This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!


class TranslateBehavior

TranslateBehavior is actually quite easy to setup and works out of the box with very little configuration. In this section, you will learn how to add and setup the behavior to use in any model.

If you are using TranslateBehavior in alongside containable issue, be sure to set the ‘fields’ key for your queries. Otherwise you could end up with invalid SQL generated.

Initializing the i18n Database Tables

You can either use the CakePHP console or you can manually create it. It is advised to use the console for this, because it might happen that the layout changes in future versions of CakePHP. Sticking to the console will make sure that you have the correct layout.

./cake i18n

Select [I] which will run the i18n database initialization script. You will be asked if you want to drop any existing and if you want to create it. Answer with yes if you are sure there is no i18n table already, and answer with yes again to create the table.

Attaching the Translate Behavior to your Models

Add it to your model by using the $actsAs property like in the following example.

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(

This will do nothing yet, because it expects a couple of options before it begins to work. You need to define which fields of the current model should be tracked in the translation table we’ve created in the first step.

Defining the Fields

You can set the fields by simply extending the 'Translate' value with another array, like so:

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'Translate' => array(
            'fieldOne', 'fieldTwo', 'and_so_on'

After you have done that (for example putting “title” as one of the fields) you already finished the basic setup. Great! According to our current example the model should now look something like this:

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'Translate' => array(

When defining fields for TranslateBehavior to translate, be sure to omit those fields from the translated model’s schema. If you leave the fields in, there can be issues when retrieving data with fallback locales.


If all the fields in your model are translated be sure to add created and modified columns to your table. CakePHP requires at least one non primary key field before it will save a record.

Loading Translations With Left Joins

When defining the fields that are translated you can also load translations via LEFT JOIN instead of the standard INNER JOIN. Doing this will allow you to load partially translated records:

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'Translate' => array(
            'joinType' => 'left'

New in version 2.10.0: The joinType option was added in 2.10.0


From now on each record update/creation will cause TranslateBehavior to copy the value of “title” to the translation table (default: i18n) along with the current locale. A locale is the identifier of the language, so to speak.

Reading translated content

By default the TranslateBehavior will automatically fetch and add in data based on the current locale. The current locale is read from Configure::read('Config.language') which is assigned by the L10n class. You can override this default on the fly using $Model->locale.

Retrieve translated fields in a specific locale

By setting $Model->locale you can read translations for a specific locale:

// Read the spanish locale data.
$this->Post->locale = 'es';
$results = $this->Post->find('first', array(
    'conditions' => array('' => $id)
// $results will contain the spanish translation.

Retrieve all translation records for a field

If you want to have all translation records attached to the current model record you simply extend the field array in your behavior setup as shown below. The naming is completely up to you.

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'Translate' => array(
            'title' => 'titleTranslation'

With this setup the result of $this->Post->find() should look something like this:

     [Post] => Array
             [id] => 1
             [title] => Beispiel Eintrag
             [body] => lorem ipsum...
             [locale] => de_de

     [titleTranslation] => Array
             [0] => Array
                     [id] => 1
                     [locale] => en_us
                     [model] => Post
                     [foreign_key] => 1
                     [field] => title
                     [content] => Example entry

             [1] => Array
                     [id] => 2
                     [locale] => de_de
                     [model] => Post
                     [foreign_key] => 1
                     [field] => title
                     [content] => Beispiel Eintrag



The model record contains a virtual field called “locale”. It indicates which locale is used in this result.

Note that only fields of the model you are directly doing `find` on will be translated. Models attached via associations won’t be translated because triggering callbacks on associated models is currently not supported.

Using the bindTranslation method

You can also retrieve all translations, only when you need them, using the bindTranslation method

TranslateBehavior::bindTranslation($fields, $reset)

$fields is a named-key array of field and association name, where the key is the translatable field and the value is the fake association name.

$this->Post->bindTranslation(array('title' => 'titleTranslation'));
// need at least recursive 1 for this to work.
$this->Post->find('all', array('recursive' => 1));

With this setup the result of your find() should look something like this:

     [Post] => Array
             [id] => 1
             [title] => Beispiel Eintrag
             [body] => lorem ipsum...
             [locale] => de_de

     [titleTranslation] => Array
             [0] => Array
                     [id] => 1
                     [locale] => en_us
                     [model] => Post
                     [foreign_key] => 1
                     [field] => title
                     [content] => Example entry

             [1] => Array
                     [id] => 2
                     [locale] => de_de
                     [model] => Post
                     [foreign_key] => 1
                     [field] => title
                     [content] => Beispiel Eintrag


Saving in another language

You can force the model which is using the TranslateBehavior to save in a language other than the one detected.

To tell a model in what language the content is going to be you simply change the value of the $locale property on the model before you save the data to the database. You can do that either in your controller or you can define it directly in the model.

Example A: In your controller:

class PostsController extends AppController {

    public function add() {
        if (!empty($this->request->data)) {
            // we are going to save the German version
            $this->Post->locale = 'de_de';
            if ($this->Post->save($this->request->data)) {
                return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));

Example B: In your model:

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'Translate' => array(

    // Option 1) just define the property directly
    public $locale = 'en_us';

    // Option 2) create a simple method
    public function setLanguage($locale) {
        $this->locale = $locale;

Multiple Translation Tables

If you expect a lot entries you probably wonder how to deal with a rapidly growing database table. There are two properties introduced by TranslateBehavior that allow to specify which “Model” to bind as the model containing the translations.

These are $translateModel and $translateTable.

Lets say we want to save our translations for all posts in the table “post_i18ns” instead of the default “i18n” table. To do so you need to setup your model like this:

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'Translate' => array(

    // Use a different model (and table)
    public $translateModel = 'PostI18n';


It is important that you to pluralize the table. It is now a usual model and can be treated as such and thus comes with the conventions involved. The table schema itself must be identical with the one generated by the CakePHP console script. To make sure it fits one could just initialize a empty i18n table using the console and rename the table afterwards.

Create the TranslateModel

For this to work you need to create the actual model file in your models folder. Reason is that there is no property to set the displayField directly in the model using this behavior yet.

Make sure that you change the $displayField to 'field'.

class PostI18n extends AppModel {
    public $displayField = 'field'; // important
// filename: PostI18n.php

That’s all it takes. You can also add all other model stuff here like $useTable. But for better consistency we could do that in the model which actually uses this translation model. This is where the optional $translateTable comes into play.

Changing the Table

If you want to change the name of the table you simply define $translateTable in your model, like so:

class Post extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array(
        'Translate' => array(

    // Use a different model
    public $translateModel = 'PostI18n';

    // Use a different table for translateModel
    public $translateTable = 'post_translations';

Please note that you can’t use $translateTable alone. If you don’t intend to use a custom $translateModel then leave this property untouched. Reason is that it would break your setup and show you a “Missing Table” message for the default I18n model which is created in runtime.