You should use HTTPS when using Basic authentication.

To use basic authentication, you’ll need to configure AuthComponent:

$this->loadComponent('Auth', [
    'authenticate' => [
        'Basic' => [
            'fields' => ['username' => 'username', 'password' => 'api_key'],
            'userModel' => 'Users'
    'storage' => 'Memory',
    'unauthorizedRedirect' => false

Here we’re using username + API key as our fields and use the Users model.

Creating API Keys for Basic Authentication

Because basic HTTP sends credentials in plain-text, it is unwise to have users send their login password. Instead, an opaque API key is generally used. You can generate these API tokens randomly using libraries from CakePHP:

namespace App\Model\Table;

use Cake\Auth\DefaultPasswordHasher;
use Cake\Utility\Text;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\Utility\Security;

class UsersTable extends Table
    public function beforeSave(Event $event)
        $entity = $event->getData('entity');

        if ($entity->isNew()) {
            $hasher = new DefaultPasswordHasher();

            // Generate an API 'token'
            $entity->api_key_plain = Security::hash(Security::randomBytes(32), 'sha256', false);

            // Bcrypt the token so BasicAuthenticate can check
            // it during login.
            $entity->api_key = $hasher->hash($entity->api_key_plain);
        return true;

The above generates a random hash for each user as they are saved. The above code assumes you have two columns api_key - to store the hashed API key, and api_key_plain - to the plaintext version of the API key, so we can display it to the user later on. Using a key instead of a password means that even over plain HTTP, your users can use an opaque token instead of their original password. It is also wise to include logic allowing API keys to be regenerated at a user’s request.

Using Digest Authentication

Digest authentication offers an improved security model over basic authentication, as the user’s credentials are never sent in the request header. Instead, a hash is sent.

To use digest authentication, you’ll need to configure AuthComponent:

$this->loadComponent('Auth', [
    'authenticate' => [
        'Digest' => [
            'fields' => ['username' => 'username', 'password' => 'digest_hash'],
            'userModel' => 'Users'
    'storage' => 'Memory',
    'unauthorizedRedirect' => false

Here we’re using username + digest_hash as our fields and use the Users model.

Hashing Passwords For Digest Authentication

Because Digest authentication requires a password hashed in the format defined by the RFC, in order to correctly hash a password for use with Digest authentication you should use the special password hashing function on DigestAuthenticate. If you are going to be combining digest authentication with any other authentication strategies, it’s also recommended that you store the digest password in a separate column, from the normal password hash:

namespace App\Model\Table;

use Cake\Auth\DigestAuthenticate;
use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\ORM\Table;

class UsersTable extends Table
    public function beforeSave(Event $event)
        $entity = $event->getData('entity');

        // Make a password for digest auth.
        $entity->digest_hash = DigestAuthenticate::password(
        return true;

Passwords for digest authentication need a bit more information than other password hashes, based on the RFC for digest authentication.


The third parameter of DigestAuthenticate::password() must match the ‘realm’ config value defined when DigestAuthentication was configured in AuthComponent::$authenticate. This defaults to env('SCRIPT_NAME'). You may wish to use a static string if you want consistent hashes in multiple environments.

Creating Custom Authentication Objects

Because authentication objects are pluggable, you can create custom authentication objects in your application or plugins. If for example, you wanted to create an OpenID authentication object. In src/Auth/OpenidAuthenticate.php you could put the following:

namespace App\Auth;

use Cake\Auth\BaseAuthenticate;
use Cake\Http\ServerRequest;
use Cake\Http\Response;

class OpenidAuthenticate extends BaseAuthenticate
    public function authenticate(ServerRequest $request, Response $response)
        // Do things for OpenID here.
        // Return an array of user if they could authenticate the user,
        // return false if not.

Authentication objects should return false if they cannot identify the user and an array of user information if they can. It’s not required that you extend BaseAuthenticate, only that your authentication object implements Cake\Event\EventListenerInterface. The BaseAuthenticate class provides a number of helpful methods that are commonly used. You can also implement a getUser() method if your authentication object needs to support stateless or cookie-less authentication. See the sections on basic and digest authentication below for more information.

AuthComponent triggers two events, Auth.afterIdentify and Auth.logout, after a user has been identified and before a user is logged out respectively. You can set callback functions for these events by returning a mapping array from implementedEvents() method of your authenticate class:

public function implementedEvents()
    return [
        'Auth.afterIdentify' => 'afterIdentify',
        'Auth.logout' => 'logout'

Using Custom Authentication Objects

Once you’ve created your custom authentication objects, you can use them by including them in AuthComponent’s authenticate array:

$this->Auth->config('authenticate', [
    'Openid', // app authentication object.
    'AuthBag.Openid', // plugin authentication object.


Note that when using simple notation there’s no ‘Authenticate’ word when initiating the authentication object. Instead, if using namespaces, you’ll need to set the full namespace of the class, including the ‘Authenticate’ word.

Handling Unauthenticated Requests

When an unauthenticated user tries to access a protected page first the unauthenticated() method of the last authenticator in the chain is called. The authenticate object can handle sending response or redirection by returning a response object to indicate no further action is necessary. Due to this, the order in which you specify the authentication provider in authenticate config matters.

If authenticator returns null, AuthComponent redirects user to the login action. If it’s an AJAX request and config ajaxLogin is specified that element is rendered else a 403 HTTP status code is returned.

Hashing Passwords

You are responsible for hashing the passwords before they are persisted to the database, the easiest way is to use a setter function in your User entity:

namespace App\Model\Entity;

use Cake\Auth\DefaultPasswordHasher;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;

class User extends Entity
    // ...

    protected function _setPassword($password)
        if (strlen($password) > 0) {
          return (new DefaultPasswordHasher)->hash($password);

    // ...

AuthComponent is configured by default to use the DefaultPasswordHasher when validating user credentials so no additional configuration is required in order to authenticate users.

DefaultPasswordHasher uses the bcrypt hashing algorithm internally, which is one of the stronger password hashing solutions used in the industry. While it is recommended that you use this password hasher class, the case may be that you are managing a database of users whose password was hashed differently.

Creating Custom Password Hasher Classes

In order to use a different password hasher, you need to create the class in src/Auth/LegacyPasswordHasher.php and implement the hash() and check() methods. This class needs to extend the AbstractPasswordHasher class:

namespace App\Auth;

use Cake\Auth\AbstractPasswordHasher;

class LegacyPasswordHasher extends AbstractPasswordHasher
    public function hash($password)
        return sha1($password);

    public function check($password, $hashedPassword)
        return sha1($password) === $hashedPassword;

Then you are required to configure the AuthComponent to use your own password hasher:

public function initialize()
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'authenticate' => [
            'Form' => [
                'passwordHasher' => [
                    'className' => 'Legacy',

Supporting legacy systems is a good idea, but it is even better to keep your database with the latest security advancements. The following section will explain how to migrate from one hashing algorithm to CakePHP’s default.

Changing Hashing Algorithms

CakePHP provides a clean way to migrate your users’ passwords from one algorithm to another, this is achieved through the FallbackPasswordHasher class. Assuming you are migrating your app from CakePHP 2.x which uses sha1 password hashes, you can configure the AuthComponent as follows:

public function initialize()
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
        'authenticate' => [
            'Form' => [
                'passwordHasher' => [
                    'className' => 'Fallback',
                    'hashers' => [
                        'Weak' => ['hashType' => 'sha1']

The first name appearing in the hashers key indicates which of the classes is the preferred one, but it will fallback to the others in the list if the check was unsuccessful.

When using the WeakPasswordHasher you will need to set the Security.salt configure the value to ensure passwords are salted.

In order to update old users’ passwords on the fly, you can change the login function accordingly:

public function login()
    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
        $user = $this->Auth->identify();
        if ($user) {
            if ($this->Auth->authenticationProvider()->needsPasswordRehash()) {
                $user = $this->Users->get($this->Auth->user('id'));
                $user->password = $this->request->getData('password');
            return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl());

As you can see we are just setting the plain password again so the setter function in the entity will hash the password as shown in the previous example and then save the entity.

Manually Logging Users In

AuthComponent::setUser(array $user)

Sometimes the need arises where you need to manually log a user in, such as just after they registered for your application. You can do this by calling $this->Auth->setUser() with the user data you want to ‘login’:

public function register()
    $user = $this->Users->newEntity($this->request->getData());
    if ($this->Users->save($user)) {
        return $this->redirect([
            'controller' => 'Users',
            'action' => 'home'


Be sure to manually add the new User id to the array passed to the setUser() method. Otherwise, you won’t have the user id available.

Accessing the Logged In User

AuthComponent::user($key = null)

Once a user is logged in, you will often need some particular information about the current user. You can access the currently logged in user using the following

// From inside a controller or other component.

If the current user is not logged in or the key doesn’t exist, null will be returned.

Logging Users Out


Eventually, you’ll want a quick way to de-authenticate someone and redirect them to where they need to go. This method is also useful if you want to provide a ‘Log me out’ link inside a members’ area of your application:

public function logout()
    return $this->redirect($this->Auth->logout());

Logging out users that logged in with Digest or Basic auth is difficult to accomplish for all clients. Most browsers will retain credentials for the duration they are still open. Some clients can be forced to logout by sending a 401 status code. Changing the authentication realm is another solution that works for some clients.

Deciding When to run Authentication

In some cases you may want to use $this->Auth->user() in the beforeFilter(Event $event) method. This is achievable by using the checkAuthIn config key. The following changes which event for which initial authentication checks should be done:

//Set up AuthComponent to authenticate in initialize()
$this->Auth->config('checkAuthIn', 'Controller.initialize');

Default value for checkAuthIn is 'Controller.startup' - but by using 'Controller.initialize' initial authentication is done before beforeFilter() method.


Authorization is the process of ensuring that an identified/authenticated user is allowed to access the resources they are requesting. If enabled AuthComponent can automatically check authorization handlers and ensure that logged in users are allowed to access the resources they are requesting. There are several built-in authorization handlers and you can create custom ones for your application or as part of a plugin.

  • ControllerAuthorize Calls isAuthorized() on the active controller, and uses the return of that to authorize a user. This is often the most simple way to authorize users.


The ActionsAuthorize & CrudAuthorize adapter available in CakePHP 2.x have now been moved to a separate plugin cakephp/acl.

Configuring Authorization Handlers

You configure authorization handlers using the authorize config key. You can configure one or many handlers for authorization. Using multiple handlers allows you to support different ways of checking authorization. When authorization handlers are checked, they will be called in the order they are declared. Handlers should return false, if they are unable to check authorization, or the check has failed. Handlers should return true if they were able to check authorization successfully. Handlers will be called in sequence until one passes. If all checks fail, the user will be redirected to the page they came from. Additionally, you can halt all authorization by throwing an exception. You will need to catch any thrown exceptions and handle them.

You can configure authorization handlers in your controller’s beforeFilter() or initialize() methods. You can pass configuration information into each authorization object, using an array:

// Basic setup
$this->Auth->config('authorize', ['Controller']);

// Pass settings in
$this->Auth->config('authorize', [
    'Actions' => ['actionPath' => 'controllers/'],

Much like authenticate, authorize, helps you keep your code DRY, by using the all key. This special key allows you to set settings that are passed to every attached object. The all key is also exposed as AuthComponent::ALL:

// Pass settings in using 'all'
$this->Auth->config('authorize', [
    AuthComponent::ALL => ['actionPath' => 'controllers/'],

In the above example, both the Actions and Controller will get the settings defined for the ‘all’ key. Any settings passed to a specific authorization object will override the matching key in the ‘all’ key.

If an authenticated user tries to go to a URL they are not authorized to access, they will be redirected back to the referrer. If you do not want such redirection (mostly needed when using stateless authentication adapter) you can set config option unauthorizedRedirect to false. This causes AuthComponent to throw a ForbiddenException instead of redirecting.

Creating Custom Authorize Objects

Because authorize objects are pluggable, you can create custom authorize objects in your application or plugins. If for example, you wanted to create an LDAP authorize object. In src/Auth/LdapAuthorize.php you could put the following:

namespace App\Auth;

use Cake\Auth\BaseAuthorize;
use Cake\Http\ServerRequest;

class LdapAuthorize extends BaseAuthorize
    public function authorize($user, ServerRequest $request)
        // Do things for ldap here.

Authorize objects should return false if the user is denied access, or if the object is unable to perform a check. If the object is able to verify the user’s access, true should be returned. It’s not required that you extend BaseAuthorize, only that your authorize object implements an authorize() method. The BaseAuthorize class provides a number of helpful methods that are commonly used.

Using Custom Authorize Objects

Once you’ve created your custom authorize object, you can use them by including them in your AuthComponent’s authorize array:

$this->Auth->config('authorize', [
    'Ldap', // app authorize object.
    'AuthBag.Combo', // plugin authorize object.

Using No Authorization

If you’d like to not use any of the built-in authorization objects and want to handle things entirely outside of AuthComponent, you can set $this->Auth->config('authorize', false);. By default AuthComponent starts off with authorize set to false. If you don’t use an authorization scheme, make sure to check authorization yourself in your controller’s beforeFilter() or with another component.

Making Actions Public

AuthComponent::allow($actions = null)

There are often times controller actions that you wish to remain entirely public or that don’t require users to be logged in. AuthComponent is pessimistic and defaults to denying access. You can mark actions as public actions by using AuthComponent::allow(). By marking actions as public, AuthComponent will not check for a logged in user nor will authorize objects to be checked:

// Allow all actions

// Allow only the index action.

// Allow only the view and index actions.
$this->Auth->allow(['view', 'index']);

By calling it empty you allow all actions to be public. For a single action, you can provide the action name as a string. Otherwise, use an array.


You should not add the “login” action of your UsersController to allow list. Doing so would cause problems with the normal functioning of AuthComponent.

Making Actions Require Authorization

AuthComponent::deny($actions = null)

By default all actions require authorization. However, after making actions public you want to revoke the public access. You can do so using AuthComponent::deny():

// Deny all actions.

// Deny one action

// Deny a group of actions.
$this->Auth->deny(['add', 'edit']);

By calling it empty you deny all actions. For a single action, you can provide the action name as a string. Otherwise, use an array.

Using ControllerAuthorize

ControllerAuthorize allows you to handle authorization checks in a controller callback. This is ideal when you have very simple authorization or you need to use a combination of models and components to do your authorization and don’t want to create a custom authorize object.

The callback is always called isAuthorized() and it should return a boolean as to whether or not the user is allowed to access resources in the request. The callback is passed the active user so it can be checked:

class AppController extends Controller
    public function initialize()
        $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
            'authorize' => 'Controller',

    public function isAuthorized($user = null)
        // Any registered user can access public functions
        if (!$this->request->getParam('prefix')) {
            return true;

        // Only admins can access admin functions
        if ($this->request->getParam('prefix') === 'admin') {
            return (bool)($user['role'] === 'admin');

        // Default deny
        return false;

The above callback would provide a very simple authorization system where only users with role = admin could access actions that were in the admin prefix.

Configuration options

The following settings can all be defined either in your controller’s initialize() method or using $this->Auth->config() in your beforeFilter():


The name of an optional view element to render when an AJAX request is made with an invalid or expired session.


Controller actions for which user validation is not required.


Set to an array of Authentication objects you want to use when logging users in. There are several core authentication objects; see the section on Suggested Reading Before Continuing.


Error to display when user attempts to access an object or action to which they do not have access.

You can suppress authError message from being displayed by setting this value to boolean false.


Set to an array of Authorization objects you want to use when authorizing users on each request; see the section on Authorization.


Settings to use when Auth needs to do a flash message with FlashComponent::set(). Available keys are:

  • element - The element to use; defaults to ‘default’.

  • key - The key to use; defaults to ‘auth’.

  • params - The array of additional parameters to use; defaults to ‘[]’.


A URL (defined as a string or array) to the controller action that handles logins. Defaults to /users/login.


The URL (defined as a string or array) to the controller action users should be redirected to after logging in. This value will be ignored if the user has an Auth.redirect value in their session.


The default action to redirect to after the user is logged out. While AuthComponent does not handle post-logout redirection, a redirect URL will be returned from AuthComponent::logout(). Defaults to loginAction.


Controls handling of unauthorized access. By default unauthorized user is redirected to the referrer URL or loginAction or ‘/’. If set to false, a ForbiddenException exception is thrown instead of redirecting.


Storage class to use for persisting user record. When using stateless authenticator you should set this to Memory. Defaults to Session. You can pass config options to storage class using array format. For e.g. to use a custom session key you can set storage to ['className' => 'Session', 'key' => 'Auth.Admin'].


Name of the event in which initial auth checks should be done. Defaults to Controller.startup. You can set it to Controller.initialize if you want the check to be done before controller’s beforeFilter() method is run.

You can get current configuration values by calling $this->Auth->config():: only the configuration option:



This is useful if you want to redirect a user to the login route for example. Without a parameter, the full configuration will be returned.

Testing Actions Protected By AuthComponent

See the Testing Actions That Require Authentication section for tips on how to test controller actions that are protected by AuthComponent.