This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!
While most of your day-to-day work in CakePHP will be utilizing core classes and methods, CakePHP features a number of global convenience functions that may come in handy. Many of these functions are for use with CakePHP classes (loading model or component classes), but many others make working with arrays or strings a little easier.
We’ll also cover some of the constants available in CakePHP applications. Using these constants will help make upgrades more smooth, but are also convenient ways to point to certain files or directories in your CakePHP application.
Here are CakePHP’s globally available functions. Many of them are
convenience wrappers for long-named PHP functions, but some of them
(like uses()
) can be used to include code or perform other useful
functions. Chances are if you’re constantly wanting a function to
accomplish an oft-used task, it’s here.
__(string $string_id, boolean $return = false)
This function handles localization in CakePHP applications. The
identifies the ID for a translation, and the second
parameter allows you to have the function automatically echo the string
(the default behavior), or return it for further processing (pass a
boolean true to enable this behavior).
Check out the Internationalization & Localization section for more information.
a(mixed $one, $two, $three...)
Returns an array of the parameters used to call the wrapping function.
print_r(a('foo', 'bar'));
// output:
[0] => 'foo',
[1] => 'bar'
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version. Use array() instead.
aa(string $one, $two, $three...)
Used to create associative arrays formed from the parameters used to call the wrapping function.
// output:
'a' => 'b'
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version.
am(array $one, $two, $three...)
Merges all the arrays passed as parameters and returns the merged array.
$arrTest1 = array('1'=>'Test1','2'=>'Test2');
$arrTest2 = array('4'=>'Test4','5'=>'Test5');
$arrFinal = am($arrTest1,$arrTest2);
Output :
[0] => Test1
[1] => Test2
[2] => Test4
[3] => Test5
am() is similar to array_merge
Can be used to load files from your application config
-folder via
include_once. Function checks for existance before include and returns
boolean. Takes an optional number of arguments.
Example: config('some_file', 'myconfig');
convertSlash(string $string)
Converts forward slashes to underscores and removes the first and last underscores in a string. Returns the converted string.
debug(mixed $var, boolean $showHtml = false)
If the application’s DEBUG level is non-zero, $var is printed out. If
is true, the data is rendered to be browser-friendly.
Also see Basic Debugging
e(mixed $data)
Convenience wrapper for echo()
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version. Use echo() instead
env(string $key)
Gets an environment variable from available sources. Used as a backup if
or $_ENV
are disabled.
This function also emulates PHP_SELF and DOCUMENT_ROOT on unsupporting
servers. In fact, it’s a good idea to always use env()
instead of
or getenv()
(especially if you plan to distribute the
code), since it’s a full emulation wrapper.
fileExistsInPath(string $file)
Checks to make sure that the supplied file is within the current PHP include_path. Returns a boolean result.
h(string $text, string $charset = null)
Convenience wrapper for htmlspecialchars()
ife($condition, $ifNotEmpty, $ifEmpty)
Used for ternary-like operations. If the $condition
is non-empty,
is returned, else $ifEmpty
is returned.
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version.
low(string $string)
Convenience wrapper for strtolower()
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version. Use strtolower() instead
pr(mixed $var)
Convenience wrapper for print_r()
, with the addition of wrapping
<pre> tags around the output.
r(string $search, string $replace, string $subject)
Convenience wrapper for str_replace()
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version. Use str_replace() instead
stripslashes_deep(array $value)
Recursively strips slashes from the supplied $value
. Returns the
modified array.
up(string $string)
Convenience wrapper for strtoupper()
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version. Use strtoupper() instead
uses(string $lib1, $lib2, $lib3...)
Used to load CakePHP’s core libraries (found in cake/libs/). Supply the name of the library’s file name without the ‘.php’ extension.
This has been Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 version.
Absolute path to the application’s…
root directory.
app directory.
cache files directory.
cake directory.
components directory.
configuration files directory.
controller tests directory.
controllers directory.
CSS files directory.
Short for PHP’s DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, which is / on Linux and \ on windows.
elements directory.
helper tests directory.
helpers directory.
images directory.
JavaScript files directory (in the webroot).
layouts directory.
CakePHP Library tests directory.
CakePHP libs directory.
logs directory (in app).
model tests directory.
models directory.
Cake scripts directory.
tests directory (parent for the models, controllers, etc. test directories)
tmp directory.
vendors directory.
views directory.
full path to the webroot.