This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!

Where to Get Help

The Official CakePHP website

The Official CakePHP website is always a great place to visit. It features links to oft-used developer tools, screencasts, donation opportunities, and downloads.

The Cookbook

This manual should probably be the first place you go to get answers. As with many other open source projects, we get new folks regularly. Try your best to answer your questions on your own first. Answers may come slower, but will remain longer – and you’ll also be lightening our support load. Both the manual and the API have an online component.

The Bakery

The CakePHP Bakery is a clearing house for all things CakePHP. Check it out for tutorials, case studies, and code examples. Once you’re acquainted with CakePHP, log on and share your knowledge with the community and gain instant fame and fortune.


Straight to the point and straight from the core developers, the CakePHP API (Application Programming Interface) is the most comprehensive documentation around for all the nitty gritty details of the internal workings of the framework. Its a straight forward code reference, so bring your propeller hat.


CakeForge is another developer resource you can use to host your CakePHP projects to share with others. If you’re looking for (or want to share) a killer component or a praiseworthy plugin, check out CakeForge.

The Test Cases

If you ever feel the information provided in the API is not sufficient, check out the code of the test cases provided with CakePHP 1.2. They can serve as practical examples for function and data member usage for a class. To get the core test cases you need to download a nightly package or do a svn branch checkout. The test cases will be located under


The IRC channel

IRC Channels on

If you’re stumped, give us a holler in the CakePHP IRC channel. Someone from the development team is usually there, especially during the daylight hours for North and South America users. We’d love to hear from you, whether you need some help, want to find users in your area, or would like to donate your brand new sports car.

The Google Group

CakePHP also has a very active Google Group. It can be a great resource for finding archived answers, frequently asked questions, and getting answers to immediate problems.

The Unofficial CakePHP forum

The UnOfficial CakePHP forum is an alternative place for Cake Bakers to discuss and exchange information about CakePHP.