This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!

3.7 Migration Guide

CakePHP 3.7 is an API compatible upgrade from 3.6. This page outlines the changes and improvements made in 3.7.

To upgrade to 3.7.x run the following composer command:

php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:3.7.*"


The following is a list of deprecated methods, properties and behaviors. These features will continue to function until 4.0.0 after which they will be removed.

  • Cake\Form\Form::errors() is deprecated. Use getErrors() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::$headers is deprecated. Use getHeaders() or getHeaderLine() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::$body is deprecated. Use getStringBody() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::$json is deprecated. Use getJson() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::$xml is deprecated. Use getXml() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::$cookies is deprecated. Use getCookies() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::$code is deprecated. Use getStatusCode() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::body() is deprecated. Use getStringBody() instead.

  • Cake\ORM\Association::className() has been deprecated. Use getClassName() and setClassName() instead.

  • Using Cake\Database\Query::join() to read information is deprecated. Instead use Query::clause('join').

  • Using Cake\Database\Query::from() to read information is deprecated. Instead use Query::clause('from').

  • Cake\Database\Connection::logQueries() is deprecated. Use enableQueryLogging() and isQueryLoggingEnabled() instead.

  • The string/array parameter set for Cake\Http\Response::withCookie() is deprecated. Instead you need to pass in Cake\Http\Cookie\Cookie instances.

  • Cake\Validation\Validation::cc() has been renamed to creditCard().

  • Cake\View\ViewVarsTrait::viewOptions() is deprecated. Use viewBuilder()->setOptions() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$request is protected now. Use View::getRequest()/setRequest() to access a View’s request instance in other contexts.

  • Cake\View\View::$response is protected now. Use View::getResponse()/setResponse() to access a View’s response instance in other contexts.

  • Cake\View\View::$templatePath is protected now. Use getTemplatePath()/setTemplatePath() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$template is protected now. Use getTemplate()/setTemplate() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$layout is protected now. Use getLayout()/setLayout() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$layoutPath is protected now. Use getLayoutPath()/setLayoutPath() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$autoLayout is protected now. Use enableAutoLayout()/isAutoLayoutEnabled() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$theme is protected now. Use getTheme()/setTheme() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$subDir is protected now. Use getSubDir()/setSubDir() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$plugin is protected now. Use getPlugin()/setPlugin() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$name is protected now. Use getName()/setName() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$elementCache is protected now. Use getElementCache()/setElementCache() instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$Blocks is protected now. Use public methods on View to interact with blocks.

  • Cake\View\View:$helpers is protected now. Use helpers() to interact with the HelperRegistry instead.

  • Cake\View\View::$uuids is deprecated and will be removed in 4.0

  • Cake\View\View::uuid() is deprecated and will be removed in 4.0

  • Cake\View\Cell::$template is protected now. Use viewBuilder()->getTemplate()/setTemplate() instead.

  • Cake\View\Cell::$plugin is protected now. Use viewBuilder()->getPlugin()/setPlugin() instead.

  • Cake\View\Cell::$helpers is protected now. Use viewBuilder()->getHelpers()/setHelpers() instead.

  • Cake\View\Cell::$action is protected now.

  • Cake\View\Cell::$args is protected now.

  • Cake\View\Cell::$View is protected now.

  • Cake\View\Cell::$request is protected now.

  • Cake\View\Cell::$response is protected now.

  • Cake\View\ViewVarsTrait::$viewVars is deprecated. This public property will be removed in 4.0.0. Use set() instead.

  • Cake\Filesystem\Folder::normalizePath() is deprecated. You should use correctSlashFor() instead.

  • Cake\Mailer\Email::setConfigTransport() is deprecated. Use Cake\Mailer\TransportFactory::setConfig() instead.

  • Cake\Mailer\Email::getConfigTransport() is deprecated. Use Cake\Mailer\TransportFactory::getConfig() instead.

  • Cake\Mailer\Email::configTransport() is deprecated. Use Cake\Mailer\TransportFactory::getConfig()/setConfig() instead.

  • Cake\Mailer\Email::configuredTransport() is deprecated. Use Cake\Mailer\TransportFactory::configured() instead.

  • Cake\Mailer\Email::dropTransport() is deprecated. Use Cake\Mailer\TransportFactory::drop() instead.

  • Following view related methods of Cake\Mailer\Email have been deprecated: setTemplate(), getTemplate(), setLayout(), getLayout(), setTheme(), getTheme(), setHelpers(), getHelpers(). Use the same methods through Email’s view builder instead. For e.g. $email->viewBuilder()->getTemplate().

  • Cake\Mailer\Mailer::layout() is deprecated. Use $mailer->viewBuilder()->setLayout() instead.

  • Helper::$theme is removed. Use View::getTheme() instead.

  • Helper::$plugin is removed. Use View::getPlugin() instead.

  • Helper::$fieldset and Helper::$tags are deprecated as they are unused.

  • Helper::$helpers is now protected and should not be accessed from outside a helper class.

  • Helper::$request is removed. Use View::getRequest(), View::setRequest() instead.

  • Cake\Core\Plugin::load() and loadAll() are deprecated. Instead you should use Application::addPlugin().

  • Cake\Core\Plugin::unload() is deprecated. Use Plugin::getCollection()->remove() or clear() instead.

  • The following properties of Cake\Error\ExceptionRender are now protected: $error, $controller, $template and $method.

  • Using underscored fixtures names in TestCase::$fixtures is deprecated. Use CamelCased names instead. For e.g. app.FooBar, plugin.MyPlugin.FooBar.

Soft Deprecations

The following methods, properties and features have been deprecated but will not be removed until 5.0.0:

  • Cake\TestSuite\ConsoleIntegrationTestCase is deprecated. You should include Cake\TestSuite\ConsoleIntegrationTestTrait into your test case class instead.

Behavior Changes

  • Cake\Database\Type\IntegerType will now raise an exception when values are not numeric when preparing SQL statements and converting database results to PHP types.

  • Cake\Database\Statement\StatementDecorator::fetchAll() now returns an empty array instead of false when no result is found.

  • Cake\Database\Statement\BufferedStatement no longer inherits from StatementDecorator and no longer implements the IteratorAggregate interface. Instead it directly implements the Iterator interface to better support using statements with collections.

  • When marshalling data from the request into entities, the ORM will now convert non-scalar data into null for boolean, integer, float, and decimal types.

  • ExceptionRenderer will now always call handler methods for custom application exception classes. Previously, custom exception class handler methods would only be invoked in debug mode.

  • Router::url() will now default the _method key to GET when generating URLs with Router::url().

New Features


  • The ArrayEngine was added. This engine provides an ephemeral in memory cache implementation. It is ideal for test suites or long running processes where you don’t want persistent cache storage.


  • Cake\Database\FunctionsBuilder::rand() was added.


  • Paginator will now match unprefixed sort values in the query string to the primary model if there also exists a matching model prefixed default sort field. As an example, if your controller defines a default sort of ['' => 'desc'] you can now use either or name as your sort key.


  • ExceptionRenderer will now look for prefixed error controllers when handling exceptions. This allows you to define custom error controller logic for each routing prefix in your application.

  • ErrorHandlerMiddleware will now include previous exceptions in logging.


  • Cake\Filesystem\Folder::normalizeFullPath() was added.


  • Cake\Form\Form::setData() was added. This method makes defining default values for forms simpler.

  • Cake\Form\Form::getData() was added.


  • Cake\Http\ServerRequest::setTrustedProxies() was added.

  • Cake\Http\Client will now default to use a Curl based adapter if the curl extension is installed.

  • New constants have been added to the SecurityHeadersMiddleware. The new constants are used to build the components of HTTP headers.


  • Cake\Mailer\TransportFactory and Cake\Mailer\TransportRegistry were added. This class extracts transport creation out of Email, allowing Email to become simpler in the future.


  • Cake\ORM\EntityTrait::hasErrors() was added. This method can be used to check whether or not an entity has errors more efficiently than getErrors() does.

  • Updating has many association data now respects _ids. This makes patching has many associations work the same as creating new entities, and creates consistency with belongs to many associations.


  • cake i18n extract has a new --relative-paths option that makes path comments in POT files relative to the application root directory instead of absolute paths.

  • cake i18n extract has a new --marker-error option that enables reporting of translation functions that use non-static values as comments in POT files.


  • New assertion methods were added to IntegrationTestCase:

    • assertResponseNotEquals()

    • assertHeaderNotContains()

    • assertRedirectNotContains()

    • assertFlashElement()

    • assertFlashElementAt()

  • The custom assertions provided by IntegrationTestCase and ConsoleIntegrationTestCase are now implemented through constraint classes.

  • TestCase::loadPlugins(), removePlugins() and clearPlugins() were added to make working with dynamically loaded plugins easier now that Plugin::load() and Plugin::unload() are deprecated.

  • getMockForModel() now supports null for the $methods parameter. This allows you to create mocks that still execute the original code. This aligns the behavior with how PHPUnit mock objects work.

  • Added EmailTrait to help facilitate testing emails.

  • The default messages for integration assertions have been improved to provide more context from the exception that was raised if possible.


  • Cake\Utility\Text::getTransliterator() was added.

  • Cake\Utility\Text::setTransliterator() was added.

  • Cake\Utility\Xml::loadHtml() was added.


  • Cake\Validation\Validation::iban() was added for validating international bank account numbers.

  • Cake\Validation\Validator::allowEmptyString(), allowEmptyArray(), allowEmptyDate(), allowEmptyTime(), allowEmptyDateTime(), and allowEmptyFile() were added. These new methods replace allowEmpty() and give you more control over what a field should consider empty.


  • FormHelper now supports a confirmJs template variable which allows the javascript snippet generated for confirmation boxes to be customized.

  • FormHelper now has a autoSetCustomValidity option for setting HTML5 validity messages from custom validation messages. See: Displaying validation messages in HTML5 validity messages

  • ViewBuilder had setVar(), setVars(), getVar(), getVars() and hasVar() added. These methods will replace the public viewVars property defined in ViewVarsTrait.

  • PaginatorHelper will now match unprefixed sort keys to model prefixed ones on the default model. This allow smooth operation with the changes made in Cake\Datasource\Paginator

  • FormHelper will now read maxLength validator rules and use them to automatically define the maxlength attribute on HTML inputs if a max length is not provided in the input options.