
What is a model?

What does it do? It separates domain logic from the presentation, isolating application logic.

A model is generally an access point to the database, and more specifically, to a certain table in the database. By default, each model uses the table who’s name is plural of its own, i.e. a ‘User’ model uses the ‘users’ table. Models can also contain data validation rules, association information, and methods specific to the table it uses. Here’s what a simple User model might look like in Cake:

Example User Model, saved in /app/models/user.php


//AppModel gives you all of Cake's Model functionality

class User extends AppModel
    // Its always good practice to include this variable.
    var $name = 'User';

    // This is used for validation, see Chapter "Data Validation".
    var $validate = array();

    // You can also define associations.
    // See section 6.3 for more information.

    var $hasMany = array('Image' =>
                   array('className' => 'Image')

    // You can also include your own functions:
    function makeInactive($uid)
        //Put your own logic here...

Model Functions

From a PHP view, models are classes extending the AppModel class. The AppModel class is originally defined in the cake/ directory, but should you want to create your own, place it in app/app_model.php. It should contain methods that are shared between two or more models. It itself extends the Model class which is a standard Cake library defined in cake/libs/model.php.

While this section will treat most of the often-used functions in Cake’s Model, it’s important to remember to use for a full reference.

User-Defined Functions

An example of a table-specific method in the model is a pair of methods for hiding/unhiding posts in a blog.

Example Model Functions

class Post extends AppModel
   var $name = 'Post';

   function hide ($id=null)
      if ($id)
          $this->id = $id;
          $this->saveField('hidden', '1');

   function unhide ($id=null)
      if ($id)
          $this->id = $id;
          $this->saveField('hidden', '0');

Retrieving Your Data

Below are a few of the standard ways of getting to your data using a model:

  • findAll

  • string $conditions

  • array $fields

  • string $order

  • int $limit

  • int $page

  • int $recursive

Returns the specified fields up to $limit records matching $conditions (if any), start listing from page $page (default is page 1). $conditions should look like they would in an SQL statement: $conditions = “race = ‘wookie’ AND thermal_detonators > 3”, for example.

When the $recursive option is set to an integer value greater than 1, the findAll() operation will make an effort to return the models associated to the ones found by the findAll(). If your property has many owners who in turn have many contracts, a recursive findAll() on your Property model will return those associated models.

Set $recursive to -1 if you want no associated data fetched during the find.

  • find

  • string $conditions

  • array $fields

  • string $order

  • int $recursive

Returns the specified (or all if not specified) fields from the first record that matches $conditions.

When the $recursive option is set to an integer value between 1 and 3, the find() operation will make an effort to return the models associated to the ones found by the find(). The recursive find can go up to three levels deep. If your property has many owners who in turn have many contracts, a recursive find() on your Property model will return up to three levels deep of associated models.

Set $recursive to -1 if you want no associated data fetched durint the find.

  • findBy<fieldName>

  • string $value

  • findAllBy<fieldName>

  • string $value

These magic functions can be used as a shortcut to search your tables for a row given a certain field, and a certain value. Just tack on the name of the field you wish to search, and CamelCase it (depending on your PHP version). Examples (as used in a Controller) might be:

//PHP 5 Users
$this->Post->findByTitle('My First Blog Post');

//PHP 4 Users
$this->Post->findByTitle('My First Blog Post');
$this->Author->findByLast_name('Rogers');        //PHP4 isn't as case-friendly
$this->Foo->findAllByThree_word_field('bar');    //PHP4 isn't as case-friendly

The returned result is an array formatted just as would be from find() or findAll().

  • findNeighbours

  • string $conditions

  • array $field

  • string $value

Returns an array with the neighboring models (with only the specified fields), specified by $field and $value, filtered by the SQL conditions, $conditions.

This is useful in situations where you want ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ links that walk users through some ordered sequence through your model entries. It only works for numeric and date based fields:

class ImagesController extends AppController
    function view($id)
        // Say we want to show the image...

        $this->set('image', $this->Image->find("id = $id"));

        // But we also want the previous and next images...

        $this->set('neighbours', $this->Image->findNeighbours(null, 'id', $id));


This gives us the full $image[‘Image’] array, along with $neighbours[‘prev’][‘Image’][‘id’] and $neighbours[‘next’][‘Image’][‘id’] in our view.

  • field

  • string $name

  • string $conditions

  • string $order

Returns as a string a single field from the first record matched by $conditions as ordered by $order.

  • findCount

  • string $conditions

Returns the number of records that match the given conditions.

  • generateList

  • string $conditions

  • string $order

  • int $limit

  • string $keyPath

  • string $valuePath

This function is a shortcut to getting a list of key value pairs - especially handy for creating a html select tag from a list of your models. Use the $conditions, $order, and $limit parameters just as you would for a findAll() request. The $keyPath and $valuePath are where you tell the model where to find the keys and values for your generated list. For example, if you wanted to generate a list of roles based on your Role model, keyed by their integer ids, the full call might look something like:

    $this->Role->generateList(null, 'role_name ASC', null, '{n}', '{n}.Role.role_name')

//This would return something like:
    '1' => 'Account Manager',
    '2' => 'Account Viewer',
    '3' => 'System Manager',
    '4' => 'Site Visitor'
  • read

  • string $fields

  • string $id

Use this function to get the fields and their values from the currently loaded record, or the record specified by $id.

The recursiveness of the result depends on the value of $recursive in the model.

  • query

  • string $query

  • execute

  • string $query

Custom SQL calls can be made using the model’s query() and execute() methods. The difference between the two is that query() is used to make custom SQL queries (the results of which are returned), and execute() is used to make custom SQL commands (which require no return value).

Custom Sql Calls with query()

class Post extends AppModel
    var $name = 'Post';

    function posterFirstName()
        $ret = $this->query("SELECT first_name FROM posters_table
                                 WHERE poster_id = 1");
        $firstName = $ret[0]['first_name'];
        return $firstName;

Complex Find Conditions (using arrays)

Most of the model’s finder calls involve passing sets of conditions in one way or another. The simplest approach to this is to use a WHERE clause snippet of SQL, but if you need more control, you can use arrays. Using arrays is clearer and easier to read, and also makes it very easy to build queries. This syntax also breaks out the elements of your query (fields, values, operators, etc.) into discrete, manipulatable parts. This allows Cake to generate the most efficient query possible, ensure proper SQL syntax, and properly escape each individual part of the query.

At it’s most basic, an array-based query looks like this:

Basic find conditions array usage example:

$conditions = array("Post.title" => "This is a post");

//Example usage with a model:

The structure is fairly self-explanatory: it will find any post where the title matches the string “This is a post”. Note that we could have used just “title” as the field name, but when building queries, it is good practice to always specify the model name, as it improves the clarity of the code, and helps prevent collisions in the future, should you choose to change your schema. What about other types of matches? These are equally simple. Let’s say we wanted to find all the posts where the title is not “This is a post”:

array("Post.title" => "<> This is a post")

All that was added was ‘<>’ before the expression. Cake can parse out any valid SQL comparison operator, including match expressions using LIKE, BETWEEN, or REGEX, as long as you leave a space between the operator an the expression or value. The one exception here is IN (…)-style matches. Let’s say you wanted to find posts where the title was in a given set of values:

array("Post.title" => array("First post", "Second post", "Third post"))

Adding additional filters to the conditions is as simple as adding additional key/value pairs to the array:

    "Post.title"   => array("First post", "Second post", "Third post"),
    "Post.created" => "> " . date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-2 weeks"))

By default, Cake joins multiple conditions with boolean AND; which means, the snippet above would only match posts that have been created in the past two weeks, and have a title that matches one in the given set. However, we could just as easily find posts that match either condition:

("or" =>
        "Post.title" => array("First post", "Second post", "Third post"),
        "Post.created" => "> " . date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-2 weeks"))

Cake accepts all valid SQL boolean operations, including AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc., and they can be upper or lower case, whichever you prefer. These conditions are also infinitely nestable. Let’s say you had a hasMany/belongsTo relationship between Posts and Authors, which would result in a LEFT JOIN on the find done on Post. Let’s say you wanted to find all the posts that contained a certain keyword or were created in the past two weeks, but you want to restrict your search to posts written by Bob:

("" => "Bob", "or" => array
        "Post.title" => "LIKE %magic%",
        "Post.created" => "> " . date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-2 weeks")

Saving Your Data

To save data to your model, you need to supply it with the data you wish to save. The data handed to the save() method should be in the following form:

    [ModelName] => Array
            [fieldname1] => 'value'
            [fieldname2] => 'value'

In order to get your data posted to the controller in this manner, it’s easiest just to use the HTML Helper to do this, because it creates form elements that are named in the way Cake expects. You don’t need to use it however: just make sure your form elements have names that look like data[Modelname][fieldname]. Using $html->input(‘Model/fieldname’) is the easiest, however.

Data posted from forms is automatically formatted like this and placed in $this->data inside of your controller, so saving your data from web forms is a snap. An edit function for a property controller might look something like the following:

function edit($id)

   //Note: The property model is automatically loaded for us at $this->Property.

   // Check to see if we have form data...
   if (empty($this->data))
        $this->Property->id = $id;
        $this->data = $this->Property->read();//populate the form fields with the current row
      // Here's where we try to save our data. Automagic validation checking
      if ($this->Property->save($this->data['Property']))
         //Flash a message and redirect.
         $this->flash('Your information has been saved.',
                     '/properties/view/'.$this->data['Property']['id'], 2);
      //if some fields are invalid or save fails the form will render

Notice how the save operation is placed inside a conditional: when you try to save data to your model, Cake automatically attempts to validate your data using the rules you’ve provided. To learn more about data validation, see Chapter “Data Validation”. If you do not want save() to try to validate your data, use save($data, false).

Other useful save functions:

  • del

  • string $id

  • boolean $cascade

Deletes the model specified by $id, or the current id of the model.

If this model is associated to other models, and the ‘dependent’ key has been set in the association array, this method will also delete those associated models if $cascade is set to true.

Returns true on success.

  • saveField

  • string $name

  • string $value

Used to save a single field value.

  • getLastInsertId

Returns the ID of the most recently created record.

Model Callbacks

We’ve added some model callbacks that allow you to sneak in logic before or after certain model operations. To gain this functionality in your applications, use the parameters provided and override these functions in your Cake models.

  • beforeFind

  • string $conditions

The beforeFind() callback is executed just before a find operation begins. Place any pre-find logic in this method. When you override this in your model, return true when you want the find to execute, and false when you want it to abort.

  • afterFind

  • array $results

Use this callback to modify results that have been returned from a find operation, or perform any other post-find logic. The parameter for this function is the returned results from the model’s find operation, and the return value is the modified results.

  • beforeValidate

Use this callback to modify model data before it is validated. It can also be used to add additional, more complex validation rules, using Model::invalidate(). In this context, model data is accessible via $this->data. This function must also return true, otherwise save() execution will abort.

  • beforeSave

Place any pre-save logic in this function. This function executes immediately after model data has been validated (assuming it validates, otherwise the save() call aborts, and this callback will not execute), but before the data is saved. This function should also returntrue if you want the save operation to continue, and falseif you want to abort.

One usage of beforeSave might be to format time data for storage in a specifc database engine:

// Date/time fields created by HTML Helper:
// This code would be seen in a view



// Model callback functions used to stitch date
// data together for storage
// This code would be seen in the Event model:

function beforeSave()
    $this->data['Event']['start'] = $this->_getDate('Event', 'start');

    return true;

function _getDate($model, $field)
    return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(
        intval($this->data[$model][$field . '_hour']),
        intval($this->data[$model][$field . '_min']),
        intval($this->data[$model][$field . '_month']),
        intval($this->data[$model][$field . '_day']),
        intval($this->data[$model][$field . '_year'])));
  • afterSave

Place any logic that you want to be executed after every save in this callback method.

  • beforeDelete

Place any pre-deletion logic in this function. This function should return true if you want the deletion to continue, and false if you want to abort.

  • afterDelete

Place any logic that you want to be executed after every deletion in this callback method.

Model Variables

When creating your models, there are a number of special variables you can set in order to gain access to Cake functionality:


If this model relates to a database table, and the table’s primary key is not named ‘id’, use this variable to tell Cake the name of the primary key.


This sets the number of levels you wish Cake to fetch associated model data in find() and findAll() operations.

Imagine you have Groups which have many Users which in turn have many Articles.

Model::recursive options

$recursive = -1

No associated data is fetched.

$recursive = 0

Cake fetches Group data

$recursive = 1

Cake fetches a Group and its associated Users

$recursive = 2

Cake fetches a Group, its associated Users, and the Users’ associated Articles


Tells Cake whether or not to enable transactions for this model (i.e. begin/commit/rollback). Set to a boolean value. Only available for supporting databases.


If the database table you wish to use isn’t the plural form of the model name (and you don’t wish to change the table name), set this variable to the name of the table you’d like this model to use.


An array used to validate the data passed to this model. See Chapter “Data Validation”.


Remember the database settings you can configure in /app/config/database.php? Use this variable to switch between them - just use the name of the database connection variable you’ve created in your database configuration file. The default is, you guessed it, ‘default’.



One of the most powerful features of CakePHP is the relational mapping provided by the model. In CakePHP, the links between tables are handled through associations. Associations are the glue between related logical units.

There are four types of associations in CakePHP:

  1. hasOne

  2. hasMany

  3. belongsTo

  4. hasAndBelongsToMany

When associations between models have been defined, Cake will automagically fetch models related to the model you are working with. For example, if a Post model is related to an Author model using a hasMany association, making a call to $this->Post->findAll() in a controller will fetch Post records, as well as all the Author records they are related to.

To use the association correctly it is best to follow the CakePHP naming conventions (see Appendix “Cake Conventions”). If you use CakePHP’s naming conventions, you can use scaffolding to visualize your application data, because scaffolding detects and uses the associations between models. Of course you can always customize model associations to work outside of Cake’s naming conventions, but we’ll save those tips for later. For now, let’s just stick to the conventions. The naming conventions that concern us here are the foreign keys, model names, and table names.

Here’s a review of what Cake expects for the names of these different elements: (see Appendix “Cake Conventions” for more information on naming)

  • Foreign Keys: [singular model name]_id. For example, a foreign key in the “authors” table pointing back to the Post a given Author belongs to would be named “post_id”.

  • Table Names: [plural object name]. Since we’d like to store information about blog posts and their authors, the table names are “posts” and “authors”, respectively.

  • Model Names: [CamelCased, singular form of table name]. The model name for the “posts” table is “Post”, and the model name for the “authors” table is “Author”.

CakePHP’s scaffolding expects your associations to be in the same order as your columns. So if I have an Article that belongsTo three other models (Author, Editor, and Publisher), I would need three keys: author_id, editor_id, and publisher_id. Scaffolding would expect your associations in the same order as the keys in the table (e.g. first Author, second Editor, lastly Publisher).

In order to illustrate how some of these associations work, let’s continue using the blog application as an example. Imagine that we’re going to create a simple user management system for the blog. I suppose it goes without saying we’ll want to keep track of Users, but we’d also like each user to have an associated Profile (User hasOne Profile). Users will also be able to create comments and remain associated to them (User hasMany Comments). Once we have the user system working, we’ll move to allowing Posts to be related to Tag objects using the hasAndBelongsToMany relationship (Post hasAndBelongsToMany Tags).

Defining and Querying with hasOne

In order to set up this association, we’ll assume that you’ve already created the User and Profile models. To define the hasOne assocation between them, we’ll need to add an array to the models to tell Cake how they relate:

/app/models/user.php hasOne

class User extends AppModel
    var $name = 'User';
    var $hasOne = array('Profile' =>
                        array('className'    => 'Profile',
                              'conditions'   => '',
                              'order'        => '',
                              'dependent'    =>  true,
                              'foreignKey'   => 'user_id'

The $hasOne array is what Cake uses to build the association between the User and Profile models. Each key in the array allows you to further configure the association:

  1. className (required): the classname of the model you’d like to associate

    For our example, we want to specify the ‘Profile’ model class name.

  2. conditions: SQL condition fragments that define the relationship

    We could use this to tell Cake to only associate a Profile that has a green header, if we wished. To define conditions like this, you’d specify a SQL conditions fragment as the value for this key: “Profile.header_color = ‘green’”.

  3. order: the ordering of the associated models

    If you’d like your associated models in a specific order, set the value for this key using an SQL order predicate: “ ASC”, for example.

  4. dependent: if set to true, the associated model is destroyed when this one is.

    For example, if the “Cool Blue” profile is associated to “Bob”, and I delete the user “Bob”, the profile “Cool Blue” will also be deleted.

  5. foreignKey: the name of the foreign key that points to the associated model.

    This is here in case you’re working with a database that doesn’t follow Cake’s naming conventions.

Now, when we execute find() or findAll() calls using the Profile model, we should see our associated User model there as well:

$user = $this->User->read(null, '25');


    [User] => Array
            [id] => 25
            [first_name] => John
            [last_name] => Anderson
            [username] => psychic
            [password] => c4k3roxx

    [Profile] => Array
            [id] => 4
            [name] => Cool Blue
            [header_color] => aquamarine
            [user_id] = 25

Defining and Querying with belongsTo

Now that a User can see its Profile, we’ll need to define an association so Profile can see its User. This is done in Cake using the belongsTo assocation. In the Profile model, we’d do the following:

/app/models/profile.php belongsTo

class Profile extends AppModel
    var $name = 'Profile';
    var $belongsTo = array('User' =>
                           array('className'  => 'User',
                                 'conditions' => '',
                                 'order'      => '',
                                 'foreignKey' => 'user_id'

The $belongsTo array is what Cake uses to build the association between the User and Profile models. Each key in the array allows you to further configure the association:

  1. className (required): the classname of the model you’d like to associate

    For our example, we want to specify the ‘User’ model class name.

  2. conditions: SQL condition fragments that define the relationship

    We could use this to tell Cake to only associate a User that is active. You would do this by setting the value of the key to be “ = ‘1’”, or something similar.

  3. order: the ordering of the associated models

    If you’d like your associated models in a specific order, set the value for this key using an SQL order predicate: “User.last_name ASC”, for example.

  4. foreignKey: the name of the foreign key that points to the associated model.

    This is here in case you’re working with a database that doesn’t follow Cake’s naming conventions.

Now, when we execute find() or findAll() calls using the Profile model, we should see our associated User model there as well:

$profile = $this->Profile->read(null, '4');



    [Profile] => Array
            [id] => 4
            [name] => Cool Blue
            [header_color] => aquamarine
            [user_id] = 25

    [User] => Array
            [id] => 25
            [first_name] => John
            [last_name] => Anderson
            [username] => psychic
            [password] => c4k3roxx

Defining and Querying with hasMany

Now that User and Profile models are associated and working properly, let’s build our system so that User records are associated to Comment records. This is done in the User model like so:

/app/models/user.php hasMany

class User extends AppModel
    var $name = 'User';
    var $hasMany = array('Comment' =>
                         array('className'     => 'Comment',
                               'conditions'    => 'Comment.moderated = 1',
                               'order'         => 'Comment.created DESC',
                               'limit'         => '5',
                               'foreignKey'    => 'user_id',
                               'dependent'     => true,
                               'exclusive'     => false,
                               'finderQuery'   => '',
                               'fields'        => '',
                               'offset'        => '',
                               'counterQuery'  => ''

    // Here's the hasOne relationship we defined earlier...
    var $hasOne = array('Profile' =>
                        array('className'    => 'Profile',
                              'conditions'   => '',
                              'order'        => '',
                              'dependent'    =>  true,
                              'foreignKey'   => 'user_id'

The $hasMany array is what Cake uses to build the association between the User and Comment models. Each key in the array allows you to further configure the association:

  1. className (required): the classname of the model you’d like to associate

    For our example, we want to specify the ‘Comment’ model class name.

  2. conditions: SQL condition fragments that define the relationship

    We could use this to tell Cake to only associate a Comment that has been moderated. You would do this by setting the value of the key to be “Comment.moderated = 1”, or something similar.

  3. order: the ordering of the associated models

    If you’d like your associated models in a specific order, set the value for this key using an SQL order predicate: “Comment.created DESC”, for example.

  4. limit: the maximum number of associated models you’d like Cake to fetch.

    For this example, we didn’t want to fetch *all* of the user’s comments, just five.

  5. foreignKey: the name of the foreign key that points to the associated model.

    This is here in case you’re working with a database that doesn’t follow Cake’s naming conventions.

  6. dependent: if set to true, the associated models are destroyed when this one is.

    For example, if the “Cool Blue” and “Hot Red” profiles are associated to “Bob”, and I delete the user “Bob”, the profiles “Cool Blue” and “Hot Red” will also be deleted.

  7. exclusive: If set to true, all the associated objects are deleted in one SQL statement without having their beforeDelete callback run.

    Good for use for simpler associations, because it can be much faster.

  8. finderQuery: Specify a complete SQL statement to fetch the association.

    This is a good way to go for complex associations that depends on multiple tables. If Cake’s automatic assocations aren’t working for you, here’s where you customize it.

  9. fields: Specify the fields from the associated model you wish to fetch.

    This is useful for associations where not all the fields are needed with every find() call. Limiting the amount of fields you request can increase database performance.

  10. offset: The number of records to skip before associating to the current model.

  11. counterQuery: Specify a complete SQL statement used to count the number of records that should be associated.

Now, when we execute find() or findAll() calls using the User model, we should see our associated Comment models there as well:

$user = $this->User->read(null, '25');


    [User] => Array
            [id] => 25
            [first_name] => John
            [last_name] => Anderson
            [username] => psychic
            [password] => c4k3roxx

    [Profile] => Array
            [id] => 4
            [name] => Cool Blue
            [header_color] => aquamarine
            [user_id] = 25

    [Comment] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 247
                    [user_id] => 25
                    [body] => The hasMany assocation is nice to have.

            [1] => Array
                    [id] => 256
                    [user_id] => 25
                    [body] => The hasMany assocation is really nice to have.

            [2] => Array
                    [id] => 269
                    [user_id] => 25
                    [body] => The hasMany assocation is really, really nice to have.

            [3] => Array
                    [id] => 285
                    [user_id] => 25
                    [body] => The hasMany assocation is extremely nice to have.

            [4] => Array
                    [id] => 286
                    [user_id] => 25
                    [body] => The hasMany assocation is super nice to have.


While we won’t document the process here, it would be a great idea to define the “Comment belongsTo User” association as well, so that both models can see each other. Not defining assocations from both models is often a common gotcha when trying to use scaffolding.

Defining and Querying with hasAndBelongsToMany

Now that you’ve mastered the simpler associations, let’s move to the last assocation: hasAndBelongsToMany (or HABTM). This last one is the hardest to wrap your head around, but it is also one of the most useful. The HABTM association is useful when you have two Models that are linked together with a join table. The join table holds the individual rows that are related to each other.

The difference between hasMany and hasAndBelongsToMany is that with hasMany, the associated model is not shared. If a User hasMany Comments, it is the *only* user associated to those comments. With HABTM, the associated models are shared. This is great for what we’re about to do next: associate Post models to Tag models. When a Tag belongs to a Post, we don’t want it to be ‘used up’, we want to continue to associate it to other Posts as well.

In order to do this, we’ll need to set up the correct tables for this association. Of course you’ll need a “tags” table for you Tag model, and a “posts” table for your posts, but you’ll also need to create a join table for this association. The naming convention for HABTM join tables is [plural model name1]_[plural model name2], where the model names are in alphabetical order:

HABTM Join Tables: Sample models and their join table names

  1. Posts and Tags: posts_tags

  2. Monkeys and IceCubes: ice_cubes_monkeys

  3. Categories and Articles: articles_categories

HABTM join tables need to at least consist of the two foreign keys of the models they link. For our example, “post_id” and “tag_id” is all we’ll need.

Here’s what the SQL dumps will look like for our Posts HABTM Tags example:

-- Table structure for table `posts`

CREATE TABLE `posts` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` int(10) default NULL,
  `title` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `body` text,
  `created` datetime default NULL,
  `modified` datetime default NULL,
  `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `posts_tags`

CREATE TABLE `posts_tags` (
  `post_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `tag_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`post_id`,`tag_id`)

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tags`

  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `tag` varchar(100) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

With our tables set up, let’s define the association in the Post model:

/app/models/post.php hasAndBelongsToMany

class Post extends AppModel
    var $name = 'Post';
    var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Tag' =>
                               array('className'    => 'Tag',
                                     'joinTable'    => 'posts_tags',
                                     'foreignKey'   => 'post_id',
                                     'associationForeignKey'=> 'tag_id',
                                     'conditions'   => '',
                                     'order'        => '',
                                     'limit'        => '',
                                     'unique'       => true,
                                     'finderQuery'  => '',
                                     'deleteQuery'  => '',

The $hasAndBelongsToMany array is what Cake uses to build the association between the Post and Tag models. Each key in the array allows you to further configure the association:

  1. className (required): the classname of the model you’d like to associate

    For our example, we want to specify the ‘Tag’ model class name.

  2. joinTable: this is here for a database that doesn’t adhere to Cake’s naming conventions. If your table doesn’t look like [plural model1]_[plural model2] in lexical order, you can specify the name of your table here.

  3. foreignKey: the name of the foreign key in the join table that points to the current model.

    This is here in case you’re working with a database that doesn’t follow Cake’s naming conventions.

  4. associationForeignKey: the name of the foreign key that points to the associated model.

  5. conditions: SQL condition fragments that define the relationship

    We could use this to tell Cake to only associate a Tag that has been approved. You would do this by setting the value of the key to be “Tag.approved = 1”, or something similar.

  6. order: the ordering of the associated models

    If you’d like your associated models in a specific order, set the value for this key using an SQL order predicate: “Tag.tag DESC”, for example.

  7. limit: the maximum number of associated models you’d like Cake to fetch.

    Used to limit the number of associated Tags to be fetched.

  8. unique: If set to true, duplicate associated objects will be ignored by accessors and query methods.

    Basically, if the associations are distinct, set this to true. That way the Tag “Awesomeness” can only be assigned to the Post “Cake Model Associations” once, and will only show up once in result arrays.

  9. finderQuery: Specify a complete SQL statement to fetch the association.

    This is a good way to go for complex associations that depends on multiple tables. If Cake’s automatic assocations aren’t working for you, here’s where you customize it.

  10. deleteQuery: A complete SQL statement to be used to remove assocations between HABTM models.

    If you don’t like the way Cake is performing deletes, or your setup is customized in some way, you can change the way deletion works by supplying your own query here.

Now, when we execute find() or findAll() calls using the Post model, we should see our associated Tag models there as well:

$post = $this->Post->read(null, '2');


    [Post] => Array
            [id] => 2
            [user_id] => 25
            [title] => Cake Model Associations
            [body] => Time saving, easy, and powerful.
            [created] => 2006-04-15 09:33:24
            [modified] => 2006-04-15 09:33:24
            [status] => 1

    [Tag] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 247
                    [tag] => CakePHP

            [1] => Array
                    [id] => 256
                    [tag] => Powerful Software

Changing Associations on the Fly using bindModel() and unbindModel()

You might occasionally wish to change model association information for exceptional situations when building your application. If your association settings in the model file are giving you too much (or not enough) information, you can use two model functions to bind and unbind model associations for your next find.

Let’s set up a few models so we can see how bindModel() and unbindModel() work. We’ll start with two models:

leader.php and follower.php


class Leader extends AppModel
    var $name = 'Leader';

    var $hasMany = array(
        'Follower' => array(
            'className' => 'Follower',
            'order'     => 'Follower.rank'



class Follower extends AppModel
    var $name = 'Follower';


Now, in a LeadersController, we can use the find() method in the Leader Model to come up with a Leader and its associated followers. As you can see above, the association array in the Leader model defines a “Leader hasMany Followers” relationship. For demonstration purposes, let’s use unbindModel() to remove that association mid-controller.

leaders_controller.php (partial)

function someAction()
    //This fetches Leaders, and their associated Followers

    //Let's remove the hasMany...
    $this->Leader->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Follower')));

    //Now a using a find function will return Leaders, with no Followers

    //NOTE: unbindModel only affects the very next find function.
    //An additional find call will use the configured association information.

    //We've already used findAll() after unbindModel(), so this will fetch
    //Leaders with associated Followers once again...

The unbindModel() function works similarly with other associations: just change the name of the association type and model classname. The basic usage for unbindModel() is:

Generic unbindModel() example

$this->Model->unbindModel(array('associationType' => array('associatedModelClassName')));

Now that we’ve successfully removed an association on the fly, let’s add one. Our as-of-yet unprincipled Leader needs some associated Principles. The model file for our Principle model is bare, except for the var $name statement. Let’s associate some Principles to our Leader on the fly (but only for just the following find function call):

leaders_controller.php (partial)

function anotherAction()
    //There is no Leader hasMany Principles in the leader.php model file, so
    //a find here, only fetches Leaders.

    //Let's use bindModel() to add a new association to the Principle model:
        array('hasMany' => array(
                'Principle' => array(
                    'className' => 'Principle'

    //Now that we're associated correctly, we can use a single find function
    //to fetch Leaders with their associated principles:

The bindModel() function can be handy for creating new assocations, but it can also be useful if you want to change the sorting or other parameters in a given association on the fly.

There you have it. The basic usage for bindModel is to encapsulate a normal association array inside an array who’s key is named after the type of assocation you are trying to create:

Generic bindModel() example

        array('associationName' => array(
                'associatedModelClassName' => array(
                    // normal association keys go here...

Please note that your tables will need to be keyed correctly (or association array properly configured) to bind models on the fly.