This document is for CakePHP's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases.
You may want to read current stable release documentation instead.

4.0 Migration Guide

CakePHP 4.0 contains breaking changes, and is not backwards compatible with 3.x releases. Before attempting to upgrade to 4.0, first upgrade to 3.8 and resolve all deprecation warnings.

Refer to the 4.0 Upgrade Guide for step by step instructions on how to upgrade to 4.0.

Deprecated Features Removed

All methods, properties and functionality that were emitting deprecation warnings as of 3.8 have been removed.

Authentication functionality has been split into standalone plugins Authentication and Authorization. The former RssHelper can be found as standalone Feed plugin with similar functionality.


The following is a list of deprecated methods, properties and behaviors. These features will continue to function in 4.x and will be removed in 5.0.0.


  • AuthComponent and related classes have been deprecated and will be removed in 5.0.0. You should use the authentication and authorization libs mentioned above instead.

  • SecurityComponent is deprecated. Instead use the FormProtectionComponent for form tampering protection and the HTTPS Enforcer Middleware for requireSecure feature.


  • This package is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0. It has a number of design problems and fixing this infrequently used package does not seem worth the effort when there are a great selection of packages already.


  • Using Entity::isNew() as a setter is deprecated. Use setNew() instead.

  • Entity::unsetProperty() has been renamed to Entity::unset() to match the other methods.

  • TableSchemaInterface::primaryKey() has been renamed to TableSchemaInterface::getPrimaryKey().

  • Entity::_properties has been renamed to Entity::_fields.


  • The _serialize, _jsonOptions and _jsonp special view variables of JsonView are now deprecated. Instead you should use viewBuilder()->setOption($optionName, $optionValue) to set these options.

  • The _serialize, _rootNode and _xmlOptions special view variables of XmlView are now deprecated. Instead you should use viewBuilder()->setOption($optionName, $optionValue) to set these options.

  • HtmlHelper::tableHeaders() now prefers header cells with attributes to be defined as a nested list. e.g ['Title', ['class' => 'special']].

  • ContextInterface::primaryKey() has been renamed to ContextInterface::getPrimaryKey().


  • The Cake\Mailer\Email class has been deprecated. Use Cake\Mailer\Mailer instead.


  • App::path() has been deprecated for class paths. Use \Cake\Core\App::classPath() instead.

Breaking Changes

In addition to the removal of deprecated features there have been breaking changes made:


  • Cake\Cache\Cache::read() returns null instead of false if the data doesn’t exist.

  • Cake\Cache\CacheEngine::gc() and all implementations of this method have been removed. This method was a no-op in most cache drivers and was only used in file caching.


  • Cake\Controller\Controller::referer() now defaults the local parameter to true, instead of false. This makes using referer headers safer as they will be constrained to your application’s domain by default.

  • Controller method name matching when invoking actions is now case sensitive. For example if your controller method is forgotPassword() then using string forgotpassword in URL will not match as action name.


  • ConsoleIo::styles() has been split into a getStyle() and setStyle(). This also reflects in ConsoleOutput.


  • Cake\Controller\Component\RequestHandlerComponent now sets isAjax as a request attribute instead of request param. Hence you should now use $request->getAttribute('isAjax') instead of $request->getParam('isAjax').

  • The request body parsing features of RequestHandlerComponent have been removed. You should use the Body Parser Middleware instead.

  • Cake\Controller\Component\PaginatorComponent now sets paging params info as request attribute instead of request param. Hence you should now use $request->getAttribute('paging') instead of $request->getParam('paging').

CSRF Middleware

  • Generated tokens now contain an HMAC signed with Security.salt. This ensures the tokens were generated by the same application that receives them. CSRF tokens generated in previous versions will now be rejected by 4.0.6+ as they do not contain the HMAC.


  • Type mapping classes in Cake\Database\TypeInterface no longer inherit from Type, and leverage BatchCastingInterface features now.

  • Cake\Database\Type::map() only functions as a setter now. You must use Type::getMap() to inspect type instances.

  • Date, Time, Timestamp, and Datetime column types now return immutable time objects by default now.

  • BoolType no longer marshals non-empty string values to true and empty string to false. Instead non-boolean string values are converted to null.

  • DecimalType now uses strings to represent decimal values instead of floats. Using floats caused loss in precision.

  • JsonType now preserves null when preparing values for database context. In 3.x it would emit 'null'.

  • StringType now marshals array values to null instead of an empty string.

  • Cake\Database\Connection::setLogger() no longer accepts null to disable logging. Instead pass an instance of Psr\Log\NullLogger to disable logging.

  • The internals of Database\Log\LoggingStatement, Database\QueryLogger and Database\Log\LoggedQuery have changed. If you extend these classes you will need to update your code.

  • The internals of Cake\Database\Log\LoggingStatement, Cake\Database\QueryLogger and Cake\Database\Log\LoggedQuery have changed. If you extend these classes you will need to update your code.

  • The internals of Cake\Database\Schema\CacheCollection and Cake\Database\SchemaCache have changed. If you extend these classes you will need to update your code.

  • Cake\Database\QueryCompiler now quotes aliases in SELECT clause only when auto-quoting is enabled. Quoting is retained for Postgres to avoid identifiers being auto-casted to lowercase.

  • The database schemas now map CHAR columns to the new char type instead of string.

  • SqlServer datetime columns now map to ‘datetime’ types instead of ‘timestamp’ to match names.

  • The MySQL, PostgreSQL and SqlServer database schemas now map columns that support fractional seconds to the new abstract fractional types.

    • MySQL

      1. DATETIME(1-6) => datetimefractional

      2. TIMESTAMP(1-6) => timestampfractional

    • PostgreSQL

      1. TIMESTAMP => timestampfractional

      2. TIMESTAMP(1-6) => timestampfractional

    • SqlServer

      1. DATETIME2 => datetimefractional

      2. DATETIME2(1-7) => ``datetimefractional

  • PostgreSQL schema now maps columns that support time zones to the new abstract time zone types. Specifying (0) precision does not change the type mapping like it does with regular fractional types above.

    • PostgreSQL

      1. TIMESTAMPTZ => timestamptimezone

      2. TIMESTAMPTZ(0-6) => timestamptimezone

      3. TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE => timestamptimezone

      4. TIMESTAMP(0-6) WITH TIME ZONE => timestamptimezone


  • ModelAwareTrait::$modelClass is now protected.


  • The internals of error handler classes BaseErrorHandler, ErrorHandler and ConsoleErrorHandler have changed. If you have extended these classes you should update them accordingly.

  • ErrorHandlerMiddleware now takes an error handler class name or instance as constructor argument instead of exception render class name or instance.


  • Calling getSubject() on an event with no subject will now raise an exception.


  • Cake\Http\ServerRequest::referer() now defaults the local parameter to true, instead of false. This makes using referer headers safer as they will be constrained to your application’s domain by default.

  • The default value of Cake\Http\ServerRequest::getParam() when a parameter is missing is now null and not false.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Request::body() has been removed. Use getBody() or withBody() instead.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::isOk() now returns true for all 2xx and 3xx response codes.

  • Cake\Http\Cookie\Cookie::getExpiresTimestamp() now returns an integer. This makes it type match the one used in setcookie().

  • Cake\Http\ServerRequest::referer() now returns null when the current request has no referer. Previously it would return /.

  • Cake\Cookie\CookieCollection::get() now throws an exception when accessing a cookie that doesn’t exist. Use has() to check for cookie existence.

  • The signature of Cake\Http\ResponseEmitter::emit() has changed, it no longer has the 2nd argument.

  • The default value of App.uploadedFilesAsObjects is now true. If your application uses file uploads you can set this flag to false to retain compatibility with the behavior in 3.x.

  • The keys of array returned by Cake\Http\Response::getCookie() have changed. expire is changed to expires and httpOnly to httponly.


  • The Session cookie name is no longer set to CAKEPHP by default. Instead the default cookie name defined in your php.ini file is used. You can use the Session.cookie configuration option to set the cookie name.

  • Session cookies now have SameSite attribute set to Lax by default. Check Session Configuration section for more info.


  • JSON encoding Cake\I18n\Date and Cake\I18n\FrozenDate objects now results in strings with only the date part, in format yyyy-MM-dd instead of earlier format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssxxx.


  • Email::set() has been removed. Use Email::setViewVars() instead.

  • Email::createView() has been removed.

  • Email::viewOptions() has been removed. Use $email->getRenderer()->viewBuilder()->setOptions() instead.


  • Table::newEntity() now requires an array as input and enforces validation to prevent accidental saves without validation being triggered. This means you must use Table::newEmptyEntity() to create entities without input.

  • Using condition like ['name' => null] for Query::where() will now raise an exception. In 3.x it would generate condition like name = NULL in SQL which will always matches 0 rows, thus returning incorrect results. When comparing with null you must use the IS operator like ['name IS' => null].

  • Stopping the Model.beforeSave event with a non-false, non-entity result will now raise an exception. This change ensures that Table::save() always returns an entity or false.

  • Table will now throw an exception when aliases generated for the table name and column would be truncated by the database. This warns the user before hidden errors occur when CakePHP cannot match the alias in the result.

  • TableLocator::get() and TableRegistry::get() now expect that alias names are always CamelCased by your code. Passing incorrectly cased aliases will result in table and entity classes not being loaded correctly.

  • IsUnique rule no longer accepts allowMultipleNulls option which was enabled by default. This was re-added in 4.2 but disabled by default.


  • Routing prefixes created through Router::prefix() and $routes->prefix() are now CamelCased instead of under_scored. Instead of my_admin, you need to use MyAdmin. This change normalizes prefixes with other routing parameters and removes inflection overhead.

  • RouteBuilder::resources() now inflects resource names to dasherized form instead of underscored by default in URLs. You can retain underscored inflection by using 'inflect' => 'underscore' in $options argument.

  • Router::plugin() and Router::prefix() now use plugin/prefix name in dasherized form in URL by default. You can retain underscored from (or any other custom path) by using 'path' key in $options argument.

  • Router maintains reference to only a single instance of request now instead of a stack of requests. Router::pushRequest(), Router::setRequestInfo() and Router::setRequestContext() have been removed, use Router::setRequest() instead. Router::popRequest() has been removed. Router::getRequest() no longer has a $current argument.

  • Router::url() and all routes generation methods (HtmlHelper::link(), UrlHelper::build(), …) will not automatically move unknown variables to ? query. Router::url(['_name' => 'route', 'c' => 1234]) should be rewritten to Router::url(['_name' => 'route', '?' => ['c' => 1234]]).


  • Cake\TestSuite\TestCase::$fixtures cannot be a comma separated string anymore. It must be an array.


  • Cake\Utility\Xml::fromArray() now requires an array for the $options parameter.

  • Cake\Filesystem\Folder::copy($to, array $options = []) and Cake\Filesystem\Folder::move($to, array $options = []) have now the target path extracted as first argument.

  • The readFile option of Xml::build() is no longer true by default. Instead you must enable readFile to read local files.

  • Hash::sort() now accepts the SORT_ASC and SORT_DESC constants in the direction parameter.

  • Inflector::pluralize() now inflects index to indexes instead of indices. This reflects the technical usage of this plural in the core as well as the ecosystem.


  • Templates have been moved from src/Template/ to templates/ folder on app and plugin root. With this change the src folder now only contains files with classes that are autoloaded via composer’s autoloader.

  • Special templates folders like Cell, Element, Email, Layout and Plugin have be renamed to lower case cell, element, email, layout and plugin respectively. This provides better visual distinction between special folders and the folders corresponding to your app’s controller names which are in CamelCase form.

  • The template extension has also been changed from .ctp to .php. The special extension provided no real benefit and instead required editors/IDEs to be configured to recognise files with .ctp extension as PHP files.

  • You can no longer use false as argument for ViewBuilder::setLayout() or View::setLayout() to set View::$layout property to false. Instead use ViewBuilder::disableAutoLayout() and View::disableAutoLayout() to render a view template without a layout.

  • Cake\View\View will re-render views if render() is called multiple times instead of returning null.

  • Constants View::NAME_ELEMENT and View::NAME_LAYOUT have been removed. You can use View::TYPE_ELEMENT and View::TYPE_LAYOUT.


  • Cake\View\Helper\PaginatorHelper::hasPage() has had its arguments reversed. This makes it consistent with other paginator methods where the ‘model’ is the second argument.

  • Cake\View\Helper\UrlHelper::build() no longer accepts a boolean for the second parameter. You must use ['fullBase' => true] instead.

  • You must now only use null as 1st argument of FormHelper::create() to create a form without context. Passing any other value for which context cannot be inferred will result in an exception being thrown.

  • Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper and Cake\View\Helper\HtmlHelper now use HTML data attribute data-confirm-message to hold the confirmation message for methods which have the confirm option.

  • Cake\View\Helper\FormHelper::button() now HTML entity encodes the button text and HTML attributes by default. A new option escapeTitle has been added to allow controlling escaping the title separately from other HTML attributes.

  • Cake\View\Helper\SecureFieldTokenTrait has been removed. Its form token data building functionality is now included in the internal class FormProtector.

  • HtmlHelper::docType() method has been removed. HTML4 and XHTML are now defunct and doctype for HTML5 is short to type out directly.

  • The safe option for HtmlHelper::scriptBlock() and HtmlHelper::scriptStart() has been removed. When enabled it generated CDATA tags which are only required for XHTML which is now defunct.


  • Logging related methods like Cake\Log\LogTrait::log(), Cake\Log\Log::write() etc. now only accept string for $message argument. This change was necessary to align the API with PSR-3 standard.


  • Your app’s config/bootstrap.php should now contain a call to Router::fullBaseUrl(). Consult the latest skeleton app’s bootstrap.php and update accordingly.

  • App::path() now uses $type and templates instead of Template to get templates path. Similarly locales is used instead of Locale to get path to locales folder.

  • ObjectRegistry::get() now throws exception if object with provided name is not loaded. You should use ObjectRegistry::has() to ensure that the object exists in registry. The magic getter ObjectRegistry::__get() will continue to return null if object with given name is not loaded.

  • Locale files have been moved from src/Locale to resources/locales.

  • The cacert.pem file that was bundled in CakePHP has been replaced by a dependency on composer/ca-bundle.

New Features


  • Command classes can implement the defaultName() method to overwrite the conventions based CLI name.


  • InstanceConfigTrait::getConfigOrFail() and StaticConfigTrait::getConfigOrFail() were added. Like other orFail methods these methods will raise an exception when the requested key doesn’t exist or has a null value.


  • If your database’s timezone does not match PHP timezone then you can use DateTime::setDatabaseTimezone(). See DateTime Type for details.

  • DateTime::setKeepDatabaseTimezone() allows you to keep the database time zone in the DateTime objects created by queries.

  • Cake\Database\Log\LoggedQuery now implements JsonSerializable.

  • Cake\Database\Connection now allows using any PSR-3 logger. As a result those using the standalone database package are no longer forced to use the cakephp/log package for logging.

  • Cake\Database\Connection now allows using any PSR-16 cacher. As a result those using the standalone database package are no longer forced to use the cakephp/cache package for caching. New methods Cake\Database\Connection::setCacher() and Cake\Database\Connection::getCacher() have been added.

  • Cake\Database\ConstraintsInterface was extracted from Cake\Datasource\FixtureInterface. This interface should be implemented by fixture implementations that support constraints, which from our experience is generally relational databases.

  • The char abstract type was added. This type handles fixed length string columns.

  • The datetimefractional and timestampfractional abstract types were added. These types handle column data types with fractional seconds.

  • SqlServer schemas now support default values with functions in them like SYSDATETIME().

  • The datetimetimezone and timestamptimezone abstract types were added. These types handle column data types with time zone support.


  • If an error is raised by a controller action in a prefixed route, ErrorController will attempt to use a prefixed error template if one is available. This behavior is only applied when debug is off.


  • You can use cakephp/http without including the entire framework.

  • CakePHP now supports the PSR-15: HTTP Server Request Handlers specification. As a consequence the middlewares now implement Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface. CakePHP 3.x style invokable double pass middlewares are still supported for backwards compatibility.

  • Cake\Http\Client now follows PSR-18: HTTP Client specifications.

  • Cake\Http\Client\Response::isSuccess() was added. This method returns true if the response status code is 2xx.

  • CspMiddleware was added to make defining Content Security Policy headers simpler.

  • HttpsEnforcerMiddleware was added. This replaced the requireSecure feature of SecurityComponent.

  • Cookies now support the SameSite attribute.


  • Date and FrozenDate now respect the time zone parameter for various factory helpers like today('Asia/Tokyo').


  • Email message generation responsibility has now been transferred to Cake\Mailer\Renderer. This is mainly an architectural change and doesn’t impact how Email class is used. The only difference is that you now need to use Email::setViewVars() instead of Email::set() to set template variables.


  • Table::saveManyOrFail() method has been added that will throw PersistenceFailedException with the specific entity that failed in case of an error. The entities are saved transaction safe.

  • Table::deleteMany() and Table::deleteManyOrFail() methods have been added for removing many entities at once including callbacks. The entities are removed transaction safe.

  • Table::newEmptyEntity() has been added to create a new and empty entity object. This does not trigger any field validation. The entity can be persisted without validation error as an empty record.

  • Cake\ORM\RulesChecker::isLinkedTo() and isNotLinkedTo() were added. These new application rules allow you to ensure an association has or doesn’t have related records.

  • A new type class DateTimeFractionalType has been added for datetime types with microsecond precision. You can opt into using this type by adding it to the TypeFactory as the default datetime type or re-mapping individual columns. See the Database migration notes for how this type is automatically mapped to database types.

  • A new type class DateTimeTimezoneType has been added for datetime types with time zone support. You can opt into using this type by adding it to the TypeFactory as the default datetime type or re-mapping individual columns. See the Database migration notes for how this type is automatically mapped to database types.


  • Cake\Routing\Asset was added. This class exposes asset URL generation in a static interface similar to Router::url(). See Generating Asset URLs for more information.


  • TestSuite\EmailTrait::assertMailContainsAttachment() was added.


  • Validation::dateTime() now accepts values with microseconds.


  • FormHelper now generates HTML5 validation messages for fields marked as “notEmpty” in an entity’s ORM table class. This feature can be toggled with the autoSetCustomValidity class configuration option.

  • FormHelper now generates native HTML5 input tags for datetime fields. Check the Form Helper page for more details. If you need to retain the former markup, a shimmed FormHelper can be found in Shim plugin with the old behavior/generation (4.x branch).

  • FormHelper now sets the default step size to seconds for datetime widgets with a time component. The default is milliseconds if the field is from the new datetimefractional or timestampfractional database types.