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Der Time Helper tut das, was der Name verspricht: Er spart dir Zeit. Er kann zeitbezogenen Informationen schnell verarbeiten. Der Time Helper hat zwei Hauptaufgaben:
Formatieren von Zeit-Strings
Testen von Zeit-Strings (aber er kann die Zeit nicht verbiegen, sorry).
fromString( $date_string )
fromString takes a string and uses strtotime to convert it into a date object. If the string passed in is a number then it’ll convert it into an integer, being the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). Passing in a string of „20081231“ will create undesired results as it will covert it to the number of seconds from the Epoch, in this case „Fri, Aug 21st 1970, 06:07“
toQuarter( $date_string, $range = false )
toQuarterwill return 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on what quarter of the year the date falls in. If range is set to true, a two element array will be returned with start and end dates in the format „2008-03-31“.
toUnix( $date_string )
toUnix is a wrapper for fromString.
toAtom( $date_string )
toAtom return a date string in the Atom format „2008-01-12T00:00:00Z“
toRSS( $date_string )
toRSS returns a date string in the RSS format „Sat, 12 Jan 2008 00:00:00 -0500“
nice( $date_string = null )
nice takes a date string and outputs it in the format „Tue, Jan 1st 2008, 19:25“.
niceShort( $date_string = null )
niceShort takes a date string and outputs it in the format „Jan 1st 2008, 19:25“. If the date object is today, the format will be „Today, 19:25“. If the date object is yesterday, the format will be „Yesterday, 19:25“.
daysAsSql( $begin, $end, $fieldName, $userOffset = NULL )
daysAsSql returns a string in the format „($field_name >= ‚2008-01-21 00:00:00‘) AND ($field_name <= ‚2008-01-25 23:59:59‘)“. This is handy if you need to search for records between two dates inclusively.
dayAsSql( $date_string, $field_name )
dayAsSql creates a string in the same format as daysAsSql but only needs a single date object.
timeAgoInWords( $datetime_string, $options = array(), $backwards = null )
timeAgoInWords will take a datetime string (anything that is parsable by PHP’s strtotime() function or MySQL’s datetime format) and convert it into a friendly word format like, „3 weeks, 3 days ago“. Passing in true for $backwards will specifically declare the time is set in the future, which uses the format „on 31/12/08“.
Option |
Description |
format |
a date format; default „on 31/12/08“ |
end |
determines the cutoff point in which it no longer uses words and uses the date format instead; default „+1 month“ |
relativeTime( $date_string, $format = 'j/n/y' )
relativeTime is essentially an alias for timeAgoInWords.
gmt( $date_string = null )
gmt will return the date as an integer set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
format( $format = 'd-m-Y', $date_string)
format is a wrapper for the PHP date function.
Function |
Format |
nice |
Tue, Jan 1st 2008, 19:25 |
niceShort |
daysAsSql |
($field_name >= ‚2008-01-21 00:00:00‘) AND ($field_name <= ‚2008-01-25 23:59:59‘) |
dayAsSql |
($field_name >= ‚2008-01-21 00:00:00‘) AND ($field_name <= ‚2008-01-21 23:59:59‘) |
gmt |
1200787200 |
Jede der obigen Funktionen gibt den Wert true oder false zurück, wenn eine Datum-Zeichenkette übergeben wurde. wasWithinLast hat einen weiteren Parameter $time_interval:
wasWithinLast( $time_interval, $date_string )
wasWithinLast übernimmt ein Zeit Intervall im Format „3 months“ und akzeptiert „seconds„, „minutes„, „hours„, „days„, „weeks„, „months“ und „years“ (Ein- und Mehrzahl). Wenn ein Wert nicht erkannt wird (z.B. vertippt), wird der default-Wert „days“ angenommen.