This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!


class HtmlHelper(View $view, array $settings = array())

The role of the HtmlHelper in CakePHP is to make HTML-related options easier, faster, and more resilient to change. Using this helper will enable your application to be more light on its feet, and more flexible on where it is placed in relation to the root of a domain.

Many HtmlHelper methods include a $options parameter, that allow you to tack on any extra attributes on your tags. Here are a few examples of how to use the $options parameter:

Desired attributes: <tag class="someClass" />
Array parameter: array('class' => 'someClass')

Desired attributes: <tag name="foo" value="bar" />
Array parameter:  array('name' => 'foo', 'value' => 'bar')


The HtmlHelper is available in all views by default. If you’re getting an error informing you that it isn’t there, it’s usually due to its name being missing from a manually configured $helpers controller variable.

Inserting Well-Formatted elements

The most important task the HtmlHelper accomplishes is creating well formed markup. Don’t be afraid to use it often - you can cache views in CakePHP in order to save some CPU cycles when views are being rendered and delivered. This section will cover some of the methods of the HtmlHelper and how to use them.

  • $charset (string) – Desired character set. If null, the value of App.encoding will be used.

Used to create a meta tag specifying the document’s character. Defaults to UTF-8

Example use:

echo $this->Html->charset();

Will output:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


echo $this->Html->charset('ISO-8859-1');

Will output:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
HtmlHelper::css(mixed $path, array $options = array())

Changed in version 2.4.

  • $path (mixed) – Either a string of the CSS file to link, or an array with multiple files

  • $options (array) – An array of options or html attributes.

Creates a link(s) to a CSS style-sheet. If key ‘inline’ is set to false in $options parameter, the link tags are added to the css block which you can print inside the head tag of the document.

You can use the block option to control which block the link element will be appended to. By default it will append to the css block.

If key ‘rel’ in $options array is set to ‘import’ the stylesheet will be imported.

This method of CSS inclusion assumes that the CSS file specified resides inside the /app/webroot/css directory if path doesn’t start with a ‘/’.

echo $this->Html->css('forms');

Will output:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/forms.css" />

The first parameter can be an array to include multiple files.

echo $this->Html->css(array('forms', 'tables', 'menu'));

Will output:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/forms.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/tables.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/menu.css" />

You can include CSS files from any loaded plugin using plugin syntax. To include app/Plugin/DebugKit/webroot/css/toolbar.css you could use the following:

echo $this->Html->css('DebugKit.toolbar.css');

If you want to include a CSS file which shares a name with a loaded plugin you can do the following. For example if you had a Blog plugin, and also wanted to include app/webroot/css/Blog.common.css, you would:

Changed in version 2.4.

echo $this->Html->css('Blog.common.css', array('plugin' => false));

Changed in version 2.1: The block option was added. Support for plugin syntax was added.

HtmlHelper::meta(string $type, string $url = null, array $options = array())
  • $type (string) – The type meta tag you want.

  • $url (mixed) – The URL for the meta tag, either a string or a routing array.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

This method is handy for linking to external resources like RSS/Atom feeds and favicons. Like css(), you can specify whether or not you’d like this tag to appear inline or appended to the meta block by setting the ‘inline’ key in the $options parameter to false, ie - array('inline' => false).

If you set the “type” attribute using the $options parameter, CakePHP contains a few shortcuts:


translated value









echo $this->Html->meta(
    array('type' => 'icon')
// Output (line breaks added)
    title="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"
echo $this->Html->meta(
    array('type' => 'rss')
// Output (line breaks added)

This method can also be used to add the meta keywords and descriptions. Example:

echo $this->Html->meta(
    'enter any meta keyword here'
// Output
<meta name="keywords" content="enter any meta keyword here" />

echo $this->Html->meta(
    'enter any meta description here'
// Output
<meta name="description" content="enter any meta description here" />

If you want to add a custom meta tag then the first parameter should be set to an array. To output a robots noindex tag use the following code:

echo $this->Html->meta(array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => 'noindex'));

Changed in version 2.1: The block option was added.

HtmlHelper::docType(string $type = 'xhtml-strict')
  • $type (string) – The type of doctype being made.

Returns a (X)HTML doctype tag. Supply the doctype according to the following table:


translated value


HTML4 Strict


HTML4 Transitional


HTML4 Frameset




XHTML1 Strict


XHTML1 Transitional


XHTML1 Frameset



echo $this->Html->docType();
// Outputs:
// <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
//    "">

echo $this->Html->docType('html5');
// Outputs: <!DOCTYPE html>

echo $this->Html->docType('html4-trans');
// Outputs:
// <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
//    "">

Changed in version 2.1: The default doctype is html5 in 2.1.

HtmlHelper::style(array $data, boolean $oneline = true)
  • $data (array) – A set of key => values with CSS properties.

  • $oneline (boolean) – Should the contents be on one line.

Builds CSS style definitions based on the keys and values of the array passed to the method. Especially handy if your CSS file is dynamic.

echo $this->Html->style(array(
    'background' => '#633',
    'border-bottom' => '1px solid #000',
    'padding' => '10px'

Will output:

background:#633; border-bottom:1px solid #000; padding:10px;
HtmlHelper::image(string $path, array $options = array())
  • $path (string) – Path to the image.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

Creates a formatted image tag. The path supplied should be relative to /app/webroot/img/.

echo $this->Html->image('cake_logo.png', array('alt' => 'CakePHP'));

Will output:

<img src="/img/cake_logo.png" alt="CakePHP" />

To create an image link specify the link destination using the url option in $options.

echo $this->Html->image("recipes/6.jpg", array(
    "alt" => "Brownies",
    'url' => array('controller' => 'recipes', 'action' => 'view', 6)

Will output:

<a href="/recipes/view/6">
    <img src="/img/recipes/6.jpg" alt="Brownies" />

If you are creating images in emails, or want absolute paths to images you can use the fullBase option:

echo $this->Html->image("logo.png", array('fullBase' => true));

Will output:

<img src="" alt="" />

You can include image files from any loaded plugin using plugin syntax. To include app/Plugin/DebugKit/webroot/img/icon.png You could use the following:

echo $this->Html->image('DebugKit.icon.png');

If you want to include an image file which shares a name with a loaded plugin you can do the following. For example if you had a Blog plugin, and also wanted to include app/webroot/img/Blog.icon.png, you would:

echo $this->Html->image('Blog.icon.png', array('plugin' => false));

Changed in version 2.1: The fullBase option was added. Support for plugin syntax was added.

  • $title (string) – The text to display as the body of the link.

  • $url (mixed) – Either the string location, or a routing array.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

General purpose method for creating HTML links. Use $options to specify attributes for the element and whether or not the $title should be escaped.

echo $this->Html->link(
    array('class' => 'button', 'target' => '_blank')

Will output:

<a href="/pages/home" class="button" target="_blank">Enter</a>

Use 'full_base' => true option for absolute URLs:

echo $this->Html->link(
        'controller' => 'dashboards',
        'action' => 'index',
        'full_base' => true

Will output:

<a href="">Dashboard</a>

Specify confirm key in $options to display a JavaScript confirm() dialog:

echo $this->Html->link(
    array('controller' => 'recipes', 'action' => 'delete', 6),
    array('confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this recipe?')

Will output:

<a href="/recipes/delete/6"
    onclick="return confirm(
        'Are you sure you wish to delete this recipe?'

Query strings can also be created with link().

echo $this->Html->link('View image', array(
    'controller' => 'images',
    'action' => 'view',
    '?' => array('height' => 400, 'width' => 500))

Will output:

<a href="/images/view/1?height=400&width=500">View image</a>

When using named parameters, use the array syntax and include names for ALL parameters in the URL. Using the string syntax for paramters (i.e. “recipes/view/6/comments:false”) will result in the colon characters being HTML escaped and the link will not work as desired.

echo $this->Html->link(
    $this->Html->image("recipes/6.jpg", array("alt" => "Brownies")),
        'controller' => 'recipes',
        'action' => 'view',
        'id' => 6,
        'comments' => false

Will output:

<a href="/recipes/view/id:6/comments:false">
    <img src="/img/recipes/6.jpg" alt="Brownies" />

HTML special characters in $title will be converted to HTML entities. To disable this conversion, set the escape option to false in the $options array.

echo $this->Html->link(
    $this->Html->image("recipes/6.jpg", array("alt" => "Brownies")),
    array('escape' => false)

Will output:

<a href="/recipes/view/6">
    <img src="/img/recipes/6.jpg" alt="Brownies" />

Setting escape to false will also disable escaping of attributes of the link. As of 2.4 you can use the option escapeTitle to disable just escaping of title and not the attributes.

echo $this->Html->link(
    $this->Html->image('recipes/6.jpg', array('alt' => 'Brownies')),
    array('escapeTitle' => false, 'title' => 'hi "howdy"')

Will output:

<a href="/recipes/view/6" title="hi &quot;howdy&quot;">
    <img src="/img/recipes/6.jpg" alt="Brownies" />

Changed in version 2.4: The escapeTitle option was added.

Changed in version 2.6: The argument $confirmMessage was deprecated. Use confirm key in $options instead.

Also check HtmlHelper::url method for more examples of different types of URLs.

HtmlHelper::media(string|array $path, array $options)
  • $path (string|array) – Path to the media file, relative to the webroot/{$options[‘pathPrefix’]} directory. Or an array where each item itself can be a path string or an associate array containing keys src and type.

  • $options (array) – Array of HTML attributes, and special options.


  • type Type of media element to generate, valid values are “audio” or “video”. If type is not provided media type is guessed based on file’s mime type.

  • text Text to include inside the audio/video tag

  • pathPrefix Path prefix to use for relative URLs, defaults to ‘files/’

  • fullBase If set to true, the src attribute will get a full address including domain name

New in version 2.1.

Returns a formatted audio/video tag:

 <?php echo $this->Html->media('audio.mp3'); ?>

 // Output
 <audio src="/files/audio.mp3"></audio>

 <?php echo $this->Html->media('video.mp4', array(
     'fullBase' => true,
     'text' => 'Fallback text'
 )); ?>

 // Output
 <video src="">Fallback text</video>

<?php echo $this->Html->media(
             'src' => 'video.ogg',
             'type' => "video/ogg; codecs='theora, vorbis'"
 ); ?>

 // Output
 <video autoplay="autoplay">
     <source src="/files/video.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
     <source src="/files/video.ogg" type="video/ogg;
         codecs='theora, vorbis'"/>
HtmlHelper::tag(string $tag, string $text, array $options)
  • $tag (string) – The tag name being generated.

  • $text (string) – The contents for the tag.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

Returns text wrapped in a specified tag. If no text is specified then only the opening <tag> is returned.:

echo $this->Html->tag('span', 'Hello World.', array('class' => 'welcome'));

// Output
<span class="welcome">Hello World</span>

// No text specified.
echo $this->Html->tag('span', null, array('class' => 'welcome'));

// Output
<span class="welcome">


Text is not escaped by default but you may use $options['escape'] = true to escape your text. This replaces a fourth parameter boolean $escape = false that was available in previous versions.

HtmlHelper::div(string $class, string $text, array $options)
  • $class (string) – The class name for the div.

  • $text (string) – The content inside the div.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

Used for creating div-wrapped sections of markup. The first parameter specifies a CSS class, and the second is used to supply the text to be wrapped by div tags. If the ‘escape’ key has been set to true in the last parameter, $text will be printed HTML-escaped.

If no text is specified, only an opening div tag is returned.:

echo $this->Html->div('error', 'Please enter your credit card number.');

// Output
<div class="error">Please enter your credit card number.</div>
HtmlHelper::para(string $class, string $text, array $options)
  • $class (string) – The class name for the paragraph.

  • $text (string) – The content inside the paragraph.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

Returns a text wrapped in a CSS-classed <p> tag. If no text is supplied, only a starting <p> tag is returned.:

echo $this->Html->para(null, 'Hello World.');

// Output
<p>Hello World.</p>
HtmlHelper::script(mixed $url, mixed $options)
  • $url (mixed) – Either a string to a single JavaScript file, or an array of strings for multiple files.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

Include a script file(s), contained either locally or as a remote URL.

By default, script tags are added to the document inline. If you override this by setting $options['inline'] to false, the script tags will instead be added to the script block which you can print elsewhere in the document. If you wish to override which block name is used, you can do so by setting $options['block'].

$options['once'] controls whether or not you want to include this script once per request or more than once. This defaults to true.

You can use $options to set additional properties to the generated script tag. If an array of script tags is used, the attributes will be applied to all of the generated script tags.

This method of JavaScript file inclusion assumes that the JavaScript file specified resides inside the /app/webroot/js directory:

echo $this->Html->script('scripts');

Will output:

<script type="text/javascript" href="/js/scripts.js"></script>

You can link to files with absolute paths as well to link files that are not in app/webroot/js:

echo $this->Html->script('/otherdir/script_file');

You can also link to a remote URL:

echo $this->Html->script('');

Will output:

<script type="text/javascript" href="">

The first parameter can be an array to include multiple files.

echo $this->Html->script(array('jquery', 'wysiwyg', 'scripts'));

Will output:

<script type="text/javascript" href="/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" href="/js/wysiwyg.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" href="/js/scripts.js"></script>

You can append the script tag to a specific block using the block option:

echo $this->Html->script('wysiwyg', array('block' => 'scriptBottom'));

In your layout you can output all the script tags added to ‘scriptBottom’:

echo $this->fetch('scriptBottom');

You can include script files from any loaded plugin using plugin syntax. To include app/Plugin/DebugKit/webroot/js/toolbar.js you could use the following:

echo $this->Html->script('DebugKit.toolbar.js');

If you want to include a script file which shares a name with a loaded plugin you can do the following. For example if you had a Blog plugin, and also wanted to include app/webroot/js/Blog.plugins.js, you would:

echo $this->Html->script('Blog.plugins.js', array('plugin' => false));

Changed in version 2.1: The block option was added. Support for plugin syntax was added.

HtmlHelper::scriptBlock($code, $options = array())
  • $code (string) – The code to go in the script tag.

  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes.

Generate a code block containing $code. Set $options['inline'] to false to have the script block appear in the script view block. Other options defined will be added as attributes to script tags. $this->Html->scriptBlock('stuff', array('defer' => true)); will create a script tag with defer="defer" attribute.

HtmlHelper::scriptStart($options = array())
  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes to be used when scriptEnd is called.

Begin a buffering code block. This code block will capture all output between scriptStart() and scriptEnd() and create an script tag. Options are the same as scriptBlock()


End a buffering script block, returns the generated script element or null if the script block was opened with inline = false.

An example of using scriptStart() and scriptEnd() would be:

$this->Html->scriptStart(array('inline' => false));

echo $this->Js->alert('I am in the javascript');

HtmlHelper::nestedList(array $list, array $options = array(), array $itemOptions = array(), string $tag = 'ul')
  • $list (array) – Set of elements to list.

  • $options (array) – Additional HTML attributes of the list (ol/ul) tag or if ul/ol use that as tag.

  • $itemOptions (array) – Additional HTML attributes of the list item (LI) tag.

  • $tag (string) – Type of list tag to use (ol/ul).

Build a nested list (UL/OL) out of an associative array:

$list = array(
    'Languages' => array(
        'English' => array(
echo $this->Html->nestedList($list);


// Output (minus the whitespace)
HtmlHelper::tableHeaders(array $names, array $trOptions = null, array $thOptions = null)
  • $names (array) – An array of strings to create table headings.

  • $trOptions (array) – An array of html attributes for the <tr>

  • $thOptions (array) – An array of html attributes for the <th> elements

Creates a row of table header cells to be placed inside of <table> tags.

echo $this->Html->tableHeaders(array('Date', 'Title', 'Active'));


echo $this->Html->tableHeaders(
    array('class' => 'status'),
    array('class' => 'product_table')


<tr class="status">
     <th class="product_table">Date</th>
     <th class="product_table">Title</th>
     <th class="product_table">Active</th>

Changed in version 2.2: tableHeaders() now accepts attributes per cell, see below.

As of 2.2 you can set attributes per column, these are used instead of the defaults provided in the $thOptions:

echo $this->Html->tableHeaders(array(
    array('Name' => array('class' => 'highlight')),
    array('Date' => array('class' => 'sortable'))


    <th class="highlight">Name</th>
    <th class="sortable">Date</th>
HtmlHelper::tableCells(array $data, array $oddTrOptions = null, array $evenTrOptions = null, $useCount = false, $continueOddEven = true)
  • $data (array) – A two dimensional array with data for the rows.

  • $oddTrOptions (array) – An array of html attributes for the odd <tr>’s.

  • $evenTrOptions (array) – An array of html attributes for the even <tr>’s.

  • $useCount (boolean) – Adds class “column-$i”.

  • $continueOddEven (boolean) – If false, will use a non-static $count variable, so that the odd/even count is reset to zero just for that call.

Creates table cells, in rows, assigning <tr> attributes differently for odd- and even-numbered rows. Wrap a single table cell within an array() for specific <td>-attributes.

echo $this->Html->tableCells(array(
    array('Jul 7th, 2007', 'Best Brownies', 'Yes'),
    array('Jun 21st, 2007', 'Smart Cookies', 'Yes'),
    array('Aug 1st, 2006', 'Anti-Java Cake', 'No'),


<tr><td>Jul 7th, 2007</td><td>Best Brownies</td><td>Yes</td></tr>
<tr><td>Jun 21st, 2007</td><td>Smart Cookies</td><td>Yes</td></tr>
<tr><td>Aug 1st, 2006</td><td>Anti-Java Cake</td><td>No</td></tr>
echo $this->Html->tableCells(array(
        'Jul 7th, 2007',
            'Best Brownies',
            array('class' => 'highlight')
    array('Jun 21st, 2007', 'Smart Cookies', 'Yes'),
        'Aug 1st, 2006',
        'Anti-Java Cake',
        array('No', array('id' => 'special'))


        Jul 7th, 2007
    <td class="highlight">
        Best Brownies
        Jun 21st, 2007
        Smart Cookies
        Aug 1st, 2006
        Anti-Java Cake
    <td id="special">
echo $this->Html->tableCells(
        array('Red', 'Apple'),
        array('Orange', 'Orange'),
        array('Yellow', 'Banana'),
    array('class' => 'darker')


<tr class="darker"><td>Red</td><td>Apple</td></tr>
<tr class="darker"><td>Yellow</td><td>Banana</td></tr>
HtmlHelper::url(mixed $url = NULL, boolean $full = false)
  • $url (mixed) – A routing array.

  • $full (mixed) – Either a boolean to indicate whether or not the base path should be included or an array of options for Router::url()

Returns a URL pointing to a combination of controller and action. If $url is empty, it returns the REQUEST_URI, otherwise it generates the URL for the controller and action combo. If full is true, the full base URL will be prepended to the result:

echo $this->Html->url(array(
    "controller" => "posts",
    "action" => "view",

// Output

Here are a few more usage examples:

URL with named parameters:

echo $this->Html->url(array(
    "controller" => "posts",
    "action" => "view",
    "foo" => "bar"

// Output

URL with extension:

echo $this->Html->url(array(
    "controller" => "posts",
    "action" => "list",
    "ext" => "rss"

// Output

URL (starting with ‘/’) with the full base URL prepended:

echo $this->Html->url('/posts', true);

// Output

URL with GET params and named anchor:

echo $this->Html->url(array(
    "controller" => "posts",
    "action" => "search",
    "?" => array("foo" => "bar"),
    "#" => "first"

// Output

For further information check Router::url in the API.

HtmlHelper::useTag(string $tag)

Returns a formatted existent block of $tag:

    array('method' => 'post', 'class' => 'myform')


<form action="" method="post" class="myform">

Changing the tags output by HtmlHelper

HtmlHelper::loadConfig(mixed $configFile, string $path = null)

The built-in tag sets for HtmlHelper are XHTML compliant, however if you need to generate HTML for HTML5 you will need to create and load a new tags config file containing the tags you’d like to use. To change the tags used create app/Config/html5_tags.php containing:

$config = array('tags' => array(
    'css' => '<link rel="%s" href="%s" %s>',
    'style' => '<style%s>%s</style>',
    'charset' => '<meta charset="%s">',
    'javascriptblock' => '<script%s>%s</script>',
    'javascriptstart' => '<script>',
    'javascriptlink' => '<script src="%s"%s></script>',
    // ...

You can then load this tag set by calling $this->Html->loadConfig('html5_tags');

Creating breadcrumb trails with HtmlHelper

HtmlHelper::getCrumbs(string $separator = '&raquo;', string|array|bool $startText = false)

CakePHP has the built-in ability to automatically create a breadcrumb trail in your app. To set this up, first add something similar to the following in your layout template:

echo $this->Html->getCrumbs(' > ', 'Home');

The $startText option can also accept an array. This gives more control over the generated first link:

echo $this->Html->getCrumbs(' > ', array(
    'text' => $this->Html->image('home.png'),
    'url' => array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'home'),
    'escape' => false

Any keys that are not text or url will be passed to link() as the $options parameter.

Changed in version 2.1: The $startText parameter now accepts an array.

HtmlHelper::addCrumb(string $name, string $link = null, mixed $options = null)

Now, in your view you’ll want to add the following to start the breadcrumb trails on each of the pages:

$this->Html->addCrumb('Users', '/users');
$this->Html->addCrumb('Add User', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'add'));

This will add the output of “Users > Add User” in your layout where getCrumbs was added.

You can prepend a crumb with the prepend option:

$this->Html->addCrumb('Add User', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'add'));
$this->Html->addCrumb('Users', '/users', array('prepend' => true));

This will add the output of “Users > Add User” in your layout where getCrumbs was added.

New in version 2.10: The prepend option was added in 2.10

HtmlHelper::getCrumbList(array $options = array(), mixed $startText)
  • $options (array) – An array of html attributes for the containing <ul> element. Can also contain the ‘separator’, ‘firstClass’, ‘lastClass’ and ‘escape’ options.

  • $startText (string|array) – The text or element that precedes the ul.

Returns breadcrumbs as a (x)html list.

This method uses HtmlHelper::tag() to generate list and its elements. Works similar to getCrumbs(), so it uses options which every crumb was added with. You can use the $startText parameter to provide the first breadcrumb link/text. This is useful when you always want to include a root link. This option works the same as the $startText option for getCrumbs().

Changed in version 2.1: The $startText parameter was added.

Changed in version 2.3: The ‘separator’, ‘firstClass’ and ‘lastClass’ options were added.

Changed in version 2.5: The ‘escape’ option was added.