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class Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper(View $view, array $config = [])

The FormHelper does most of the heavy lifting in form creation. The FormHelper focuses on creating forms quickly, in a way that will streamline validation, re-population and layout. The FormHelper is also flexible - it will do almost everything for you using conventions, or you can use specific methods to get only what you need.

Starting a Form

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::create(mixed $context = null, array $options = [])
  • $context - The context for which the form is being defined. Can be an ORM entity, ORM resultset, Form instance, array of metadata or null (to make a model-less form).

  • $options - An array of options and/or HTML attributes.

The first method you’ll need to use in order to take advantage of the FormHelper is create(). This method outputs an opening form tag.

All parameters are optional. If create() is called with no parameters supplied, it assumes you are building a form that submits to the current controller, via the current URL. The default method for form submission is POST. If you were to call create() inside the view for UsersController::add(), you would see something like the following output in the rendered view:

<form method="post" action="/users/add">

The $context argument is used as the form’s ‘context’. There are several built-in form contexts and you can add your own, which we’ll cover below, in a following section. The built-in providers map to the following values of $context:

  • An Entity instance or an iterator will map to EntityContext; this context class allows FormHelper to work with results from the built-in ORM.

  • An array containing the 'schema' key, will map to ArrayContext which allows you to create simple data structures to build forms against.

  • null will map to NullContext; this context class simply satisfies the interface FormHelper requires. This context is useful if you want to build a short form that doesn’t require ORM persistence.

Once a form has been created with a context, all controls you create will use the active context. In the case of an ORM backed form, FormHelper can access associated data, validation errors and schema metadata. You can close the active context using the end() method, or by calling create() again.

To create a form for an entity, do the following:

// If you are on /articles/add
// $article should be an empty Article entity.
echo $this->Form->create($article);


<form method="post" action="/articles/add">

This will POST the form data to the add() action of ArticlesController. However, you can also use the same logic to create an edit form. The FormHelper uses the Entity object to automatically detect whether to create an add or edit form. If the provided entity is not ‘new’, the form will be created as an edit form.

For example, if we browse to, we could do the following:

// src/Controller/ArticlesController.php:
public function edit($id = null)
    if (empty($id)) {
        throw new NotFoundException;
    $article = $this->Articles->get($id);
    // Save logic goes here
    $this->set('article', $article);

// View/Articles/edit.php:
// Since $article->isNew() is false, we will get an edit form
<?= $this->Form->create($article) ?>


<form method="post" action="/articles/edit/5">
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />


Since this is an edit form, a hidden input field is generated to override the default HTTP method.

In some cases, the entity’s ID is automatically appended to the end of the form’s action URL. If you would like to avoid an ID being added to the URL, you can pass a string to $options['url'], such as '/my-account' or \Cake\Routing\Router::url(['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'myAccount']).

Options for Form Creation

The $options array is where most of the form configuration happens. This special array can contain a number of different key-value pairs that affect the way the form tag is generated. Valid values:

  • 'type' - Allows you to choose the type of form to create. If no type is provided then it will be autodetected based on the form context. Valid values:

    • 'get' - Will set the form method to HTTP GET.

    • 'file' - Will set the form method to POST and the 'enctype' to “multipart/form-data”.

    • 'post' - Will set the method to POST.

    • 'put', 'delete', 'patch' - Will override the HTTP method with PUT, DELETE or PATCH respectively, when the form is submitted.

  • 'method' - Valid values are the same as above. Allows you to explicitly override the form’s method.

  • 'url' - Specify the URL the form will submit to. Can be a string or a URL array.

  • 'encoding' - Sets the accept-charset encoding for the form. Defaults to Configure::read('App.encoding').

  • 'enctype' - Allows you to set the form encoding explicitly.

  • 'templates' - The templates you want to use for this form. Any templates provided will be merged on top of the already loaded templates. Can be either a filename (without extension) from /config or an array of templates to use.

  • 'context' - Additional options for the form context class. (For example the EntityContext accepts a 'table' option that allows you to set the specific Table class the form should be based on.)

  • 'idPrefix' - Prefix for generated ID attributes.

  • 'templateVars' - Allows you to provide template variables for the formStart template.

  • autoSetCustomValidity - Set to true to use custom required and notBlank validation messages in the control’s HTML5 validity message. Default is true.


Besides the above options you can provide, in the $options argument, any valid HTML attributes that you want to pass to the created form element.

Getting form values from other values sources

A FormHelper’s values sources define where its rendered elements, such as input-tags, receive their values from.

The supported sources are context, data and query. You can use one or more sources by setting valueSources option or by using setValuesSource(). Any widgets generated by FormHelper will gather their values from the sources, in the order you setup.

By default FormHelper draws its values from data or context, i.e. it will fetch data from $request->getData() or, if not present, from the active context’s data, that are the entity’s data in the case of EntityContext.

If however, you are building a form that needs to read from the query string, you can change where FormHelper reads input data from:

// Use query string instead of request data:
echo $this->Form->create($article, [
    'type' => 'get',
    'valueSources' => ['query', 'context']

// Same effect:
echo $this->Form
    ->setValueSources(['query', 'context'])
    ->create($articles, ['type' => 'get']);

When input data has to be processed by the entity, i.e. marshal transformations, table query result or entity computations, and displayed after one or multiple form submissions where request data is retained, you need to put context first:

// Prioritize context over request data:
echo $this->Form->create($article,
    'valueSources' => ['context', 'data']

The value sources will be reset to the default ['data', 'context'] when end() is called.

Changing the HTTP Method for a Form

By using the type option you can change the HTTP method a form will use:

echo $this->Form->create($article, ['type' => 'get']);


<form method="get" action="/articles/edit/5">

Specifying a 'file' value for type, changes the form submission method to ‘post’, and includes an enctype of “multipart/form-data” on the form tag. This is to be used if there are any file elements inside the form. The absence of the proper enctype attribute will cause the file uploads not to function.

For example:

echo $this->Form->create($article, ['type' => 'file']);


<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="/articles/add">

When using 'put', 'patch' or 'delete' as 'type' values, your form will be functionally equivalent to a ‘post’ form, but when submitted, the HTTP request method will be overridden with ‘PUT’, ‘PATCH’ or ‘DELETE’, respectively. This allows CakePHP to emulate proper REST support in web browsers.

Setting a URL for the Form

Using the 'url' option allows you to point the form to a specific action in your current controller or another controller in your application.

For example, if you’d like to point the form to the publish() action of the current controller, you would supply an $options array, like the following:

echo $this->Form->create($article, ['url' => ['action' => 'publish']]);


<form method="post" action="/articles/publish">

If the desired form action isn’t in the current controller, you can specify a complete URL for the form action. The supplied URL can be relative to your CakePHP application:

echo $this->Form->create(null, [
    'url' => [
        'controller' => 'Articles',
        'action' => 'publish'


<form method="post" action="/articles/publish">

Or you can point to an external domain:

echo $this->Form->create(null, [
    'url' => '',
    'type' => 'get'


<form method="get" action="">

Use 'url' => false if you don’t want to output a URL as the form action.

Using Custom Validators

Often models will have multiple validator sets, you can have FormHelper mark fields required based on the specific validator your controller action is going to apply. For example, your Users table has specific validation rules that only apply when an account is being registered:

echo $this->Form->create($user, [
    'context' => ['validator' => 'register']

The above will use validation rules defined in the register validator, which are defined by UsersTable::validationRegister(), for $user and all related associations. If you are creating a form for associated entities, you can define validation rules for each association by using an array:

echo $this->Form->create($user, [
    'context' => [
        'validator' => [
            'Users' => 'register',
            'Comments' => 'default'

The above would use register for the user, and default for the user’s comments. FormHelper uses validators to generate HTML5 required attributes, relevant ARIA attributes, and set error messages with the browser validator API . If you would like to disable HTML5 validation messages use:

$this->Form->setConfig('autoSetCustomValidity', false);

This will not disable required/aria-required attributes.

Creating context classes

While the built-in context classes are intended to cover the basic cases you’ll encounter you may need to build a new context class if you are using a different ORM. In these situations you need to implement the Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface . Once you have implemented this interface you can wire your new context into the FormHelper. It is often best to do this in a View.beforeRender event listener, or in an application view class:

$this->Form->addContextProvider('myprovider', function ($request, $data) {
    if ($data['entity'] instanceof MyOrmClass) {
        return new MyProvider($data);

Context factory functions are where you can add logic for checking the form options for the correct type of entity. If matching input data is found you can return an object. If there is no match return null.

Creating Form Controls

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::control(string $fieldName, array $options = [])
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $options - An optional array that can include both Options for Control, and options of the other methods (which control() employs internally to generate various HTML elements) as well as any valid HTML attributes.

The control() method lets you generate complete form controls. These controls will include a wrapping div, label, control widget, and validation error if necessary. By using the metadata in the form context, this method will choose an appropriate control type for each field. Internally control() uses the other methods of FormHelper.


Please note that while the fields generated by the control() method are called generically “inputs” on this page, technically speaking, the control() method can generate not only all of the HTML input type elements, but also other HTML form elements such as select, button, textarea.

By default the control() method will employ the following widget templates:

'inputContainer' => '<div class="input {{type}}{{required}}">{{content}}</div>'
'input' => '<input type="{{type}}" name="{{name}}"{{attrs}}/>'
'requiredClass' => 'required'

In case of validation errors it will also use:

'inputContainerError' => '<div class="input {{type}}{{required}} error">{{content}}{{error}}</div>'

The type of control created (when we provide no additional options to specify the generated element type) is inferred via model introspection and depends on the column datatype:

Column Type

Resulting Form Field

string, uuid (char, varchar, etc.)


boolean, tinyint(1)










text, with name of password, passwd


text, with name of email


text, with name of tel, telephone, or phone




datetime, timestamp


datetimefractional, timestampfractional







select with years



The $options parameter allows you to choose a specific control type if you need to:

echo $this->Form->control('published', ['type' => 'checkbox']);


As a small subtlety, generating specific elements via the control() form method will always also generate the wrapping div, by default. Generating the same type of element via one of the specific form methods (e.g. $this->Form->checkbox('published');) in most cases won’t generate the wrapping div. Depending on your needs you can use one or another.

The wrapping div will have a required class name appended if the validation rules for the model’s field indicate that it is required and not allowed to be empty. You can disable automatic required flagging using the 'required' option:

echo $this->Form->control('title', ['required' => false]);

To skip browser validation triggering for the whole form you can set option 'formnovalidate' => true for the input button you generate using submit() or set 'novalidate' => true in options for create().

For example, let’s assume that your Users model includes fields for a username (varchar), password (varchar), approved (datetime) and quote (text). You can use the control() method of the FormHelper to create appropriate controls for all of these form fields:

echo $this->Form->create($user);
// The following generates a Text input
echo $this->Form->control('username');
// The following generates a Password input
echo $this->Form->control('password');
// Assuming 'approved' is a datetime or timestamp field the following
//generates an input of type "datetime-local"
echo $this->Form->control('approved');
// The following generates a Textarea element
echo $this->Form->control('quote');

echo $this->Form->button('Add');
echo $this->Form->end();

A more extensive example showing some options for a date field:

echo $this->Form->control('birth_date', [
    'label' => 'Date of birth',
    'min' => date('Y') - 70,
    'max' => date('Y') - 18,

Besides the specific Options for Control, you also can specify any option accepted by corresponding specific method for the chosen (or inferred by CakePHP) control type and any HTML attribute (for instance onfocus).

If you want to create a select form field while using a belongsTo (or hasOne) relation, you can add the following to your UsersController (assuming your User belongsTo Group):

$this->set('groups', $this->Users->Groups->find('list')->all());

Afterwards, add the following to your view template:

echo $this->Form->control('group_id', ['options' => $groups]);

To make a select box for a belongsToMany Groups association you can add the following to your UsersController:

$this->set('groups', $this->Users->Groups->find('list')->all());

Afterwards, add the following to your view template:

echo $this->Form->control('groups._ids', ['options' => $groups]);

If your model name consists of two or more words (e.g. “UserGroups”), when passing the data using set() you should name your data in a pluralised and lower camelCased format as follows:

$this->set('userGroups', $this->UserGroups->find('list')->all());


You should not use FormHelper::control() to generate submit buttons. Use submit() instead.

Field Naming Conventions

When creating control widgets you should name your fields after the matching attributes in the form’s entity. For example, if you created a form for an $article entity, you would create fields named after the properties. E.g. title, body and published.

You can create controls for associated models, or arbitrary models by passing in association.fieldname as the first parameter:

echo $this->Form->control('association.fieldname');

Any dots in your field names will be converted into nested request data. For example, if you created a field with a name 0.comments.body you would get a name attribute that looks like 0[comments][body]. This convention matches the conventions you use with the ORM. Details for the various association types can be found in the Creating Inputs for Associated Data section.

When creating datetime related controls, FormHelper will append a field-suffix. You may notice additional fields named year, month, day, hour, minute, or meridian being added. These fields will be automatically converted into DateTime objects when entities are marshalled.

Options for Control

FormHelper::control() supports a large number of options via its $options argument. In addition to its own options, control() accepts options for the inferred/chosen generated control types (e.g. for checkbox or textarea), as well as HTML attributes. This subsection will cover the options specific to FormHelper::control().

  • $options['type'] - A string that specifies the widget type to be generated. In addition to the field types found in the Creating Form Controls, you can also create 'file', 'password', and any other type supported by HTML5. By specifying a 'type' you will force the type of the generated control, overriding model introspection. Defaults to null.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->control('field', ['type' => 'file']);
    echo $this->Form->control('email', ['type' => 'email']);


    <div class="input file">
        <label for="field">Field</label>
        <input type="file" name="field" value="" id="field" />
    <div class="input email">
        <label for="email">Email</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" value="" id="email" />
  • $options['label'] - Either a string caption or an array of options for the label. You can set this key to the string you would like to be displayed within the label that usually accompanies the input HTML element. Defaults to null.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->control('name', [
        'label' => 'The User Alias'


    <div class="input">
        <label for="name">The User Alias</label>
        <input name="name" type="text" value="" id="name" />

    Alternatively, set this key to false to disable the generation of the label element.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->control('name', ['label' => false]);


    <div class="input">
        <input name="name" type="text" value="" id="name" />

    If the label is disabled, and a placeholder attribute is provided, the generated input will have aria-label set.

    Set the label option to an array to provide additional options for the label element. If you do this, you can use a 'text' key in the array to customize the label text.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->control('name', [
        'label' => [
            'class' => 'thingy',
            'text' => 'The User Alias'


    <div class="input">
        <label for="name" class="thingy">The User Alias</label>
        <input name="name" type="text" value="" id="name" />
  • $options['options'] - You can provide in here an array containing the elements to be generated for widgets such as radio or select, which require an array of items as an argument (see Creating Radio Buttons and Creating Select Pickers for more details). Defaults to null.

  • $options['error'] - Using this key allows you to override the default model error messages and can be used, for example, to set i18n messages. To disable the error message output & field classes set the 'error' key to false. Defaults to null.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->control('name', ['error' => false]);

    To override the model error messages use an array with the keys matching the original validation error messages.

    For example:

    $this->Form->control('name', [
        'error' => ['Not long enough' => __('This is not long enough')]

    As seen above you can set the error message for each validation rule you have in your models. In addition you can provide i18n messages for your forms.

    To disable the HTML entity encoding for error messages only, the 'escape' sub key can be used:

    $this->Form->control('name', [
        'error' => ['escape' => false],
  • $options['nestedInput'] - Used with checkboxes and radio buttons. Controls whether the input element is generated inside or outside the label element. When control() generates a checkbox or a radio button, you can set this to false to force the generation of the HTML input element outside of the label element.

    On the other hand you can set this to true for any control type to force the generated input element inside the label. If you change this for radio buttons then you need to also modify the default radioWrapper template. Depending on the generated control type it defaults to true or false.

  • $options['templates'] - The templates you want to use for this input. Any specified templates will be merged on top of the already loaded templates. This option can be either a filename (without extension) in /config that contains the templates you want to load, or an array of templates to use.

  • $options['labelOptions'] - Set this to false to disable labels around nestedWidgets or set it to an array of attributes to be provided to the label tag.

  • $options['readonly'] - Set the field to readonly in form.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->control('name', ['readonly' => true]);

Generating Specific Types of Controls

In addition to the generic control() method, FormHelper has specific methods for generating a number of different types of controls. These can be used to generate just the control widget itself, and combined with other methods like label() and error() to generate fully custom form layouts.

Common Options For Specific Controls

Many of the various control element methods support a common set of options which, depending on the form method used, must be provided inside the $options or in the $attributes array argument. All of these options are also supported by the control() method. To reduce repetition, the common options shared by all control methods are as follows:

  • 'id' - Set this key to force the value of the DOM id for the control. This will override the 'idPrefix' that may be set.

  • 'default' - Used to set a default value for the control field. The value is used if the data passed to the form does not contain a value for the field (or if no data is passed at all). If no default value is provided, the column’s default value will be used.

    Example usage:

    echo $this->Form->text('ingredient', ['default' => 'Sugar']);

    Example with select field (size “Medium” will be selected as default):

    $sizes = ['s' => 'Small', 'm' => 'Medium', 'l' => 'Large'];
    echo $this->Form->select('size', $sizes, ['default' => 'm']);


    You cannot use default to check a checkbox - instead you might set the value in $this->request->getData() in your controller, or set the control option 'checked' to true.

    Beware of using false to assign a default value. A false value is used to disable/exclude options of a control field, so 'default' => false would not set any value at all. Instead use 'default' => 0.

  • 'value' - Used to set a specific value for the control field. This will override any value that may else be injected from the context, such as Form, Entity or request->getData() etc.


    If you want to set a field to not render its value fetched from context or valuesSource you will need to set 'value' to '' (instead of setting it to null).

In addition to the above options, you can mixin any HTML attribute you wish to use. Any non-special option name will be treated as an HTML attribute, and applied to the generated HTML control element.

Creating Input Elements

The rest of the methods available in the FormHelper are for creating specific form elements. Many of these methods also make use of a special $options or $attributes parameter. In this case, however, this parameter is used primarily to specify HTML tag attributes (such as the value or DOM id of an element in the form).

Creating Text Inputs

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::text(string $name, array $options)
  • $name - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a simple input HTML element of text type.

For example:

echo $this->Form->text('username', ['class' => 'users']);

Will output:

<input name="username" type="text" class="users">

Creating Password Inputs

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::password(string $fieldName, array $options)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a simple input element of password type.

For example:

echo $this->Form->password('password');

Will output:

<input name="password" value="" type="password">

Creating Hidden Inputs

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::hidden(string $fieldName, array $options)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a hidden form input.

For example:

echo $this->Form->hidden('id');

Will output:

<input name="id" type="hidden" />

Creating Textareas

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::textarea(string $fieldName, array $options)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls, of the specific textarea options (see below) as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a textarea control field. The default widget template used is:

'textarea' => '<textarea name="{{name}}"{{attrs}}>{{value}}</textarea>'

For example:

echo $this->Form->textarea('notes');

Will output:

<textarea name="notes"></textarea>

If the form is being edited (i.e. the array $this->request->getData() contains the information previously saved for the User entity), the value corresponding to notes field will automatically be added to the HTML generated.


<textarea name="notes" id="notes">
    This text is to be edited.

Options for Textarea

In addition to the Common Options For Specific Controls, textarea() supports a couple of specific options:

  • 'escape' - Determines whether or not the contents of the textarea should be escaped. Defaults to true.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->textarea('notes', ['escape' => false]);
    // OR....
    echo $this->Form->control('notes', ['type' => 'textarea', 'escape' => false]);
  • 'rows', 'cols' - You can use these two keys to set the HTML attributes which specify the number of rows and columns for the textarea field.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->textarea('comment', ['rows' => '5', 'cols' => '5']);


    <textarea name="comment" cols="5" rows="5">

Creating Select, Checkbox and Radio Controls

These controls share some commonalities and a few options and thus, they are all grouped in this subsection for easier reference.

Options for Select, Checkbox and Radio Controls

You can find below the options which are shared by select(), checkbox() and radio() (the options particular only to one of the methods are described in each method’s own section.)

  • 'value' - Sets or selects the value of the affected element(s):

    • For checkboxes, it sets the HTML 'value' attribute assigned to the input element to whatever you provide as value.

    • For radio buttons or select pickers it defines which element will be selected when the form is rendered (in this case 'value' must be assigned a valid, existent element value). May also be used in combination with any select-type control, such as date(), time(), dateTime():

      echo $this->Form->time('close_time', [
          'value' => '13:30:00'


    The 'value' key for date() and dateTime() controls may also have as value a UNIX timestamp, or a DateTime object.

    For a select control where you set the 'multiple' attribute to true, you can provide an array with the values you want to select by default:

    // HTML <option> elements with values 1 and 3 will be rendered preselected
    echo $this->Form->select(
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'multiple' => true,
            'value' => [1, 3]
  • 'empty' - Applies to radio() and select(). Defaults to false.

    • When passed to radio() and set to true it will create an extra input element as the first radio button, with a value of '' and a label caption equal to the string 'empty'. If you want to control the label caption set this option to a string instead.

    • When passed to a select method, this creates a blank HTML option element with an empty value in your drop down list. If you want to have an empty value with text displayed instead of just a blank option, pass a string to 'empty':

      echo $this->Form->select(
          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
          ['empty' => '(choose one)']


      <select name="field">
          <option value="">(choose one)</option>
          <option value="0">1</option>
          <option value="1">2</option>
          <option value="2">3</option>
          <option value="3">4</option>
          <option value="4">5</option>
  • 'hiddenField' - For checkboxes and radio buttons, by default, a hidden input element is also created, along with the main element, so that the key in $this->request->getData() will exist even without a value specified. For checkboxes its value defaults to 0 and for radio buttons to ''.

    Example of default output:

    <input type="hidden" name="published" value="0" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="published" value="1" />

    This can be disabled by setting 'hiddenField' to false:

    echo $this->Form->checkbox('published', ['hiddenField' => false]);

    Which outputs:

    <input type="checkbox" name="published" value="1">

    If you want to create multiple blocks of controls on a form, that are all grouped together, you should set this parameter to false on all controls except the first. If the hidden input is on the page in multiple places, only the last group of inputs’ values will be saved.

    In this example, only the tertiary colors would be passed, and the primary colors would be overridden:

    <h2>Primary Colors</h2>
    <input type="hidden" name="color" value="0" />
    <label for="color-red">
        <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="5" id="color-red" />
    <label for="color-blue">
        <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="5" id="color-blue" />
    <label for="color-yellow">
        <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="5" id="color-yellow" />
    <h2>Tertiary Colors</h2>
    <input type="hidden" name="color" value="0" />
    <label for="color-green">
        <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="5" id="color-green" />
    <label for="color-purple">
        <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="5" id="color-purple" />
    <label for="color-orange">
        <input type="checkbox" name="color[]" value="5" id="color-orange" />

    Disabling 'hiddenField' on the second control group would prevent this behavior.

    You can set a hidden field to a value other than 0, such as ‘N’:

    echo $this->Form->checkbox('published', [
        'value' => 'Y',
        'hiddenField' => 'N',

Using Collections to build options

It’s possible to use the Collection class to build your options array. This approach is ideal if you already have a collection of entities and would like to build a select element from them.

You can use the combine method to build a basic options array.:

$options = $examples->combine('id', 'name');

It’s also possible to add extra attributes by expanding the array. The following will create a data attribute on the option element, using the map collection method.:

$options = $examples->map(function ($value, $key) {
    return [
        'value' => $value->id,
        'text' => $value->name,
        'data-created' => $value->created

Creating Checkboxes

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::checkbox(string $fieldName, array $options)

Creates a checkbox form element. The widget template used is:

'checkbox' => '<input type="checkbox" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}"{{attrs}}>'

Options for Checkboxes

  • 'checked' - Boolean to indicate whether this checkbox will be checked. Defaults to false.

  • 'disabled' - Create a disabled checkbox input.

This method also generates an associated hidden form input element to force the submission of data for the specified field.

For example:

echo $this->Form->checkbox('done');

Will output:

<input type="hidden" name="done" value="0">
<input type="checkbox" name="done" value="1">

It is possible to specify the value of the checkbox by using the $options array.

For example:

echo $this->Form->checkbox('done', ['value' => 555]);

Will output:

<input type="hidden" name="done" value="0">
<input type="checkbox" name="done" value="555">

If you don’t want the FormHelper to create a hidden input use 'hiddenField'.

For example:

echo $this->Form->checkbox('done', ['hiddenField' => false]);

Will output:

<input type="checkbox" name="done" value="1">

Creating Radio Buttons

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::radio(string $fieldName, array $options, array $attributes)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $options - An optional array containing at minimum the labels for the radio buttons. Can also contain values and HTML attributes. When this array is missing, the method will either generate only the hidden input (if 'hiddenField' is true) or no element at all (if 'hiddenField' is false).

  • $attributes - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls, or of the Options for Select, Checkbox and Radio Controls, of the radio button specific attributes (see below), as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a set of radio button inputs. The default widget templates used are:

'radio' => '<input type="radio" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}"{{attrs}}>'
'radioWrapper' => '{{label}}'

Attributes for Radio Buttons

  • 'label' - Boolean to indicate whether or not labels for widgets should be displayed, or an array of attributes to apply to all labels. In case a class attribute is defined, selected will be added to the class attribute of checked buttons. Defaults to true.

  • 'hiddenField' - If set to true a hidden input with a value of '' will be included. This is useful for creating radio sets that are non-continuous. Defaults to true.

  • 'disabled' - Set to true or 'disabled' to disable all the radio buttons. Defaults to false.

You must provide the label captions for the radio buttons via the $options argument.

For example:

$this->Form->radio('gender', ['Masculine', 'Feminine', 'Neuter']);

Will output:

<input name="gender" value="" type="hidden">
<label for="gender-0">
    <input name="gender" value="0" id="gender-0" type="radio">
<label for="gender-1">
    <input name="gender" value="1" id="gender-1" type="radio">
<label for="gender-2">
    <input name="gender" value="2" id="gender-2" type="radio">

Generally $options contains simple key => value pairs. However, if you need to put custom attributes on your radio buttons you can use an expanded format.

For example:

echo $this->Form->radio(
        ['value' => 'r', 'text' => 'Red', 'style' => 'color:red;'],
        ['value' => 'u', 'text' => 'Blue', 'style' => 'color:blue;'],
        ['value' => 'g', 'text' => 'Green', 'style' => 'color:green;'],

Will output:

<input type="hidden" name="favorite_color" value="">
<label for="favorite-color-r">
    <input type="radio" name="favorite_color" value="r" style="color:red;" id="favorite-color-r">
<label for="favorite-color-u">
    <input type="radio" name="favorite_color" value="u" style="color:blue;" id="favorite-color-u">
<label for="favorite-color-g">
    <input type="radio" name="favorite_color" value="g" style="color:green;" id="favorite-color-g">

You can define additional attributes for an individual option’s label as well:

echo $this->Form->radio(
        ['value' => 'r', 'text' => 'Red', 'label' => ['class' => 'red']],
        ['value' => 'u', 'text' => 'Blue', 'label' => ['class' => 'blue']],

Will output:

<input type="hidden" name="favorite_color" value="">
<label for="favorite-color-r" class="red">
    <input type="radio" name="favorite_color" value="r" style="color:red;" id="favorite-color-r">
<label for="favorite-color-u" class="blue">
    <input type="radio" name="favorite_color" value="u" style="color:blue;" id="favorite-color-u">

If the label key is used on an option, the attributes in $attributes['label'] will be ignored.

Creating Select Pickers

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::select(string $fieldName, array $options, array $attributes)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'. This will provide the name attribute of the select element.

  • $options - An optional array containing the list of items for the select picker. When this array is missing, the method will generate only the empty select HTML element without any option elements inside it.

  • $attributes - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls, or of the Options for Select, Checkbox and Radio Controls, or of the select-specific attributes (see below), as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a select element, populated with the items from the $options array. If $attributes['value'] is provided, then the HTML option element(s) which have the specified value(s) will be shown as selected when rendering the select picker.

By default select uses the following widget templates:

'select' => '<select name="{{name}}"{{attrs}}>{{content}}</select>'
'option' => '<option value="{{value}}"{{attrs}}>{{text}}</option>'

May also use:

'optgroup' => '<optgroup label="{{label}}"{{attrs}}>{{content}}</optgroup>'
'selectMultiple' => '<select name="{{name}}[]" multiple="multiple"{{attrs}}>{{content}}</select>'

Attributes for Select Pickers

  • 'multiple' - If set to true allows multiple selections in the select picker. If set to 'checkbox', multiple checkboxes will be created instead. Defaults to null.

  • 'escape' - Boolean. If true the contents of the option elements inside the select picker will be HTML entity encoded. Defaults to true.

  • 'val' - Allows preselecting a value in the select picker.

  • 'disabled' - Controls the disabled attribute. If set to true disables the whole select picker. If set to an array it will disable only those specific option elements whose values are provided in the array.

The $options argument allows you to manually specify the contents of the option elements of a select control.

For example:

echo $this->Form->select('field', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);


<select name="field">
    <option value="0">1</option>
    <option value="1">2</option>
    <option value="2">3</option>
    <option value="3">4</option>
    <option value="4">5</option>

The array for $options can also be supplied as key-value pairs.

For example:

echo $this->Form->select('field', [
    'Value 1' => 'Label 1',
    'Value 2' => 'Label 2',
    'Value 3' => 'Label 3'


<select name="field">
    <option value="Value 1">Label 1</option>
    <option value="Value 2">Label 2</option>
    <option value="Value 3">Label 3</option>

If you would like to generate a select with optgroups, just pass data in hierarchical format (nested array). This works on multiple checkboxes and radio buttons too, but instead of optgroup it wraps the elements in fieldset elements.

For example:

$options = [
    'Group 1' => [
        'Value 1' => 'Label 1',
        'Value 2' => 'Label 2'
    'Group 2' => [
        'Value 3' => 'Label 3'
echo $this->Form->select('field', $options);


<select name="field">
    <optgroup label="Group 1">
        <option value="Value 1">Label 1</option>
        <option value="Value 2">Label 2</option>
    <optgroup label="Group 2">
        <option value="Value 3">Label 3</option>

To generate HTML attributes within an option tag:

$options = [
    ['text' => 'Description 1', 'value' => 'value 1', 'attr_name' => 'attr_value 1'],
    ['text' => 'Description 2', 'value' => 'value 2', 'attr_name' => 'attr_value 2'],
    ['text' => 'Description 3', 'value' => 'value 3', 'other_attr_name' => 'other_attr_value'],
echo $this->Form->select('field', $options);


<select name="field">
    <option value="value 1" attr_name="attr_value 1">Description 1</option>
    <option value="value 2" attr_name="attr_value 2">Description 2</option>
    <option value="value 3" other_attr_name="other_attr_value">Description 3</option>

Controlling Select Pickers via Attributes

By using specific options in the $attributes parameter you can control certain behaviors of the select() method.

  • 'empty' - Set the 'empty' key in the $attributes argument to true (the default value is false) to add a blank option with an empty value at the top of your dropdown list.

    For example:

    $options = ['M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female'];
    echo $this->Form->select('gender', $options, ['empty' => true]);

    Will output:

    <select name="gender">
        <option value=""></option>
        <option value="M">Male</option>
        <option value="F">Female</option>
  • 'escape' - The select() method allows for an attribute called 'escape' which accepts a boolean value and determines whether to HTML entity encode the contents of the select’s option elements.

    For example:

    // This will prevent HTML-encoding the contents of each option element
    $options = ['M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female'];
    echo $this->Form->select('gender', $options, ['escape' => false]);
  • 'multiple' - If set to true, the select picker will allow multiple selections.

    For example:

    echo $this->Form->select('field', $options, ['multiple' => true]);

    Alternatively, set 'multiple' to 'checkbox' in order to output a list of related checkboxes:

    $options = [
        'Value 1' => 'Label 1',
        'Value 2' => 'Label 2'
    echo $this->Form->select('field', $options, [
        'multiple' => 'checkbox'


    <input name="field" value="" type="hidden">
    <div class="checkbox">
        <label for="field-1">
            <input name="field[]" value="Value 1" id="field-1" type="checkbox">
            Label 1
    <div class="checkbox">
        <label for="field-2">
            <input name="field[]" value="Value 2" id="field-2" type="checkbox">
            Label 2
  • 'disabled' - This option can be set in order to disable all or some of the select’s option items. To disable all items set 'disabled' to true. To disable only certain items, assign to 'disabled' an array containing the keys of the items to be disabled.

    For example:

    $options = [
        'M' => 'Masculine',
        'F' => 'Feminine',
        'N' => 'Neuter'
    echo $this->Form->select('gender', $options, [
        'disabled' => ['M', 'N']

    Will output:

    <select name="gender">
        <option value="M" disabled="disabled">Masculine</option>
        <option value="F">Feminine</option>
        <option value="N" disabled="disabled">Neuter</option>

    This option also works when 'multiple' is set to 'checkbox':

    $options = [
        'Value 1' => 'Label 1',
        'Value 2' => 'Label 2'
    echo $this->Form->select('field', $options, [
        'multiple' => 'checkbox',
        'disabled' => ['Value 1']


    <input name="field" value="" type="hidden">
    <div class="checkbox">
        <label for="field-1">
            <input name="field[]" disabled="disabled" value="Value 1" type="checkbox">
            Label 1
    <div class="checkbox">
        <label for="field-2">
            <input name="field[]" value="Value 2" id="field-2" type="checkbox">
            Label 2

Creating File Inputs

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::file(string $fieldName, array $options)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a file upload field in the form. The widget template used by default is:

'file' => '<input type="file" name="{{name}}"{{attrs}}>'

To add a file upload field to a form, you must first make sure that the form enctype is set to 'multipart/form-data'.

So start off with a create() method such as the following:

echo $this->Form->create($document, ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']);
// OR
echo $this->Form->create($document, ['type' => 'file']);

Next add a line that looks like either of the following two lines to your form’s view template file:

echo $this->Form->control('submittedfile', [
    'type' => 'file'

// OR
echo $this->Form->file('submittedfile');


Due to the limitations of HTML itself, it is not possible to put default values into input fields of type ‘file’. Each time the form is displayed, the value inside will be empty.

To prevent the submittedfile from being over-written as blank, remove it from $_accessible. Alternatively, you can unset the index by using beforeMarshal:

public function beforeMarshal(\Cake\Event\EventInterface $event, \ArrayObject $data, \ArrayObject $options)
   if ($data['submittedfile'] === '') {

Upon submission, file fields can be accessed though UploadedFileInterface objects on the request. To move uploaded files to a permanent location, you can use:

$fileobject = $this->request->getData('submittedfile');
$destination = UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . $fileobject->getClientFilename();

// Existing files with the same name will be replaced.


When using $this->Form->file(), remember to set the form encoding-type, by setting the 'type' option to 'file' in $this->Form->create().

Creating Labels

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::label(string $fieldName, string $text, array $options)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $text - An optional string providing the label caption text.

  • $options - Optional. Array containing any of the Common Options For Specific Controls as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a label element. The argument $fieldName is used for generating the HTML for attribute of the element; if $text is undefined, $fieldName will also be used to inflect the label’s text attribute.

For example:

echo $this->Form->label('name');
echo $this->Form->label('name', 'Your username');


<label for="name">Name</label>
<label for="name">Your username</label>

With the third parameter $options you can set the id or class:

echo $this->Form->label('name', null, ['id' => 'user-label']);
echo $this->Form->label('name', 'Your username', ['class' => 'highlight']);


<label for="name" id="user-label">Name</label>
<label for="name" class="highlight">Your username</label>

Displaying and Checking Errors

FormHelper exposes a couple of methods that allow us to easily check for field errors and when necessary display customized error messages.

Displaying Errors

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::error(string $fieldName, mixed $text, array $options)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

  • $text - Optional. A string or array providing the error message(s). If an array, then it should be a hash of key names => messages. Defaults to null.

  • $options - An optional array that can only contain a boolean with the key 'escape', which will define whether to HTML escape the contents of the error message. Defaults to true.

Shows a validation error message, specified by $text, for the given field, in the event that a validation error has occurred. If $text is not provided then the default validation error message for that field will be used.

Uses the following template widgets:

'error' => '<div class="error-message">{{content}}</div>'
'errorList' => '<ul>{{content}}</ul>'
'errorItem' => '<li>{{text}}</li>'

The 'errorList' and 'errorItem' templates are used to format mutiple error messages per field.


// If in TicketsTable you have a 'notEmptyString' validation rule:
public function validationDefault(Validator $validator): Validator
        ->requirePresence('ticket', 'create')

// And inside templates/Tickets/add.php you have:
echo $this->Form->text('ticket');

if ($this->Form->isFieldError('ticket')) {
    echo $this->Form->error('ticket', 'Completely custom error message!');

If you would click the Submit button of your form without providing a value for the Ticket field, your form would output:

<input name="ticket" class="form-error" required="required" value="" type="text">
<div class="error-message">Completely custom error message!</div>


When using control(), errors are rendered by default, so you don’t need to use isFieldError() or call error() manually.


If you use a certain model field to generate multiple form fields via control(), and you want the same validation error message displayed for each one, you will probably be better off defining a custom error message inside the respective validator rules.

Checking for Errors

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::isFieldError(string $fieldName)
  • $fieldName - A field name in the form 'Modelname.fieldname'.

Returns true if the supplied $fieldName has an active validation error, otherwise returns false.


if ($this->Form->isFieldError('gender')) {
    echo $this->Form->error('gender');

Displaying validation messages in HTML5 validity messages

If the autoSetCustomValidity FormHelper option is set to true, error messages for the field’s required and notBlank validation rules will be used in lieu of the default browser HTML5 required messages. Enabling the option will add the onvalid and oninvalid event attributes to your fields, for example:

<input type="text" name="field" required onvalid="this.setCustomValidity('')" oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('Custom notBlank message')" />

If you want to manually set those events with custom JavaScript, you can set the autoSetCustomValidity option to false and use the special customValidityMessage template variable instead. This template variable is added when a field is required:

// example template
    'input' => '<input type="{{type}}" name="{{name}}" data-error-message="{{customValidityMessage}}" {{attrs}}/>',

// would create an input like this
<input type="text" name="field" required data-error-message="Custom notBlank message" />

You could then use JavaScript to set the onvalid and oninvalid events as you like.

Creating Buttons and Submit Elements

Creating Submit Elements

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::submit(string $caption, array $options)
  • $caption - An optional string providing the button’s text caption or a path to an image. Defaults to 'Submit'.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls, or of the specific submit options (see below) as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates an input element of submit type, with $caption as value. If the supplied $caption is a URL pointing to an image (i.e. if the string contains ‘://’ or contains any of the extensions ‘.jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif’), an image submit button will be generated, using the specified image if it exists. If the first character is ‘/’ then the image path is relative to webroot, else if the first character is not ‘/’ then the image path is relative to webroot/img.

By default it will use the following widget templates:

'inputSubmit' => '<input type="{{type}}"{{attrs}}/>'
'submitContainer' => '<div class="submit">{{content}}</div>'

Options for Submit

  • 'type' - Set this option to 'reset' in order to generate reset buttons. It defaults to 'submit'.

  • 'templateVars' - Set this array to provide additional template variables for the input element and its container.

  • Any other provided attributes will be assigned to the input element.

The following:

echo $this->Form->submit('Click me');

Will output:

<div class="submit"><input value="Click me" type="submit"></div>

You can pass a relative or absolute URL of an image to the caption parameter instead of the caption text:

echo $this->Form->submit('ok.png');

Will output:

<div class="submit"><input type="image" src="/img/ok.png"></div>

Submit inputs are useful when you only need basic text or images. If you need more complex button content you should use button().

Creating Button Elements

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::button(string $title, array $options = [])
  • $title - Mandatory string providing the button’s text caption.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls, or of the specific button options (see below) as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates an HTML button with the specified title and a default type of 'button'.

Options for Button

  • 'type' - You can set this to one of the following three possible values:

    1. 'submit' - Similarly to the $this->Form->submit() method it will create a submit button. However this won’t generate a wrapping div as submit() does. This is the default type.

    2. 'reset' - Creates a form reset button.

    3. 'button' - Creates a standard push button.

  • 'escapeTitle' - Boolean. If set to true it will HTML encode the value provided inside $title. Defaults to true.

  • 'escape' - Boolean. If set to true it will HTML encode all the HTML attributes generated for the button. Defaults to true.

  • 'confirm' - The confirmation message to display on click. Defaults to null.

For example:

echo $this->Form->button('A Button');
echo $this->Form->button('Another Button', ['type' => 'button']);
echo $this->Form->button('Reset the Form', ['type' => 'reset']);
echo $this->Form->button('Submit Form', ['type' => 'submit']);

Will output:

<button type="submit">A Button</button>
<button type="button">Another Button</button>
<button type="reset">Reset the Form</button>
<button type="submit">Submit Form</button>

Example use of the 'escapeTitle' option:

// Will render unescaped HTML.
echo $this->Form->button('<em>Submit Form</em>', [
    'type' => 'submit',
    'escapeTitle' => false,

Closing the Form

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::end($secureAttributes = [])
  • $secureAttributes - Optional. Allows you to provide secure attributes which will be passed as HTML attributes into the hidden input elements generated for the SecurityComponent.

The end() method closes and completes a form. Often, end() will only output a closing form tag, but using end() is a good practice as it enables FormHelper to insert the hidden form elements that Cake\Controller\Component\SecurityComponent requires:

<?= $this->Form->create(); ?>

<!-- Form elements go here -->

<?= $this->Form->end(); ?>

If you need to add additional attributes to the generated hidden inputs you can use the $secureAttributes argument.

For example:

echo $this->Form->end(['data-type' => 'hidden']);

Will output:

<div style="display:none;">
    <input type="hidden" name="_Token[fields]" data-type="hidden"
    <input type="hidden" name="_Token[unlocked]" data-type="hidden"


If you are using Cake\Controller\Component\SecurityComponent in your application you should always end your forms with end().

Creating Standalone Buttons and POST Links

Creating POST Buttons

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::postButton(string $title, mixed $url, array $options = [])
  • $title - Mandatory string providing the button’s text caption. By default not HTML encoded.

  • $url - The URL of the form provided as a string or as array.

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls, or of the specific options (see below) as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates a <button> tag with a surrounding <form> element that submits via POST, by default. Also, by default, it generates hidden input fields for the SecurityComponent.

Options for POST Button

  • 'data' - Array with key/value to pass in hidden input.

  • 'method' - Request method to use. E.g. set to 'delete' to simulate a HTTP/1.1 DELETE request. Defaults to 'post'.

  • 'form' - Array with any option that FormHelper::create() can take.

  • Also, the postButton() method will accept the options which are valid for the button() method.

For example:

// In templates/Tickets/index.php
<?= $this->Form->postButton('Delete Record', ['controller' => 'Tickets', 'action' => 'delete', 5]) ?>

Will output HTML similar to:

<form method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" action="/Rtools/tickets/delete/5">
    <div style="display:none;">
        <input name="_method" value="POST" type="hidden">
    <button type="submit">Delete Record</button>
    <div style="display:none;">
        <input name="_Token[fields]" value="186cfbfc6f519622e19d1e688633c4028229081f%3A" type="hidden">
        <input name="_Token[unlocked]" value="" type="hidden">
        <input name="_Token[debug]" value="%5B%22%5C%2FRtools%5C%2Ftickets%5C%2Fdelete%5C%2F1%22%2C%5B%5D%2C%5B%5D%5D" type="hidden">

Since this method generates a form element, do not use this method in an already opened form. Instead use Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::submit() or Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::button() to create buttons inside opened forms.

Creating POST Links

  • $title - Mandatory string providing the text to be wrapped in <a> tags.

  • $url - Optional. String or array which contains the URL of the form (Cake-relative or external URL starting with http://).

  • $options - An optional array including any of the Common Options For Specific Controls, or of the specific options (see below) as well as any valid HTML attributes.

Creates an HTML link, but accesses the URL using the method you specify (defaults to POST). Requires JavaScript to be enabled in browser:

// In your template, to delete an article, for example
<?= $this->Form->postLink(
    ['action' => 'delete', $article->id],
    ['confirm' => 'Are you sure?'])

Options for POST Link

  • 'data' - Array with key/value to pass in hidden input.

  • 'method' - Request method to use. For example, setting it to 'delete' will simulate a HTTP/1.1 DELETE request. Defaults to 'post'.

  • 'confirm' - The confirmation message to display on click. Defaults to null.

  • 'block' - Set this option to true to append the form to view block 'postLink' or provide a custom block name. Defaults to null.

  • Also, the postLink method will accept the options which are valid for the link() method.

This method creates a <form> element. If you want to use this method inside of an existing form, you must use the block option so that the new form is being set to a view block that can be rendered outside of the main form.

If all you are looking for is a button to submit your form, then you should use Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::button() or Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::submit() instead.


Be careful to not put a postLink inside an open form. Instead use the block option to buffer the form into a view block

Customizing the Templates FormHelper Uses

Like many helpers in CakePHP, FormHelper uses string templates to format the HTML it creates. While the default templates are intended to be a reasonable set of defaults, you may need to customize the templates to suit your application.

To change the templates when the helper is loaded you can set the 'templates' option when including the helper in your controller:

// In a View class
$this->loadHelper('Form', [
    'templates' => 'app_form',

This would load the tags found in config/app_form.php. This file should contain an array of templates indexed by name:

// in config/app_form.php
return [
    'inputContainer' => '<div class="form-control">{{content}}</div>',

Any templates you define will replace the default ones included in the helper. Templates that are not replaced, will continue to use the default values.

You can also change the templates at runtime using the setTemplates() method:

$myTemplates = [
    'inputContainer' => '<div class="form-control">{{content}}</div>',


Template strings containing a percentage sign (%) need special attention; you should prefix this character with another percentage so it looks like %%. The reason is that internally templates are compiled to be used with sprintf(). Example: '<div style="width:{{size}}%%">{{content}}</div>'

List of Templates

The list of default templates, their default format and the variables they expect can be found in the FormHelper API documentation.

Using Distinct Custom Control Containers

In addition to these templates, the control() method will attempt to use distinct templates for each control container. For example, when creating a datetime control the datetimeContainer will be used if it is present. If that container is missing the inputContainer template will be used.

For example:

// Add custom radio wrapping HTML
    'radioContainer' => '<div class="form-radio">{{content}}</div>'

// Create a radio set with our custom wrapping div.
echo $this->Form->control('email_notifications', [
    'options' => ['y', 'n'],
    'type' => 'radio'

Using Distinct Custom Form Groups

Similar to controlling containers, the control() method will also attempt to use distinct templates for each form group. A form group is a combo of label and control. For example, when creating a radio control the radioFormGroup will be used if it is present. If that template is missing by default each set of label & input is rendered using the default formGroup template.

For example:

// Add custom radio form group
    'radioFormGroup' => '<div class="radio">{{label}}{{input}}</div>'

Adding Additional Template Variables to Templates

You can add additional template placeholders in custom templates, and populate those placeholders when generating controls.

For example:

// Add a template with the help placeholder.
    'inputContainer' => '<div class="input {{type}}{{required}}">
        {{content}} <span class="help">{{help}}</span></div>'

// Generate an input and populate the help variable
echo $this->Form->control('password', [
    'templateVars' => ['help' => 'At least 8 characters long.']


<div class="input password">
    <label for="password">
    <input name="password" id="password" type="password">
    <span class="help">At least 8 characters long.</span>

Moving Checkboxes & Radios Outside of a Label

By default CakePHP nests checkboxes created via control() and radio buttons created by both control() and radio() within label elements. This helps make it easier to integrate popular CSS frameworks. If you need to place checkbox/radio inputs outside of the label you can do so by modifying the templates:

    'nestingLabel' => '{{hidden}}{{input}}<label{{attrs}}>{{text}}</label>',
    'formGroup' => '{{input}}{{label}}',

This will make radio buttons and checkboxes render outside of their labels.

Generating Entire Forms

Creating Multiple Controls

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::controls(array $fields = [], $options = [])
  • $fields - An array of fields to generate. Allows setting custom types, labels and other options for each specified field.

  • $options - Optional. An array of options. Valid keys are:

    1. 'fieldset' - Set this to false to disable the fieldset. If empty, the fieldset will be enabled. Can also be an array of parameters to be applied as HTML attributes to the fieldset tag.

    2. legend - String used to customize the legend text. Set this to false to disable the legend for the generated input set.

Generates a set of controls for the given context wrapped in a fieldset. You can specify the generated fields by including them:

echo $this->Form->controls([

You can customize the legend text using an option:

echo $this->Form->controls($fields, ['legend' => 'Update news post']);

You can customize the generated controls by defining additional options in the $fields parameter:

echo $this->Form->controls([
    'name' => ['label' => 'custom label']

When customizing, $fields, you can use the $options parameter to control the generated legend/fieldset.

For example:

echo $this->Form->controls(
        'name' => ['label' => 'custom label']
    ['legend' => 'Update your post']

If you disable the fieldset, the legend will not print.

Creating Controls for a Whole Entity

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::allControls(array $fields, $options = [])
  • $fields - Optional. An array of customizations for the fields that will be generated. Allows setting custom types, labels and other options.

  • $options - Optional. An array of options. Valid keys are:

    1. 'fieldset' - Set this to false to disable the fieldset. If empty, the fieldset will be enabled. Can also be an array of parameters to be applied as HTMl attributes to the fieldset tag.

    2. legend - String used to customize the legend text. Set this to false to disable the legend for the generated control set.

This method is closely related to controls(), however the $fields argument is defaulted to all fields in the current top-level entity. To exclude specific fields from the generated controls, set them to false in the $fields parameter:

echo $this->Form->allControls(['password' => false]);

Creating Inputs for Associated Data

Creating forms for associated data is straightforward and is closely related to the paths in your entity’s data. Assuming the following table relations:

  • Authors HasOne Profiles

  • Authors HasMany Articles

  • Articles HasMany Comments

  • Articles BelongsTo Authors

  • Articles BelongsToMany Tags

If we were editing an article with its associations loaded we could create the following controls:


// Article controls.
echo $this->Form->control('title');

// Author controls (belongsTo)
echo $this->Form->control('');
echo $this->Form->control('author.first_name');
echo $this->Form->control('author.last_name');

// Author profile (belongsTo + hasOne)
echo $this->Form->control('');
echo $this->Form->control('author.profile.username');

// Tags controls (belongsToMany)
// as separate inputs
echo $this->Form->control('');
echo $this->Form->control('');
echo $this->Form->control('');
echo $this->Form->control('');

// Inputs for the joint table (articles_tags)
echo $this->Form->control('tags.0._joinData.starred');
echo $this->Form->control('tags.1._joinData.starred');

// Comments controls (hasMany)
echo $this->Form->control('');
echo $this->Form->control('comments.0.comment');
echo $this->Form->control('');
echo $this->Form->control('comments.1.comment');

The above controls could then be marshalled into a completed entity graph using the following code in your controller:

$article = $this->Articles->patchEntity($article, $this->request->getData(), [
    'associated' => [

The above example shows an expanded example for belongs to many associations, with separate inputs for each entity and join data record. You can also create a multiple select input for belongs to many associations:

// Multiple select element for belongsToMany
// Does not support _joinData
echo $this->Form->control('tags._ids', [
    'type' => 'select',
    'multiple' => true,
    'options' => $tagList,

Adding Custom Widgets

You can add custom control widgets in CakePHP, and use them like any other control type. All of the core control types are implemented as widgets, which means you can override any core widget with your own implementation as well.

Building a Widget Class

Widget classes have a very simple required interface. They must implement the Cake\View\Widget\WidgetInterface. This interface requires the render(array $data) and secureFields(array $data) methods to be implemented. The render() method expects an array of data to build the widget and is expected to return a string of HTML for the widget. The secureFields() method expects an array of data as well and is expected to return an array containing the list of fields to secure for this widget. If CakePHP is constructing your widget you can expect to get a Cake\View\StringTemplate instance as the first argument, followed by any dependencies you define. If we wanted to build an Autocomplete widget you could do the following:

namespace App\View\Widget;

use Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface;
use Cake\View\StringTemplate;
use Cake\View\Widget\WidgetInterface;

class AutocompleteWidget implements WidgetInterface

     * StringTemplate instance.
     * @var \Cake\View\StringTemplate
    protected $_templates;

     * Constructor.
     * @param \Cake\View\StringTemplate $templates Templates list.
    public function __construct(StringTemplate $templates)
        $this->_templates = $templates;

     * Methods that render the widget.
     * @param array $data The data to build an input with.
     * @param \Cake\View\Form\ContextInterface $context The current form context.
     * @return string
    public function render(array $data, ContextInterface $context): string
        $data += [
            'name' => '',

        return $this->_templates->format('autocomplete', [
            'name' => $data['name'],
            'attrs' => $this->_templates->formatAttributes($data, ['name'])

    public function secureFields(array $data): array
        return [$data['name']];

Obviously, this is a very simple example, but it demonstrates how a custom widget could be built. This widget would render the “autocomplete” string template, such as:

    'autocomplete' => '<input type="autocomplete" name="{{name}}" {{attrs}} />'

For more information on string templates, see Customizing the Templates FormHelper Uses.

Using Widgets

You can load custom widgets when loading FormHelper or by using the addWidget() method. When loading FormHelper, widgets are defined as a setting:

// In View class
$this->loadHelper('Form', [
    'widgets' => [
        'autocomplete' => ['Autocomplete']

If your widget requires other widgets, you can have FormHelper populate those dependencies by declaring them:

$this->loadHelper('Form', [
    'widgets' => [
        'autocomplete' => [

In the above example, the autocomplete widget would depend on the text and label widgets. If your widget needs access to the View, you should use the _view ‘widget’. When the autocomplete widget is created, it will be passed the widget objects that are related to the text and label names. To add widgets using the addWidget() method would look like:

// Using a classname.
    ['Autocomplete', 'text', 'label']

// Using an instance - requires you to resolve dependencies.
$autocomplete = new AutocompleteWidget(
$this->Form->addWidget('autocomplete', $autocomplete);

Once added/replaced, widgets can be used as the control ‘type’:

echo $this->Form->control('search', ['type' => 'autocomplete']);

This will create the custom widget with a label and wrapping div just like controls() always does. Alternatively, you can create just the control widget using the magic method:

echo $this->Form->autocomplete('search', $options);

Working with SecurityComponent

Cake\Controller\Component\SecurityComponent offers several features that make your forms safer and more secure. By simply including the SecurityComponent in your controller, you’ll automatically benefit from form tampering-prevention features.

As mentioned previously when using SecurityComponent, you should always close your forms using end(). This will ensure that the special _Token inputs are generated.

  • $name - Optional. The dot-separated name for the field.

Unlocks a field making it exempt from the SecurityComponent field hashing. This also allows the fields to be manipulated by JavaScript. The $name parameter should be the entity property name for the field:

Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::secure(array $fields = [], array $secureAttributes = [])
  • $fields - Optional. An array containing the list of fields to use when generating the hash. If not provided, then $this->fields will be used.

  • $secureAttributes - Optional. An array of HTML attributes to be passed into the generated hidden input elements.

Generates a hidden input field with a security hash based on the fields used in the form or an empty string when secured forms are not in use. If $secureAttributes is set, these HTML attributes will be merged into the hidden input tags generated for the SecurityComponent. This is especially useful to set HTML5 attributes like 'form'.