The Security Component

The Security component is used to secure your controller actions against malicious or errant requests. It allows you to set up the conditions under which an action can be requested, and optionally specify how to deal with requests that don’t meet those requirements. Again, before using the Security component, you must make sure that ‘Security’ is listed in your controllers’ $components array.

Protecting Controller Actions

The Security component contains two primary methods for restricting access to controller actions:


  • string $action1

  • string $action2

  • string $action3…

In order for the specified actions to execute, they must be requested via POST.


  • string $action1

  • string $action2

  • string $action3…

Ensures that a request is coming from within the application by checking an authentication key in the POST’ed form data against an authentication key stored in the user’s session. If they match, the action is allowed to execute. Be aware, however, that for reasons of flexibility, this check is only run if form data has actually been posted. If the action is called with a regular GET request, requireAuth() will do nothing. For maximum security, you should use requirePost() and requireAuth() on actions that you want fully protected. Learn more about how the authentication key is generated, and how it ends up where it should in Section 4 below.

But first, let’s take a look at a simple example:

class ThingsController extends AppController
    var $components = array('Security');

    function beforeFilter()

    function delete($id)
        // This will only happen if the action is called via an HTTP POST request

Here, we’re telling the Security component that the ‘delete’ action requires a POST request. The beforeFilter() method is usually where you’ll want to tell Security (and most other components) what to do with themselves. It will then go do what it’s told right after beforeFilter() is called, but right before the action itself is called.

And that’s about all there is to it. You can test this by typing the URL for the action into your browser and seeing what happens.

Handling Invalid Requests

So if a request doesn’t meet the security requirements that we define, what happens to it? By default, the request is black-holed, which means that the client is sent a 404 header, and the application immediately exits. However, the Security component has a $blackHoleCallback property, which you can set to the name of a custom callback function defined in your controller.

Rather than simply give a 404 header and then nothing, this property allows you to perform some additional checking on the request, redirect the request to another location, or even log the IP address of the offending client. However, if you choose to use a custom callback, it is your responsibility to exit the application if the request is invalid. If your callback returns true, then the Security component will continue to check the request against other defined requirements. Otherwise, it stops checking, and your application continues uninhibited.

Advanced Request Authentication

The requireAuth() method allows you to be very detailed in specifying how and from where an action can be accessed, but it comes with certain usage stipulations, which become clear when you understand how this method of authentication works. As stated above, requireAuth() works by comparing an authentication key in the POST data to the key stored in the user’s session data. Therefore, the Security component must be included in both the controller recieveing the request, as well as the controller making the request.

For example, if I have an action in PostsController with a view containing a form that POSTs to an action in CommentsController, then the Security component must be included in both CommentsController (which is receiving the request, and actually protecting the action), as well as PostsController (from which the request will be made).

Every time the Security component is loaded, even if it is not being used to protect an action, it does the following things: First, it generates an authentication key using the core Security class. Then, it writes this key to the session, along with an expiration date and some additional information (the expiration date is determined by your session security setting in /app/config/core.php). Next, it sets the key in your controller, to be referenced later.

Then in your view files, any form tag you generate using $html->formTag() will also contain a hidden input field with the authentication key. That way, when the form is POSTed, the Security component can compare that value to the value in the session on the receiving end of the request. After that, the authentication key is regenerated, and the session is updated for the next request.