Phinx allows the use of namespaces in Migrations and Seeders. Migrations require a timestamp in the filename, and therefore won’t be fully PSR-4 compliant. Seeders do not need a timestamp and will be fully PSR-4 compliant.
locate your Phinx config file, the config file may be in one of following three formats: PHP, YAML or JSON.
(NB. the “migrations” and “seeds” keys may be both an array or a string, so don’t be alarmed if yours looks different)
'paths' => [
'migrations' => 'database/migrations',
'seeds' => 'database/seeds',
migrations: ./database/migrations
seeds: ./database/seeds
"paths": {
"migrations": "database/migrations",
"seeds": "database/seeds"
Any value without a key is a global-non-namespaced path
Any keyed value will use the key as namespace
'paths' => [
'migrations' => [
'/path/to/migration/without/namespace', // Non-namespaced migrations
'Foo' => '/path/to/migration/Foo', // Migrations in the Foo namespace
'seeds' => [
'/path/to/seeds/without/namespace', // Non-namespaced seeders
'Baz' => '/path/to/seeds/Baz', // Seeders in the Baz namespace
PHP is a bit special in this case, as it allows keyless and keyed values in the same array. To make this configuration work in YAML and JSON, we have to key the non-namespaced path with “0”.
"paths": {
"migrations": {
"0": "./db/migrations",
"Foo\\Bar": "./src/FooBar/db/migrations"
0: ./db/migrations
Foo\\Bar: ./src/FooBar/db/migrations
Let’s take a closer look on how the paths are resolved, let’s start with the non-namespaced path.
“./” refers to the project-root, therefore “./db/migrations” would resolve to <project-root>/db/migrations. This is the directory where Phinx will look for migrations when migrating. NB. these migrations must not have a namespace.
This image shows the path for “./db/migrations” where “Phinx” is the project root.
And the namespaced path would be resolved as shown below.
“./src/FooBar/db/migrations” would resolve to <project-root>/src/FooBar/db/migrations, which is where Phinx will look for migrations in the Foo\Bar namespace.
The file path would look like this, if the project-root was “Phinx”
The non-namespaced file in <project-root>/db/migrations may look like the following example.
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class CreateUserTable extends AbstractMigration
public function change()
$table = $this->table('users');
$table->addColumn('name', 'string')->create();
Whereas the namespaced file will be found in <project-root>/src/FoorBar/db/migrations and can look like this: (Notice the namespace is the same as defined in the paths config).
namespace Foo\Bar;
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;
class CreateUserTable extends AbstractMigration
public function change()
$table = $this->table('users');
$table->addColumn('name', 'string')->create();
That’s it, you’re ready to go, to create a migration simply run: $ phinx create CreateUsersTable [–path ./src/FoorBar/db/migrations]
If multiple paths are configured, but none provided with the –path flag, you will be prompted for which path to use.
Due to the way the migrations are created, it is impossible to generate a migration in the global namespace with a class-name that is the same as a migration in a user-defined namespace.