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Die CakePHP Konsole

This section provides an introduction into CakePHP at the command-line. If you’ve ever needed access to your CakePHP MVC classes in a cron job or other command-line script, this section is for you.

PHP provides a powerful CLI client that makes interfacing with your file system and applications much smoother. The CakePHP console provides a framework for creating shell scripts. The Console uses a dispatcher-type setup to load a shell or task, and hand it its parameters.

A command-line (cli) build of PHP must be available on the system if you plan to use the Console.

Before we get into specifics, let’s make sure we can run the CakePHP Console. First, you’ll need to bring up a system shell. The examples shown in this section will be in bash, but the CakePHP Console is Windows-compatible as well. Let’s execute the Console program from bash. This example assumes that the user is currently logged into a bash prompt and is currently at the root of a CakePHP installation.

You can technically run the console using something like this:

$ cd /my/cake/app_folder
$ ../cake/console/cake

But the preferred usage is adding the console directory to your path so you can use the cake command anywhere:

$ cake

Running the Console with no arguments produces this help message:

Hello user,

Welcome to CakePHP v1.2 Console
Current Paths:
 -working: /path/to/cake/
 -root: /path/to/cake/
 -app: /path/to/cake/app/
 -core: /path/to/cake/

Changing Paths:
your working path should be the same as your application path
to change your path use the '-app' param.
Example: -app relative/path/to/myapp or -app /absolute/path/to/myapp

Available Shells:

         - none

         - none


To run a command, type 'cake shell_name [args]'
To get help on a specific command, type 'cake shell_name help'

The first information printed relates to paths. This is especially helpful if you’re running the Console from different parts of the filesystem.

Many users add the CakePHP Console to their system’s path so it can be accessed easily. Printing out the working, root, app, and core paths allows you to see where the Console will be making changes. To change the app folder you wish to work with, you can supply its path as the first argument to the cake command. This next example shows how to specify an app folder, assuming you’ve already added the console folder to your PATH:

$ cake -app /path/to/app

The path supplied can be relative to the current working directory or supplied as an absolute path.

Creating Shells & Tasks

Creating Your Own Shells

Let’s create a shell for use in the Console. For this example, we’ll create a ‘report‘ shell that prints out some model data. First, create report.php in /vendors/shells/.

class ReportShell extends Shell {
    function main() {}

From this point, we can run the shell, but it won’t do much. Let’s add some models to the shell so that we can create a report of some sort. This is done just as it is in the controller: by adding the names of models to the $uses variable.

class ReportShell extends Shell {
    var $uses = array('Order');

    function main() {

Once we’ve added our model to the $uses array, we can use it in the main() method. In this example, our Order model should now be accessible as $this->Order in the main() method of our new shell.

Here’s a simple example of the logic we might use in this shell:

class ReportShell extends Shell {
    var $uses = array('Order');
    function main() {
        //Get orders shipped in the last    month
        $month_ago = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',    strtotime('-1 month'));
        $orders =    $this->Order->find("all",array('conditions'=>"Order.shipped >= '$month_ago'"));

        //Print out each order's information
        foreach($orders as $order) {
            $this->out('Order date:  ' .    $order['Order']['created'] . "\n");
            $this->out('Amount: $' .    number_format($order['Order']['amount'], 2) . "\n");
            $this->out('----------------------------------------' .    "\n");

            $total += $order['Order']['amount'];

        //Print out total for the selected orders
        $this->out("Total: $" .    number_format($total, 2) . "\n");

You would be able to run this report by executing this command (if the cake command is in your PATH):

$ cake report

where report is the name of the shell file in /vendor/shells/ without the .php extension. This should yield something like:

Hello user,
   Welcome to    CakePHP v1.2 Console
   App : app
   Path:    /path/to/cake/app
   Order date:    2007-07-30 10:31:12
   Amount:    $42.78
   Order date:    2007-07-30 21:16:03
   Amount:    $83.63
   Order date:    2007-07-29 15:52:42
   Amount:    $423.26
   Order date:    2007-07-29 01:42:22
   Amount:    $134.52
   Order date:    2007-07-29 01:40:52
   Amount:    $183.56
   Total:    $867.75


Tasks are small extensions to shells. They allow logic to be shared between shells, and are added to shells by using the special $tasks class variable. For example in the core bake shell, there are a number of tasks defined:

class BakeShell extends Shell {
   var $tasks = array('Project', 'DbConfig', 'Model', 'View', 'Controller');

Tasks are stored in /vendors/shells/tasks/ in files named after their classes. So if we were to create a new ‘cool’ task. Class CoolTask (which extends Shell) would be placed in /vendors/shells/tasks/cool.php. Class VeryCoolTask (which extends Shell) would be placed in /vendors/shells/tasks/very_cool.php.

Each task must at least implement an execute() method - shells will call this method to start the task logic.

class SoundTask extends Shell {
   var $uses = array('Model'); // same as controller var $uses
   function execute() {}

You can access tasks inside your shell classes and execute them there:

class SeaShell extends Shell { // found in /vendors/shells/sea.php
   var $tasks = array('Sound'); //found in /vendors/shells/tasks/sound.php
   function main() {

You can also access tasks directly from the command line:

$ cake sea sound

In order to access tasks directly from the command line, the task must be included in the shell class‘ $tasks property. Therefore, be warned that a method called “sound” in the SeaShell class would override the ability to access the functionality in the Sound task specified in the $tasks array.

Running Shells as cronjobs

A common thing to do with a shell is making it run as a cronjob to clean up the database once in a while or send newsletters. However, when you have added the console path to the PATH variable via ~/.profile, it will be unavailable to the cronjob.

The following BASH script will call your shell and append the needed paths to $PATH. Copy and save this to your vendors folder as ‚cakeshell‘ and don’t forget to make it executable. (chmod +x cakeshell)

export TERM
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
    if [ "$1" = "-cli" ] || [ "$1" = "-console" ]; then
        cmd="${cmd} $1"

You can call it like:

$ ./vendors/cakeshell myshell myparam -cli /usr/bin -console /cakes/1.2.x.x/cake/console

The -cli parameter takes a path which points to the php cli executable and the -console parameter takes a path which points to the CakePHP console.

As a cronjob this would look like:

# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 *   *   *   * /full/path/to/cakeshell myshell myparam -cli /usr/bin -console /cakes/1.2.x.x/cake/console -app /full/path/to/app

A simple trick to debug a crontab is to set it up to dump it’s output to a logfile. You can do this like:

# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 *   *   *   * /full/path/to/cakeshell myshell myparam -cli /usr/bin -console /cakes/1.2.x.x/cake/console -app /full/path/to/app >> /path/to/log/file.log