Authenticators handle converting request data into an authentication
operations. They leverage Identifiers to find a
known Identity Objects.
This authenticator will check the session if it contains user data or
credentials. When using any stateful authenticators like Form
below, be sure to load Session
authenticator first so that once
logged in user data is fetched from session itself on subsequent
Configuration options:
sessionKey: The session key for the user data, default is
identify: Set this key with a value of bool true
to enable checking
the session credentials against the identifiers. When true
, the configured
Identifiers are used to identify the user using data
stored in the session on each request. Default value is false
fields: Allows you to map the username
field to the unique
identifier in your user storage. Defaults to username
. This option is
used when the identify
option is set to true.
The token authenticator can authenticate a request based on a token that
comes along with the request in the headers or in the request
parameters. This requires a token column in the Users table, so comparison can be made between the received token and stored token.
Configuration options:
queryParam: Name of the query parameter. Configure it if you want
to get the token from the query parameters.
header: Name of the header. Configure it if you want to get the
token from the header.
tokenPrefix: The optional token prefix.
An example of getting a token from a header, or query string would be:
$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Token', [
'queryParam' => 'token',
'header' => 'Authorization',
'tokenPrefix' => 'Token'
The above would read the token
GET parameter or the Authorization
as long as the token was preceded by Token
and a space.
The token will always be passed to the configured identifier as follows:
'token' => '{token-value}',
The JWT authenticator gets the JWT token from the
header or query param and either returns the payload directly or passes
it to the identifiers to verify them against another datasource for
header: The header line to check for the token. The default is
queryParam: The query param to check for the token. The default
is token
tokenPrefix: The token prefix. Default is bearer
algorithm: The hashing algorithm for Firebase JWT.
Default is 'HS256'
returnPayload: To return or not return the token payload directly
without going through the identifiers. Default is true
secretKey: Default is null
but you’re required to pass a
secret key if you’re not in the context of a CakePHP application that
provides it through Security::salt()
jwks: Default is null
. Associative array with a 'keys'
If provided will be used instead of the secret key.
You need to add the lib firebase/php-jwt
v6.2 or above to your app to use the JwtAuthenticator
By default the JwtAuthenticator
uses HS256
symmetric key algorithm and uses
the value of Cake\Utility\Security::salt()
as encryption key.
For enhanced security one can instead use the RS256
asymmetric key algorithm.
You can generate the required keys for that as follows:
# generate private key
openssl genrsa -out config/jwt.key 1024
# generate public key
openssl rsa -in config/jwt.key -outform PEM -pubout -out config/jwt.pem
The jwt.key
file is the private key and should be kept safe.
The jwt.pem
file is the public key. This file should be used when you need to verify tokens
created by external applications, eg: mobile apps.
The following example allows you to identify the user based on the sub
(subject) of the
token by using JwtSubject
identifier, and configures the Authenticator
to use public key
for token verification.
Add the following to your Application
public function getAuthenticationService(ServerRequestInterface $request): AuthenticationServiceInterface
$service = new AuthenticationService();
// ...
$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Jwt', [
'secretKey' => file_get_contents(CONFIG . '/jwt.key'),
'algorithm' => 'RS256',
'returnPayload' => false
In your UsersController
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
public function login()
$result = $this->Authentication->getResult();
if ($result->isValid()) {
$privateKey = file_get_contents(CONFIG . '/jwt.key');
$user = $result->getData();
$payload = [
'iss' => 'myapp',
'sub' => $user->id,
'exp' => time() + 60,
$json = [
'token' => JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, 'RS256'),
} else {
$this->response = $this->response->withStatus(401);
$json = [];
$this->viewBuilder()->setOption('serialize', 'json');
Using a JWKS fetched from an external JWKS endpoint is supported as well:
// Application.php
public function getAuthenticationService(ServerRequestInterface $request): AuthenticationServiceInterface
$service = new AuthenticationService();
// ...
$jwksUrl = '';
// Set of keys. The "keys" key is required. Additionally keys require a "alg" key.
// Add it manually to your JWK array if it doesn't already exist.
$jsonWebKeySet = Cache::remember('jwks-' . md5($jwksUrl), function () use ($jwksUrl) {
$http = new Client();
$response = $http->get($jwksUrl);
return $response->getJson();
$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Jwt', [
'jwks' => $jsonWebKeySet,
'returnPayload' => false
The JWKS resource will return the same set of keys most of the time.
Applications should cache these resources, but they also need to be
prepared to handle signing key rotations.
Applications need to pick a cache lifetime that balances performance and security.
This is particularly important in situations where a private key is compromised.
Beside from sharing the public key file to external application, you can
distribute it via a JWKS endpoint by configuring your app as follows:
// config/routes.php
$builder->connect('/.well-known/:controller/*', [
'action' => 'index',
], [
'controller' => '(jwks)',
]); // connect /.well-known/jwks.json to JwksController
// controller/JwksController.php
public function index()
$pubKey = file_get_contents(CONFIG . './jwt.pem');
$res = openssl_pkey_get_public($pubKey);
$detail = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
$key = [
'kty' => 'RSA',
'alg' => 'RS256',
'use' => 'sig',
'e' => JWT::urlsafeB64Encode($detail['rsa']['e']),
'n' => JWT::urlsafeB64Encode($detail['rsa']['n']),
$keys['keys'][] = $key;
$this->viewBuilder()->setOption('serialize', 'keys');
Refer to or for
more information about JWKS.
Cookie Authenticator aka “Remember Me”
The Cookie Authenticator allows you to implement the “remember me”
feature for your login forms.
Just make sure your login form has a field that matches the field name
that is configured in this authenticator.
To encrypt and decrypt your cookie make sure you added the
EncryptedCookieMiddleware to your app before the
Configuration options:
rememberMeField: Default is remember_me
cookie: Array of cookie options:
name: Cookie name, default is CookieAuth
expires: Expiration, default is null
path: Path, default is /
domain: Domain, default is an empty string.
secure: Bool, default is false
httponly: Bool, default is false
value: Value, default is an empty string.
samesite: String/null The value for the same site attribute.
The defaults for the various options besides
will be those
set for the Cake\Http\Cookie\Cookie
class. See Cookie::setDefaults()
for the default values.
fields: Array that maps username
and password
to the
specified identity fields.
urlChecker: The URL checker class or object. Default is
loginUrl: The login URL, string or array of URLs. Default is
and all pages will be checked.
passwordHasher: Password hasher to use for token hashing. Default
is DefaultPasswordHasher::class
salt: When false
no salt is used. When a string is passed that value is used as a salt value.
When true
the default Security.salt is used. Default is true
. When a salt is used, the cookie value
will contain hash(username + password + hmac(username + password, salt)). This helps harden tokens against possible
database leaks and enables cookie values to be invalidated by rotating the salt value.
The cookie authenticator can be added to a Form & Session based
authentication system. Cookie authentication will automatically re-login users
after their session expires for as long as the cookie is valid. If a user is
explicity logged out via AuthenticationComponent::logout()
authentication cookie is also destroyed. An example configuration would be:
// In Application::getAuthenticationService()
// Reuse fields in multiple authenticators.
$fields = [
AbstractIdentifier::CREDENTIAL_USERNAME => 'email',
AbstractIdentifier::CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD => 'password',
// Put form authentication first so that users can re-login via
// the login form if necessary.
$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Form', [
'fields' => $fields,
'loginUrl' => '/users/login',
// Then use sessions if they are active.
// If the user is on the login page, check for a cookie as well.
$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Cookie', [
'fields' => $fields,
'loginUrl' => '/users/login',
You’ll also need to add a checkbox to your login form to have cookies created:
// In your login view
<?= $this->Form->control('remember_me', ['type' => 'checkbox']);
After logging in, if the checkbox was checked you should see a CookieAuth
cookie in your browser dev tools. The cookie stores the username field and
a hashed token that is used to reauthenticate later.
Environment Variables
The EnvironmentAuthenticator
can authenticate users based on mapped
environment variables exposed by the webserver. This enables authentication via
and similar SAML 1.1 implementations. An example configuration is:
// Configure a token identifier that maps `USER_ID` to the
// username column
$service->loadIdentifier('Authentication.Token', [
'tokenField' => 'username',
'dataField' => 'USER_NAME',
$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Environment', [
'loginUrl' => '/sso',
'fields' => [
// Choose which environment variables exposed by your
// authentication provider are used to authenticate
// in your application.
New in version 2.10.0: EnvironmentAuthenticator
was added.
There is only one event that is fired by authentication:
If you don’t know what events are and how to use them check the
The Authentication.afterIdentify
event is fired by the
after an identity was successfully
The event contains the following data:
provider: An object that implements
identity: An object that implements \ArrayAccess
service: An object that implements
The subject of the event will be the current controller instance the
AuthenticationComponent is attached to.
But the event is only fired if the authenticator that was used to
identify the identity is not persistent and not stateless. The
reason for this is that the event would be fired every time because the
session authenticator or token for example would trigger it every time
for every request.
From the included authenticators only the FormAuthenticator will cause
the event to be fired. After that the session authenticator will provide
the identity.
URL Checkers
Some authenticators like Form
or Cookie
should be executed only
on certain pages like /login
page. This can be achieved using URL
By default a DefaultUrlChecker
is used, which uses string URLs for
comparison with support for regex check.
Configuration options:
useRegex: Whether or not to use regular expressions for URL
matching. Default is false
checkFullUrl: Whether or not to check full URL. Useful when a
login form is on a different subdomain. Default is false
A custom URL checker can be implemented for example if a support for
framework specific URLs is needed. In this case the
be implemented.
For more details about URL Checkers see this documentation
Getting the Successful Authenticator or Identifier
After a user has been authenticated you may want to inspect or interact with the
Authenticator that successfully authenticated the user:
// In a controller action
$service = $this->request->getAttribute('authentication');
// Will be null on authentication failure, or an authenticator.
$authenticator = $service->getAuthenticationProvider();
You can also get the identifier that identified the user as well:
// In a controller action
$service = $this->request->getAttribute('authentication');
// Will be null on authentication failure, or an identifier.
$identifier = $service->getIdentificationProvider();
Using Stateless Authenticators with Stateful Authenticators
When using HttpBasic
, HttpDigest
with other authenticators,
you should remember that these authenticators will halt the request when
authentication credentials are missing or invalid. This is necessary as these
authenticators must send specific challenge headers in the response:
use Authentication\AuthenticationService;
// Instantiate the service
$service = new AuthenticationService();
// Load identifiers
$service->loadIdentifier('Authentication.Password', [
'fields' => [
'username' => 'email',
'password' => 'password'
// Load the authenticators leaving Basic as the last one.
If you want to combine HttpBasic
or HttpDigest
with other
authenticators, be aware that these authenticators will abort the request and
force a browser dialog.
Handling Unauthenticated Errors
The AuthenticationComponent
will raise an exception when users are not
authenticated. You can convert this exception into a redirect using the
when configuring the AuthenticationService
You can also pass the current request target URI as a query parameter
using the queryParam
// In the getAuthenticationService() method of your src/Application.php
$service = new AuthenticationService();
// Configure unauthenticated redirect
'unauthenticatedRedirect' => '/users/login',
'queryParam' => 'redirect',
Then in your controller’s login method you can use getLoginRedirect()
to get
the redirect target safely from the query string parameter:
public function login()
$result = $this->Authentication->getResult();
// Regardless of POST or GET, redirect if user is logged in
if ($result->isValid()) {
// Use the redirect parameter if present.
$target = $this->Authentication->getLoginRedirect();
if (!$target) {
$target = ['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home'];
return $this->redirect($target);
Having Multiple Authentication Flows
In an application that provides both an API and a web interface
you may want different authentication configurations based on
whether the request is an API request or not. For example, you may use JWT
authentication for your API, but sessions for your web interface. To support
this flow you can return different authentication services based on the URL
path, or any other request attribute:
public function getAuthenticationService(
ServerRequestInterface $request
): AuthenticationServiceInterface {
$service = new AuthenticationService();
// Configuration common to both the API and web goes here.
if ($request->getParam('prefix') == 'Api') {
// Include API specific authenticators
} else {
// Web UI specific authenticators.
return $service;