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The Request Handler Component

The Request Handler component is used in Cake to determine information about the incoming HTTP request. You can use it to better inform your controller about AJAX requests, get information about the remote client’s IP address and request type, or strip unwanted data from output. To use the Request Handler component, you’ll need to make sure it is specified in your controller’s $components array:

class ThingsController extends AppController
    var $components = array('RequestHandler');

    // ...

Getting Client/Request Information

Let’s just dive in:

  • accepts

  • string $type

Returns information about the content-types that the client accepts, depending on the value of $type. If null or no value is passed, it will return an array of content-types the client accepts. If a string is passed, it returns true if the client accepts the given type, by checking $type against the content-type map (see setContent()). If $type is an array, each string is evaluated individually, and accepts() will return true if just one of them matches an accepted content-type. For example:

class PostsController extends AppController
    var $components = array('RequestHandler');

    function beforeFilter ()
        if ($this->RequestHandler->accepts('html'))
            // Execute code only if client accepts an HTML (text/html) response
        elseif ($this->RequestHandler->accepts('rss'))
            // Execute RSS-only code
        elseif ($this->RequestHandler->accepts('atom'))
            // Execute Atom-only code
        elseif ($this->RequestHandler->accepts('xml'))
            // Execute XML-only code

        if ($this->RequestHandler->accepts(array('xml', 'rss', 'atom')))
            // Executes if the client accepts any of the above: XML, RSS or Atom
  • getAjaxVersion

If you are using the Prototype JS libraries, you can fetch a special header it sets on AJAX requests. This function returns the Prototype version used.

  • getClientIP

Returns the remote client’s IP address.

  • getReferrer

Returns the server name from which the request originated.

  • isAjax

Returns true if the current request was an XMLHttpRequest.

  • isAtom

Returns true if the client accepts Atom feed content (application/atom+xml).

  • isDelete

Returns true if the current request was via DELETE.

  • isGet

Returns true if the current request was via GET.

  • isMobile

Returns true if the user agent string matches a mobile web browser.

  • isPost

Returns true if the current request was via POST.

  • isPut

Returns true if the current request was via PUT.

  • isRss

Returns true if the clients accepts RSS feed content (application/rss+xml).

  • isXml

Returns true if the client accepts XML content (application/xml or text/xml).

  • setContent

  • string $name

  • string $type

Adds a content-type alias mapping, for use with accepts() and prefers(), where $name is the name of the mapping (string), and $type is either a string or an array of strings, each of which is a MIME type. The built-in type mappings are as follows:

// Name     => Type
  'js'      => 'text/javascript',
  'css'     => 'text/css',
  'html'    => 'text/html',
  'form'    => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  'file'    => 'multipart/form-data',
  'xhtml'   => array('application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xhtml', 'text/xhtml'),
  'xml'     => array('application/xml', 'text/xml'),
  'rss'     => 'application/rss+xml',
  'atom'    => 'application/atom+xml'

Stripping Data

Occasionally you will want to remove data from a request or output. Use the following Request Handler functions to perform these sorts of operations.

  • stripAll

  • string $str

Strips the white space, images, and scripts from $str (using stripWhitespace(), stripImages(), and stripScripts()).

  • stripImages

  • string $str

Strips any HTML embedded images from $str.

  • stripScripts

  • string $str

Strips any <script> and <style> related tags from $str.

  • stripTags

  • string $str

  • string $tag1

  • string $tag2…

Removes the tags specified by $tag1, $tag2, etc. from $str:

$someString = '<font color="#FF0000"><bold>Foo</bold></font> <em>Bar</em>';

echo $this->RequestHandler->stripTags($someString, 'font', 'bold');

// output: Foo <em>Bar</em>
  • stripWhiteSpace

  • string $str

Strips whitespace from $str.

Other Useful Functions

The Request Handler component is especially useful when your application includes AJAX requests. The setAjax() function is used to automatically detect AJAX requests, and set the controller’s layout to an AJAX layout for that request. The benefit here is that you can make small modular views that can also double as AJAX views:

// list.thtml
<?php foreach ($things as $thing):?>
<li><?php echo $thing;?></li>


//The list action of my ThingsController:
function list()
    $this->set('things', $this->Thing->findAll());

When a normal browser request is made to /things/list, the unordered list is rendered inside of the default layout for the application. If the URL is requested as part of an AJAX operation, the list is automatically rendered in the bare AJAX layout.