
CakePHP allows you to set up a combination of controllers, models, and views and release them as a packaged application plugin that others can use in their CakePHP applications. Have a sweet user management module, simple blog, or web services module in one of your applications? Package it as a CakePHP plugin so you can pop it into other applications.

The main tie between a plugin and the application it has been installed into is the application’s configuration (database connection, etc.). Otherwise, it operates in its own little space, behaving much like it would if it were an application on it’s own.

Creating a Plugin

As a working example, let’s create a new plugin that orders pizza for you. What could be more useful in any CakePHP application? To start out, we’ll need to place our plugin files inside the /app/plugins folder. The name of the parent folder for all the plugin files is important, and will be used in many places, so pick wisely. For this plugin, let’s use the name ‘pizza’. This is how the setup will eventually look:

Pizza Ordering Filesystem Layout

            /controllers                <- plugin controllers go here
            /models                     <- plugin models go here
            /views                      <- plugin views go here
            /pizza_app_controller.php   <- plugin's AppController, named after the plugin
            /pizza_app_model.php        <- plugin's AppModel, named after the plugin

While defining an AppController and AppModel for any normal application is not required, defining them for plugins is. You’ll need to create them before your plugin works. These two special classes are named after the plugin, and extend the parent application’s AppController and AppModel. Here’s what they should look like:

Pizza Plugin AppController: /app/plugins/pizza/pizza_app_controller.php


class PizzaAppController extends AppController


Pizza Plugin AppModel: /app/plugins/pizza/pizza_app_model.php


class PizzaAppModel extends AppModel


If you forget to define these special classes, CakePHP will hand you “Missing Controller” errors until the problem is rectified.

Plugin Controllers

Controllers for our pizza plugin will be stored in /app/plugins/pizza/controllers. Since the main thing we’ll be tracking is pizza orders, we’ll need an OrdersController for this plugin.

While it isn’t required, it is recommended that you name your plugin controllers something relatively unique in order to avoid namespace conflicts with parent applications. Its not a stretch to think that a parent application might have a UsersController, OrdersController, or ProductsController: so you might want to be creative with controller names, or prepend the name of the plugin to the classname (PizzaOrdersController, in this case).

So, we place our new PizzaOrdersController in /app/plugins/pizza/controllers and it looks like so:



class PizzaOrdersController extends PizzaAppController
    var $name = 'PizzaOrders';

    function index()

    function placeOrder()


Note how this controller extends the plugin’s AppController (called PizzaAppController) rather than just the parent application’s AppController.

Plugin Models

Models for the plugin are stored in /app/plugins/pizza/models. We’ve already defined a PizzaOrdersController for this plugin, so let’s create the model for that controller, called PizzaOrders (the classname PizzaOrders is consistent with our naming scheme, and is unique enough, so we’ll leave it as is).



class PizzaOrder extends PizzaAppModel
    var $name = 'PizzaOrder';


Again, note that this class extends PizzaAppModel rather than AppModel.

Plugin Views

Views behave exactly as they do in normal applications. Just place them in the right folder inside of the /app/plugins/[plugin]/views folder. For our pizza ordering plugin, we’ll need at least one view for our PizzaOrdersController::index() action, so let’s include that as well:


<h1>Order A Pizza</h1>
<p>Nothing goes better with Cake than a good pizza!</p>
<!-- An order form of some sort might go here....-->

Working With Plugins

So, now that you’ve built evertything, it should be ready to distribute (though we’d suggest you also distribute a few extras like a readme, sql file, etc.).

Once a plugin as been installed in /app/plugins, you can access it at the URL /pluginname/controllername/action. In our pizza ordering plugin example, we’d access our PizzaOrdersController at /pizza/pizzaOrders.

Some final tips on working with plugins in your CakePHP applications:

  1. When you don’t have a [Plugin]AppController and [Plugin]AppModel, you’ll get missing Controller errors when trying to access a plugin controller.

  2. You can have a default controller with the name of your plugin. If you do that, you can access it via /[plugin]/action. For example, a plugin named ‘users’ with a controller named UsersController can be accessed at /users/add if there is no plugin called AddController in your [plugin]/controllers folder.

  3. Plugins will use the layouts from the /app/views/layouts folder by default.

  4. You can do inter-plugin communication by using requestAction in your controllers. $this->requestAction('/plugin/controller/action');

  5. If you use requestAction, make sure controller and model names are as unique as possible. Otherwise you might get PHP “redefined class …” errors.

Many thanks to Felix Geisendorfer (the_undefined) for the initial material for this chapter.