This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!
As a natural counterpart to the Session Component, the Session Helper replicates most of the component’s functionality and makes it available in your view.
The major difference between the Session Helper and the Session Component is that the helper does not have the ability to write to the session.
As with the Session Component, data is read by using dot notation array structures:
array('User' => array(
'username' => ''
Given the previous array structure, the node would be accessed by
, with the dot indicating the nested array. This
notation is used for all Session helper methods wherever a $key
Read from the Session. Returns a string or array depending on the contents of the session.
Read and delete a value from the Session. This is useful when you want to combine reading and deleting values in a single operation.
Check to see whether a key is in the Session. Returns a boolean representing the key’s existence.
Returns last error encountered in a session.
Used to check whether a session is valid in a view.
Deprecated since version 2.7.0: You should use FlashHelper to render flash messages.
As explained in Creating notification messages, you can
create one-time notifications for feedback. After creating messages
with SessionComponent::setFlash()
, you will want to
display them. Once a message is displayed, it will be removed and
not displayed again:
echo $this->Session->flash();
The above will output a simple message with the following HTML:
<div id="flashMessage" class="message">
Your stuff has been saved.
As with the component method, you can set additional properties and customize which element is used. In the controller, you might have code like:
// in a controller
$this->Session->setFlash('The user could not be deleted.');
When outputting this message, you can choose the element used to display the message:
// in a layout.
echo $this->Session->flash('flash', array('element' => 'failure'));
This would use View/Elements/failure.ctp
to render the message. The
message text would be available as $message
in the element.
The failure element would contain something like this:
<div class="flash flash-failure">
<?php echo h($message); ?>
You can also pass additional parameters into the flash()
method, which
allows you to generate customized messages:
// In the controller
$this->Session->setFlash('Thanks for your payment.');
// In the layout.
echo $this->Session->flash('flash', array(
'params' => array('name' => $user['User']['name'])
'element' => 'payment'
// View/Elements/payment.ctp
<div class="flash payment">
<?php printf($message, h($name)); ?>
By default, CakePHP does not escape the HTML in flash messages. If you are using
any request or user data in your flash messages, you should escape it
with h
when formatting your messages.