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The CookieComponent is a wrapper around the native PHP setcookie method. It also includes a host of delicious icing to make coding cookies in your controllers very convenient. Before attempting to use the CookieComponent, you must make sure that ‘Cookie’ is listed in your controllers’ $components array.

Controller Setup

There are a number of controller variables that allow you to configure the way cookies are created and managed. Defining these special variables in the beforeFilter() method of your controller allows you to define how the CookieComponent works.

Cookie variable



string $name


The name of the cookie.

string $key


This string is used to encrypt the value written to the cookie. This string should be random and difficult to guess.

string $domain


The domain name allowed to access the cookie. e.g. Use ‘’ to allow access from all your subdomains.

int or string $time

‘5 Days’

The time when your cookie will expire. Integers are interpreted as seconds and a value of 0 is equivalent to a ‘session cookie’: i.e. the cookie expires when the browser is closed. If a string is set, this will be interpreted with PHP function strtotime(). You can set this directly within the write() method.

string $path


The server path on which the cookie will be applied. If $cookiePath is set to ‘/foo/’, the cookie will only be available within the /foo/ directory and all sub-directories such as /foo/bar/ of your domain. The default value is the entire domain. You can set this directly within the write() method.

boolean $secure


Indicates that the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection. When set to true, the cookie will only be set if a secure connection exists. You can set this directly within the write() method.

The following snippet of controller code shows how to include the CookieComponent and set up the controller variables needed to write a cookie named ‘baker_id’ for the domain ‘’ which needs a secure connection, is available on the path ‘/bakers/preferences/’, and expires in one hour.

var $components    = array('Cookie');
function beforeFilter() {
  $this->Cookie->name = 'baker_id';
  $this->Cookie->time =  3600;  // or '1 hour'
  $this->Cookie->path = '/bakers/preferences/';
  $this->Cookie->domain = '';
  $this->Cookie->secure = true;  //i.e. only sent if using secure HTTPS
  $this->Cookie->key = 'qSI232qs*&sXOw!';

Next, let’s look at how to use the different methods of the Cookie Component.

Using the Component

The CookieComponent offers a number of methods for working with Cookies.

write(mixed $key, mixed $value, boolean $encrypt, mixed $expires)

The write() method is the heart of cookie component, $key is the cookie variable name you want, and the $value is the information to be stored.


You can also group your variables by supplying dot notation in the key parameter.

$this->Cookie->write('', 'Larry');

If you want to write more than one value to the cookie at a time, you can pass an array:


All values in the cookie are encrypted by default. If you want to store the values as plain-text, set the third parameter of the write() method to false. The encryption performed on cookie values is fairly uncomplicated encryption system. It uses Security.salt and a predefined CIPHER_SEED constant to encrypt values. To make your cookies more secure you should define CIPHER_SEED in your bootstrap to ensure a better encryption. The default value of CIPHER_SEED is 76859309657453542496749683645


The last parameter to write is $expires – the number of seconds before your cookie will expire. For convenience, this parameter can also be passed as a string that the php strtotime() function understands:

//Both cookies expire in one hour.
  $this->Cookie->write('first_name','Larry',false, 3600);
  $this->Cookie->write('last_name','Masters',false, '1 hour');

read(mixed $key)

This method is used to read the value of a cookie variable with the name specified by $key.

// Outputs “Larry”
  echo $this->Cookie->read('name');

  //You can also use the dot notation for read
  echo $this->Cookie->read('');

  //To get the variables which you had grouped
  //using the dot notation as an array use something like

  // this outputs something like array('name' => 'Larry', 'role'=>'Lead')

del(mixed $key)

Deletes a cookie variable of the name in $key. Works with dot notation.

//Delete a variable

//Delete the cookie variable bar, but not all under foo


Destroys the current cookie.