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Error Handling

In the event of an unrecoverable error in your application, it is common to stop processing and show an error page to the user. To save you from having to code error handling for this in each of your controllers and components, you can use the provided method:

$this->cakeError(string $errorType [, array $parameters]);

Calling this method will show an error page to the user and halt any further processing in your application.

parameters must be an array of strings. If the array contains objects (including Exception objects), they will be cast into strings.

CakePHP pre-defines a set of error-types, but at the time of writing, most are only really useful by the framework itself. One that is more useful to the application developer is the good old 404 error. This can be called with no parameters as follows:


Or alternatively, you can cause the page to report the error was at a specific URL by passing the url parameter:

$this->cakeError('error404', array('url' => 'some/other.url'));

This all starts being a lot more useful by extending the error handler to use your own error-types. Application error handlers are largely like controller actions; You typically will set() any passed parameters to be available to the view and then render a view file from your app/views/errors directory.

Create a file app/app_error.php with the following definition.

class AppError extends ErrorHandler {

Handlers for new error-types can be implemented by adding methods to this class. Simply create a new method with the name you want to use as your error-type.

Let’s say we have an application that writes a number of files to disk and that it is appropriate to report write errors to the user. We don’t want to add code for this all over the different parts of our application, so this is a great case for using a new error type.

Add a new method to your AppError class. We’ll take one parameter called file that will be the path to the file we failed to write.

function cannotWriteFile($params) {
  $this->controller->set('file', $params['file']);

Create the view in app/views/errors/cannot_write_file.ctp

<h2>Unable to write file</h2>
<p>Could not write file <?php echo $file ?> to the disk.</p>

and throw the error in your controller/component

$this->cakeError('cannotWriteFile', array('file'=>'somefilename'));

The default implementation of $this->_outputMessage(<view-filename>) will just display the view in views/errors/<view-filename>.ctp. If you wish to override this behaviour, you can redefine _outputMessage($template) in your AppError class.