
The Queue plugin provides an easy-to-use interface for the php-queue project, which abstracts dozens of queuing backends for use within your application. Queues can be used to increase the performance of your application by deferring long-running processes - such as email or notification sending - until a later time.


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require cakephp/queue

Install the transport you wish to use. For a list of available transports, see this page. The example below is for pure-php redis:

composer require enqueue/redis predis/predis:^1

Ensure that the plugin is loaded in your src/Application.php file, within the Application::bootstrap() function:



The following configuration should be present in the config array of your config/app.php:

// ...
'Queue' => [
    'default' => [
        // A DSN for your configured backend. default: null
        // Can contain protocol/port/username/password or be null if the backend defaults to localhost
        'url' => 'redis://myusername:mypassword@example.com:1000',

        // The queue that will be used for sending messages. default: default
        // This can be overridden when queuing or processing messages
        'queue' => 'default',

        // The name of a configured logger, default: null
        'logger' => 'stdout',

        // The name of an event listener class to associate with the worker
        'listener' => \App\Listener\WorkerListener::class,

        // The amount of time in milliseconds to sleep if no jobs are currently available. default: 10000
        'receiveTimeout' => 10000,

        // Whether to store failed jobs in the queue_failed_jobs table. default: false
        'storeFailedJobs' => true,

        // (optional) The cache configuration for storing unique job ids. `duration`
        // should be greater than the maximum length of time any job can be expected
        // to remain on the queue. Otherwise, duplicate jobs may be
        // possible. Defaults to +24 hours. Note that `File` engine is only suitable
        // for local development.
        // See https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/core-libraries/caching.html#configuring-cache-engines.
        'uniqueCache' => [
            'engine' => 'File',
// ...

The Queue config key can contain one or more queue configurations. Each of these is used for interacting with a different queuing backend.

If storeFailedJobs is set to true, make sure to run the plugin migrations to create the queue_failed_jobs table.

Install the migrations plugin:

composer require cakephp/migrations:"^3.1"

Run the migrations:

bin/cake migrations migrate --plugin Cake/Queue


Defining Jobs

Workloads are defined as ‘jobs’. Job classes can recieve dependencies from your application’s dependency injection container in their constructor just like Controllers or Commands. Jobs are responsible for processing queue messages. A simple job that logs received messages would look like:

// src/Job/ExampleJob.php

namespace App\Job;

use Cake\Log\LogTrait;
use Cake\Queue\Job\Message;
use Cake\Queue\Job\JobInterface;
use Interop\Queue\Processor;

class ExampleJob implements JobInterface
    use LogTrait;

     * The maximum number of times the job may be attempted. (optional property)
     * @var int|null
    public static $maxAttempts = 3;

     * Whether there should be only one instance of a job on the queue at a time. (optional property)
     * @var bool
    public static $shouldBeUnique = false;

    public function execute(Message $message): ?string
        $id = $message->getArgument('id');
        $data = $message->getArgument('data');

        $this->log(sprintf('%d %s', $id, $data));

        return Processor::ACK;

The passed Message object has the following methods:

  • getArgument($key = null, $default = null): Can return the entire passed dataset or a value based on a Hash::get() notation key.

  • getContext(): Returns the original context object.

  • getOriginalMessage(): Returns the original queue message object.

  • getParsedBody(): Returns the parsed queue message body.

A job may return any of the following values:

  • Processor::ACK: Use this constant when the message is processed successfully. The message will be removed from the queue.

  • Processor::REJECT: Use this constant when the message could not be processed. The message will be removed from the queue.

  • Processor::REQUEUE: Use this constant when the message is not valid or could not be processed right now but we can try again later. The original message is removed from the queue but a copy is published to the queue again.

The job may also return a null value, which is interpreted as Processor::ACK. Failure to respond with a valid type will result in an interpreted message failure and requeue of the message.

Job Properties:

  • maxAttempts: The maximum number of times the job may be requeued as a result of an exception or by explicitly returning Processor::REQUEUE. If provided, this value will override the value provided in the worker command line option --max-attempts. If a value is not provided by the job or by the command line option, the job may be requeued an infinite number of times.

  • shouldBeUnique: If true, only one instance of the job, identified by it’s class, method, and data, will be allowed to be present on the queue at a time. Subsequent pushes will be silently dropped. This is useful for idempotent operations where consecutive job executions have no benefit. For example, refreshing calculated data. If true, the uniqueCache configuration must be set.

Queueing Jobs

You can enqueue jobs using Cake\Queue\QueueManager:

use App\Job\ExampleJob;
use Cake\Queue\QueueManager;

$data = ['id' => 7, 'is_premium' => true];
$options = ['config' => 'default'];

QueueManager::push(ExampleJob::class, $data, $options);


  • $className: The class that will have it’s execute method invoked when the job is processed.

  • $data (optional): A json-serializable array of data that will be passed to your job as a message. It should be key-value pairs.

  • $options (optional): An array of optional data for message queueing.

The following keys are valid for use within the options array:

  • config:

    • default: default

    • description: A queue config name

    • type: string

  • delay:

    • default: null

    • description: Time - in integer seconds - to delay message, after which it will be processed. Not all message brokers accept this.

    • type: integer

  • expires:

    • default: null

    • description: Time - in integer seconds - after which the message expires. The message will be removed from the queue if this time is exceeded and it has not been consumed.

    • type: integer

  • priority:

    • default: null

    • type: constant

    • valid values:

      • \Enqueue\Client\MessagePriority::VERY_LOW

      • \Enqueue\Client\MessagePriority::LOW

      • \Enqueue\Client\MessagePriority::NORMAL

      • \Enqueue\Client\MessagePriority::HIGH

      • \Enqueue\Client\MessagePriority::VERY_HIGH

  • queue:

    • default: from queue config array or string default if empty

    • description: The name of a queue to use

    • type: string

Queueing Mailer Actions

Mailer actions can be queued by adding the Queue\Mailer\QueueTrait to the mailer class. The following example shows how to setup the trait within a mailer class:


namespace App\Mailer;

use Cake\Mailer\Mailer;
use Cake\Queue\Mailer\QueueTrait;

class UserMailer extends Mailer
    use QueueTrait;

    public function welcome(string $emailAddress, string $username): void
            ->setSubject(sprintf('Welcome %s', $username));

    // ... other actions here ...

It is now possible to use the UserMailer to send out user-related emails in a delayed fashion from anywhere in our application. To queue the mailer action, use the push() method on a mailer instance:

$this->getMailer('User')->push('welcome', ['example@example.com', 'josegonzalez']);

This QueueTrait::push() call will generate an intermediate MailerJob that handles processing of the email message. If the MailerJob is unable to instantiate the Email or Mailer instances, it is interpreted as a Processor::REJECT. An invalid action is also interpreted as a Processor::REJECT, as will the action throwing a BadMethodCallException. Any non-exception result will be seen as a Processor:ACK.

The exposed QueueTrait::push() method has a similar signature to Mailer::send(), and also supports an $options array argument. The options this array holds are the same options as those available for QueueManager::push().

Delivering E-mail via Queue Jobs

If your application isn’t using Mailers but you still want to deliver email via queue jobs, you can use the QueueTransport. In your application’s EmailTransport configuration add a transport:

// in app/config.php
use Cake\Queue\Mailer\Transport\QueueTransport;

return [
    // ... other configuration
    'EmailTransport' => [
        'default' => [
            'className' => MailTransport::class,
            // Configuration for MailTransport.
        'queue' => [
            'className' => QueueTransport::class,
            // The transport name to use inside the queue job.
            'transport' => 'default',
    'Email' => [
        'default' => [
            // Connect the default email profile to deliver
            // by queue jobs.
            'transport' => 'queue',

With this configuration in place, any time you send an email with the default email profile CakePHP will generate a queue message. Once that queue message is processed the default MailTransport will be used to deliver the email messages.

Run the worker

Once a message is queued, you may run a worker via the included queue worker shell:

bin/cake queue worker

This shell can take a few different options:

  • --config (default: default): Name of a queue config to use

  • --queue (default: default): Name of queue to bind to

  • --processor (default: null): Name of processor to bind to

  • --logger (default: stdout): Name of a configured logger

  • --max-jobs (default: null): Maximum number of jobs to process. Worker will exit after limit is reached.

  • --max-runtime (default: null): Maximum number of seconds to run. Worker will exit after limit is reached.

  • --max-attempts (default: null): Maximum number of times each job will be attempted. Maximum attempts defined on a job will override this value.

  • --verbose or -v (default: null): Provide verbose output, displaying the current values for:

    • Max Iterations

    • Max Runtime

    • Runtime: Time since the worker started, the worker will finish when Runtime is over Max Runtime value

Failed Jobs

By default, jobs that throw an exception are requeued indefinitely. However, if maxAttempts is configured on the job class or via a command line argument, a job will be considered failed if a Processor::REQUEUE response is received after processing (typically due to an exception being thrown) and there are no remaining attempts. The job will then be rejected and added to the queue_failed_jobs table and can be requeued manually.

Your chosen transport may offer a dead-letter queue feature. While Failed Jobs has a similar purpose, it specifically captures jobs that return a Processor::REQUEUE response and does not handle other failure cases. It is agnostic of transport and only supports database persistence.

The following options passed when originally queueing the job will be preserved: config, queue, and priority.

Requeue Failed Jobs

Push jobs back onto the queue and remove them from the queue_failed_jobs table. If a job fails to requeue it is not guaranteed that the job was not run.

bin/cake queue requeue

Optional filters:

  • --id: Requeue job by the ID of the FailedJob

  • --class: Requeue jobs by the job class

  • --queue: Requeue jobs by the queue the job was received on

  • --config: Requeue jobs by the config used to queue the job

If no filters are provided then all failed jobs will be requeued.

Purge Failed Jobs

Delete jobs from the queue_failed_jobs table.

bin/cake queue purge_failed

Optional filters:

  • --id: Purge job by the ID of the FailedJob

  • --class: Purge jobs by the job class

  • --queue: Purge jobs by the queue the job was received on

  • --config: Purge jobs by the config used to queue the job

If no filters are provided then all failed jobs will be purged.

Worker Events

The worker shell may invoke the events during normal execution. These events may be listened to by the associated listener in the Queue config.

  • Processor.message.exception:

    • description: Dispatched when a message throws an exception.

    • arguments: message and exception

  • Processor.message.invalid:

    • description: Dispatched when a message has an invalid callable.

    • arguments: message

  • Processor.message.reject:

    • description: Dispatched when a message completes and is to be rejected.

    • arguments: message

  • Processor.message.success:

    • description: Dispatched when a message completes and is to be acknowledged.

    • arguments: message

  • Processor.message.failure:

    • description: Dispatched when a message completes and is to be requeued.

    • arguments: message

  • Processor.message.seen:

    • description: Dispatched when a message is seen.

    • arguments: message

  • Processor.message.start:

    • description: Dispatched before a message is started.

    • arguments: message