This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!


CakePHP provides a wrapper and suite of utility features on top of PHP’s native session extension. Sessions allow you to identify unique users across the requests and store persistent data for specific users. Unlike Cookies, session data is not available on the client side. Usage of $_SESSION is generally avoided in CakePHP, and instead usage of the Session classes is preferred.

Session Configuration

Session configuration is stored in Configure under the top level Session key, and a number of options are available:

  • Session.cookie - Change the name of the session cookie.

  • Session.timeout - The number of minutes before CakePHP’s session handler expires the session. This affects Session.autoRegenerate (below), and is handled by CakeSession.

  • Session.cookieTimeout - The number of minutes before the session cookie expires. If this is undefined, it will use the same value as Session.timeout. This affects the session cookie, and is handled by PHP itself.

  • Session.checkAgent - Should the user agent be checked, on each request. If the user agent does not match the session will be destroyed.

  • Session.autoRegenerate - Enabling this setting, turns on automatic renewal of sessions, and session ids that change frequently. Enabling this value will use the session’s Config.countdown value to keep track of requests. Once the countdown reaches 0, the session id will be regenerated. This is a good option to use for applications that need frequently changing session ids for security reasons. You can control the number of requests needed to regenerate the session by modifying CakeSession::$requestCountdown.

  • Session.defaults - Allows you to use one the built-in default session configurations as a base for your session configuration.

  • Session.handler - Allows you to define a custom session handler. The core database and cache session handlers use this. This option replaces in previous versions. See below for additional information on Session handlers.

  • Session.ini - Allows you to set additional session ini settings for your config. This combined with Session.handler replace the custom session handling features of previous versions

  • Session.cacheLimiter - Allows you define the cache control headers used for the session cookie. The default is must-revalidate. This option was added in 2.8.0.

CakePHP’s defaults to setting session.cookie_secure to true, when your application is on an SSL protocol. If your application serves from both SSL and non-SSL protocols, then you might have problems with sessions being lost. If you need access to the session on both SSL and non-SSL domains you will want to disable this:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'php',
    'ini' => array(
        'session.cookie_secure' => false

Session cookie paths default to / in 2.0, to change this you can use the session.cookie_path ini flag to the directory path of your application:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'php',
    'ini' => array(
        'session.cookie_path' => '/app/dir'

If you are using php’s default session settings, take note that session.gc_maxlifetime can override your setting for timeout. The default is 24 minutes. Change this in your ini settings to get it to match longer sessions:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'php',
    'timeout' => 2160, // 36 hours
    'ini' => array(
        'session.gc_maxlifetime' => 129600 // 36 hours

Built-in Session handlers & configuration

CakePHP comes with several built-in session configurations. You can either use these as the basis for your session configuration, or you can create a fully custom solution. To use defaults, simply set the ‘defaults’ key to the name of the default you want to use. You can then override any sub setting by declaring it in your Session config:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'php'

The above will use the built-in ‘php’ session configuration. You could augment part or all of it by doing the following:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'php',
    'cookie' => 'my_app',
    'timeout' => 4320 //3 days

The above overrides the timeout and cookie name for the ‘php’ session configuration. The built-in configurations are:

  • php - Saves sessions with the standard settings in your php.ini file.

  • cake - Saves sessions as files inside app/tmp/sessions. This is a good option when on hosts that don’t allow you to write outside your own home dir.

  • database - Use the built-in database sessions. See below for more information.

  • cache - Use the built-in cache sessions. See below for more information.

Session Handlers

Session handlers can also be defined in the session config array. When defined they allow you to map the various session_save_handler values to a class or object you want to use for session saving. There are two ways to use the ‘handler’. The first is to provide an array with 5 callables. These callables are then applied to session_set_save_handler:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'userAgent' => false,
    'cookie' => 'my_cookie',
    'timeout' => 600,
    'handler' => array(
        array('Foo', 'open'),
        array('Foo', 'close'),
        array('Foo', 'read'),
        array('Foo', 'write'),
        array('Foo', 'destroy'),
        array('Foo', 'gc'),
    'ini' => array(
        'cookie_secure' => 1,
        'use_trans_sid' => 0

The second mode is to define an ‘engine’ key. This key should be a class name that implements CakeSessionHandlerInterface. Implementing this interface will allow CakeSession to automatically map the methods for the handler. Both the core Cache and Database session handlers use this method for saving sessions. Additional settings for the handler should be placed inside the handler array. You can then read those values out from inside your handler.

You can also use session handlers from inside plugins. By setting the engine to something like MyPlugin.PluginSessionHandler. This will load and use the PluginSessionHandler class from inside the MyPlugin of your application.


This interface is used for all custom session handlers inside CakePHP, and can be used to create custom user land session handlers. Simply implement the interface in your class and set Session.handler.engine to the class name you’ve created. CakePHP will attempt to load the handler from inside app/Model/Datasource/Session/$classname.php. So if your class name is AppSessionHandler the file should be app/Model/Datasource/Session/AppSessionHandler.php.

Database sessions

The changes in session configuration change how you define database sessions. Most of the time you will only need to set Session.handler.model in your configuration as well as choose the database defaults:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'database',
    'handler' => array(
        'model' => 'CustomSession'

The above will tell CakeSession to use the built-in ‘database’ defaults, and specify that a model called CustomSession will be the delegate for saving session information to the database.

If you do not need a fully custom session handler, but still require database-backed session storage, you can simplify the above code to:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'database'

This configuration will require a database table to be added with at least these fields:

CREATE TABLE `cake_sessions` (
  `id` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `data` text,
  `expires` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

You can also use the schema shell to create this table using the schema file provided in the default app skeleton:

$ Console/cake schema create sessions

Cache Sessions

The Cache class can be used to store sessions as well. This allows you to store sessions in a cache like APC, memcache, or Xcache. There are some caveats to using cache sessions, in that if you exhaust the cache space, sessions will start to expire as records are evicted.

To use Cache based sessions you can configure you Session config like:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'cache',
    'handler' => array(
        'config' => 'session'

This will configure CakeSession to use the CacheSession class as the delegate for saving the sessions. You can use the ‘config’ key which cache configuration to use. The default cache configuration is 'default'.

Setting ini directives

The built-in defaults attempt to provide a common base for session configuration. You may need to tweak specific ini flags as well. CakePHP exposes the ability to customize the ini settings for both default configurations, as well as custom ones. The ini key in the session settings, allows you to specify individual configuration values. For example you can use it to control settings like session.gc_divisor:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'php',
    'ini' => array(
        'session.gc_divisor' => 1000,
        'session.cookie_httponly' => true

Creating a custom session handler

Creating a custom session handler is straightforward in CakePHP. In this example we’ll create a session handler that stores sessions both in the Cache (apc) and the database. This gives us the best of fast IO of apc, without having to worry about sessions evaporating when the cache fills up.

First we’ll need to create our custom class and put it in app/Model/Datasource/Session/ComboSession.php. The class should look something like:

App::uses('DatabaseSession', 'Model/Datasource/Session');

class ComboSession extends DatabaseSession implements CakeSessionHandlerInterface {
    public $cacheKey;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->cacheKey = Configure::read('Session.handler.cache');

    // read data from the session.
    public function read($id) {
        $result = Cache::read($id, $this->cacheKey);
        if ($result) {
            return $result;
        return parent::read($id);

    // write data into the session.
    public function write($id, $data) {
        Cache::write($id, $data, $this->cacheKey);
        return parent::write($id, $data);

    // destroy a session.
    public function destroy($id) {
        Cache::delete($id, $this->cacheKey);
        return parent::destroy($id);

    // removes expired sessions.
    public function gc($expires = null) {
        return parent::gc($expires);

Our class extends the built-in DatabaseSession so we don’t have to duplicate all of its logic and behavior. We wrap each operation with a Cache operation. This lets us fetch sessions from the fast cache, and not have to worry about what happens when we fill the cache. Using this session handler is also easy. In your core.php make the session block look like the following:

Configure::write('Session', array(
    'defaults' => 'database',
    'handler' => array(
        'engine' => 'ComboSession',
        'model' => 'Session',
        'cache' => 'apc'

// Make sure to add a apc cache config
Cache::config('apc', array('engine' => 'Apc'));

Now our application will start using our custom session handler for reading & writing session data.

class CakeSession

Reading & writing session data

Depending on the context you are in, your application has different classes that provide access to the session. In controllers you can use SessionComponent. In the view, you can use SessionHelper. In any part of your application you can use CakeSession to access the session as well. Like the other interfaces to the session, CakeSession provides a simple CRUD interface.

static CakeSession::read($key)

You can read values from the session using Set::classicExtract() compatible syntax:

static CakeSession::write($key, $value)

$key should be the dot separated path you wish to write $value to:

CakeSession::write('Config.language', 'eng');
static CakeSession::delete($key)

When you need to delete data from the session, you can use delete:


You should also see the documentation on Sessions and SessionHelper for how to access Session data in the controller and view.