3.0 Upgrade Guide

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of this plugin, this page aims to collect all the changes you may need to make to your application while upgrading.

Types Renamed to Indexes

Because of the changes made in elasticsearch 5 and 6, this plugin no longer supports multiple types in the same index. The impact of this is that all of your type classes need to be renamed to indexes. For example App\Model\Type\ArticlesType needs to become App\Model\Index\ArticlesIndex. Furthermore, Index classes assume that the type mapping has the singular name of the index. For example the articles index has a type mapping of article.

Breaking Changes

  • Index::entityClass() was removed. Use getEntityClass() or setEntityClass() instead.

  • ResultSet::hasFacets() was removed as elastica no longer exposes this method.

  • ResultSet::getFacets() was removed as elastica no longer exposes this method.

  • ResultSet::getFacets() was removed as elastica no longer exposes this method.

  • The Type base class is now Index.

  • TypeRegistry is now IndexRegistry.