View Cells

View cells are small mini-controllers that can invoke view logic and render out templates. The idea of cells is borrowed from cells in Ruby, where they fulfill a similar role and purpose.

When to use Cells

Cells are ideal for building reusable page components that require interaction with models, view logic, and rendering logic. A simple example would be the cart in an online store, or a data-driven navigation menu in a CMS.

Creating a Cell

To create a cell, define a class in src/View/Cell and a template in templates/cell/. In this example, we’ll be making a cell to display the number of messages in a user’s notification inbox. First, create the class file. Its contents should look like:

namespace App\View\Cell;

use Cake\View\Cell;

class InboxCell extends Cell
    public function display()

Save this file into src/View/Cell/InboxCell.php. As you can see, like other classes in CakePHP, Cells have a few conventions:

  • Cells live in the App\View\Cell namespace. If you are making a cell in a plugin, the namespace would be PluginName\View\Cell.

  • Class names should end in Cell.

  • Classes should inherit from Cake\View\Cell.

We added an empty display() method to our cell; this is the conventional default method when rendering a cell. We’ll cover how to use other methods later in the docs. Now, create the file templates/cell/Inbox/display.php. This will be our template for our new cell.

You can generate this stub code quickly using bake:

bin/cake bake cell Inbox

Would generate the code we created above.

Implementing the Cell

Assume that we are working on an application that allows users to send messages to each other. We have a Messages model, and we want to show the count of unread messages without having to pollute AppController. This is a perfect use case for a cell. In the class we just made, add the following:

namespace App\View\Cell;

use Cake\View\Cell;

class InboxCell extends Cell
    public function display()
        $unread = $this->fetchTable('Messages')->find('unread');
        $this->set('unread_count', $unread->count());

Because Cells use the LocatorAwareTrait and ViewVarsTrait, they behave very much like a controller would. We can use the fetchTable() and set() methods just like we would in a controller. In our template file, add the following:

<!-- templates/cell/Inbox/display.php -->
<div class="notification-icon">
    You have <?= $unread_count ?> unread messages.


Cell templates have an isolated scope that does not share the same View instance as the one used to render template and layout for the current controller action or other cells. Hence they are unaware of any helper calls made or blocks set in the action’s template / layout and vice versa.

Loading Cells

Cells can be loaded from views using the cell() method and works the same in both contexts:

// Load an application cell
$cell = $this->cell('Inbox');

// Load a plugin cell
$cell = $this->cell('Messaging.Inbox');

The above will load the named cell class and execute the display() method. You can execute other methods using the following:

// Run the expanded() method on the Inbox cell
$cell = $this->cell('Inbox::expanded');

If you need controller logic to decide which cells to load in a request, you can use the CellTrait in your controller to enable the cell() method there:

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Controller\AppController;
use Cake\View\CellTrait;

class DashboardsController extends AppController
    use CellTrait;

    // More code.

Passing Arguments to a Cell

You will often want to parameterize cell methods to make cells more flexible. By using the second and third arguments of cell(), you can pass action parameters and additional options to your cell classes, as an indexed array:

$cell = $this->cell('Inbox::recent', ['-3 days']);

The above would match the following function signature:

public function recent($since)

Rendering a Cell

Once a cell has been loaded and executed, you’ll probably want to render it. The easiest way to render a cell is to echo it:

<?= $cell ?>

This will render the template matching the lowercased and underscored version of our action name like display.php.

Because cells use View to render templates, you can load additional cells within a cell template if required.


Echoing a cell uses the PHP __toString() magic method which prevents PHP from showing the filename and line number for any fatal errors raised. To obtain a meaningful error message, it is recommended to use the Cell::render() method, for example <?= $cell->render() ?>.

Rendering Alternate Templates

By convention cells render templates that match the action they are executing. If you need to render a different view template, you can specify the template to use when rendering the cell:

// Calling render() explicitly
echo $this->cell('Inbox::recent', ['-3 days'])->render('messages');

// Set template before echoing the cell.
$cell = $this->cell('Inbox');

echo $cell;

Caching Cell Output

When rendering a cell you may want to cache the rendered output if the contents don’t change often or to help improve performance of your application. You can define the cache option when creating a cell to enable & configure caching:

// Cache using the default config and a generated key
$cell = $this->cell('Inbox', [], ['cache' => true]);

// Cache to a specific cache config and a generated key
$cell = $this->cell('Inbox', [], ['cache' => ['config' => 'cell_cache']]);

// Specify the key and config to use.
$cell = $this->cell('Inbox', [], [
    'cache' => ['config' => 'cell_cache', 'key' => 'inbox_' . $user->id]

If a key is generated the underscored version of the cell class and template name will be used.


A new View instance is used to render each cell and these new objects do not share context with the main template / layout. Each cell is self-contained and only has access to variables passed as arguments to the View::cell() call.

Paginating Data inside a Cell

Creating a cell that renders a paginated result set can be done by leveraging a paginator class of the ORM. An example of paginating a user’s favorite messages could look like:

namespace App\View\Cell;

use Cake\View\Cell;
use Cake\Datasource\Paging\NumericPaginator;

class FavoritesCell extends Cell
    public function display($user)
        // Create a paginator
        $paginator = new NumericPaginator();

        // Paginate the model
        $results = $paginator->paginate(
                // Use a parameterized custom finder.
                'finder' => ['favorites' => [$user]],

                // Use scoped query string parameters.
                'scope' => 'favorites',

        // Set the paging params as a request attribute for use the PaginatorHelper
        $paging = $paginator->getPagingParams() + (array)$this->request->getAttribute('paging');
        $this->request = $this->request->withAttribute('paging', $paging);

        $this->set('favorites', $results);

The above cell would paginate the Messages model using scoped pagination parameters.

Cell Options

Cells can declare constructor options that are converted into properties when creating a cell object:

namespace App\View\Cell;

use Cake\View\Cell;

class FavoritesCell extends Cell
    protected $_validCellOptions = ['limit'];

    protected $limit = 3;

    public function display($userId)
        $result = $this->fetchTable('Users')->find('friends', ['for' => $userId])
        $this->set('favorites', $result);

Here we have defined a $limit property and add limit as a cell option. This will allow us to define the option when creating the cell:

$cell = $this->cell('Favorites', [$user->id], ['limit' => 10])

Cell options are handy when you want data available as properties allowing you to override default values.

Using Helpers inside a Cell

Cells have their own context and their own View instance but Helpers loaded inside your AppView::initialize() function are still loaded as usual.

Loading a specific Helper just for a specific cell can be done via the following example:

namespace App\View\Cell;

use Cake\View\Cell;

class FavoritesCell extends Cell
    public function initialize(): void

Cell Events

Cells trigger the following events around the cell action:

  • Cell.beforeAction

  • Cell.afterAction

New in version 5.1.0.