This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!


As of CakePHP 1.2 there is support for a comprehensive testing framework built into CakePHP. The framework is an extension of the SimpleTest framework for PHP. This section will discuss how to prepare for testing and how to build and run your tests.

Preparing for testing

Ready to start testing? Good! Lets get going then!

Installing SimpleTest

Installing SimpleTest

The testing framework provided with CakePHP 1.2 is built upon the SimpleTest testing framework. SimpleTest is not shipped with the default CakePHP installation, so we need to download it first. You can find it here:

Fetch the latest version, and unzip the code to your vendors folder, or your app/vendors folder, depending on your preference. You should now have a vendors/simpletest directory with all SimpleTest files and folders inside. Remember to have a DEBUG level of at least 1 in your app/config/core.php file before running any tests!

If you have no test database connection defined in your app/config/database.php, test tables will be created with a test_suite_ prefix. You can create a $test database connection to contain any test tables like the one below:

var $test = array(
    'driver' => 'mysql',
    'persistent' => false,
    'host' => 'dbhost',
    'login' => 'dblogin',
    'password' => 'dbpassword',
    'database' => 'databaseName'

If the test database is available and CakePHP can connect to it, all tables will be created in this database.

Running Core test cases

The release packages of CakePHP 1.2 do not ship with the core test cases. In order to get these tests, you need to download from the repository. All versions of CakePHP are currently located at the website You will need to create a user account with personal key, and use Git to access the repository.

To add the core tests to your existing application, uncompress the downloaded nightly package into a temporary directory. Locate the /cake/tests directory from the repository and copy it (recursively) into your /cake/tests folder.

The tests can then be accessed by browsing to http://your.cake.domain/test.php - depending on how your specific setup looks. Try executing one of the core test groups by clicking on the corresponding link. Executing a test group might take a while, but you should eventually see something like “2/2 test cases complete: 49 passes, 0 fails and 0 exceptions.”.

Congratulations, you are now ready to start writing tests!

If you run all of the core tests at once or run core test groups most of them will fail. This is known by the CakePHP developers and is normal so don’t panic. Instead, try running each of the core test cases individually.

Testing overview - Unit testing vs. Web testing

The CakePHP test framework supports two types of testing. One is Unit Testing, where you test small parts of your code, such as a method in a component or an action in a controller. The other type of testing supported is Web Testing, where you automate the work of testing your application through navigating pages, filling forms, clicking links and so on.

Preparing test data

About fixtures

When testing code that depends on models and data, one can use fixtures as a way to generate temporary data tables loaded with sample data that can be used by the test. The benefit of using fixtures is that your test has no chance of disrupting live application data. In addition, you can begin testing your code prior to actually developing live content for an application.

CakePHP attempts to use the connection named $test in your app/config/database.php configuration file. If this connection is not usable, it will use the $default database configuration and create the test tables in the database defined in that configuration. In either case, it will add “test_suite_” to your own table prefix (if any) to prevent collision with your existing tables.

CakePHP performs the following during the course of a fixture based test case:

  1. Creates tables for each of the fixtures needed

  2. Populates tables with data, if data is provided in fixture

  3. Runs test methods

  4. Empties the fixture tables

  5. Removes fixture tables from database

Creating fixtures

When creating a fixture you will mainly define two things: how the table is created (which fields are part of the table), and which records will be initially populated to the test table. Let’s then create our first fixture, that will be used to test our own Article model. Create a file named article_fixture.php in your app/tests/fixtures directory, with the following content:

If you are testing a plugin, see the section Testing.

 class ArticleFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
      var $name = 'Article';

      var $fields = array(
          'id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'key' => 'primary'),
          'title' => array('type' => 'string', 'length' => 255, 'null' => false),
          'body' => 'text',
          'published' => array('type' => 'integer', 'default' => '0', 'null' => false),
          'created' => 'datetime',
          'updated' => 'datetime'
      var $records = array(
          array ('id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => '1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'),
          array ('id' => 2, 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => '1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'),
          array ('id' => 3, 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => '1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31')

The $name variable is extremely significant. If you omit it, cake will use the wrong table names when it sets up your test database, and you’ll get strange errors that are difficult to debug. If you use PHP 5.2, you might be used to writing model classes without $name, but you must remember to include it in your fixture files. You can also specify the table name to be created by including a $table variable in the fixture.

We use $fields to specify which fields will be part of this table, on how they are defined. The format used to define these fields is the same used in the function generateColumnSchema() defined on Cake’s database engine classes (for example, on file dbo_mysql.php.) Let’s see the available attributes a field can take and their meaning:


CakePHP internal data type. Currently supported: string (maps to VARCHAR), text (maps to TEXT), integer (maps to INT), float (maps to FLOAT), datetime (maps to DATETIME), timestamp (maps to TIMESTAMP), time (maps to TIME), date (maps to DATE), and binary (maps to BLOB)


set to primary to make the field AUTO_INCREMENT, and a PRIMARY KEY for the table.


set to the specific length the field should take.


set to either true (to allow NULLs) or false (to disallow NULLs)


default value the field takes.

We lastly can set a set of records that will be populated after the test table is created. The format is fairly straight forward and needs little further explanation. Just keep in mind that each record in the $records array must have a key for every field specified in the $fields array. If a field for a particular record needs to have a NULL value, just specify the value of that key as NULL.

Importing table information and records

Your application may have already working models with real data associated to them, and you might decide to test your model with that data. It would be then a duplicate effort to have to define the table definition and/or records on your fixtures. Fortunately, there’s a way for you to define that table definition and/or records for a particular fixture come from an existing model or an existing table. Let’s start with an example. Assuming you have a model named Article available in your application (that maps to a table named articles), change the example fixture given in the previous section (app/tests/fixtures/article_fixture.php) to:

  class ArticleFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
         var $name = 'Article';
         var $import = 'Article';

This statement tells the test suite to import your table definition from the table linked to the model called Article. You can use any model available in your application. The statement above does not import records, you can do so by changing it to:

class ArticleFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
    var $name = 'Article';
    var $import = array('model' => 'Article', 'records' => true);

If on the other hand you have a table created but no model available for it, you can specify that your import will take place by reading that table information instead. For example:

  class ArticleFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
         var $name = 'Article';
         var $import = array('table' => 'articles');

Will import table definition from a table called ‘articles’ using your CakePHP database connection named ‘default’. If you want to change the connection to use just do:

  class ArticleFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
  var $name = 'Article';
  var $import = array('table' => 'articles', 'connection' => 'other');

Since it uses your CakePHP database connection, if there’s any table prefix declared it will be automatically used when fetching table information. The two snippets above do not import records from the table. To force the fixture to also import its records, change it to:

  class ArticleFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
         var $name = 'Article';
         var $import = array('table' => 'articles', 'records' => true);

You can naturally import your table definition from an existing model/table, but have your records defined directly on the fixture as it was shown on previous section. For example:

  class ArticleFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
         var $name = 'Article';
         var $import = 'Article';

         var $records = array(
             array ('id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article', 'body' => 'First Article Body', 'published' => '1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'),
             array ('id' => 2, 'title' => 'Second Article', 'body' => 'Second Article Body', 'published' => '1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'),
             array ('id' => 3, 'title' => 'Third Article', 'body' => 'Third Article Body', 'published' => '1', 'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23', 'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31')

Creating tests

First, lets go through a number of rules, or guidelines, concerning tests:

  1. PHP files containing tests should be in your app/tests/cases/[some_folder].

  2. The filenames of these files should end in .test.php instead of just .php.

  3. The classes containing tests should extend CakeTestCase or CakeWebTestCase.

  4. The name of any method containing a test (i.e. containing an assertion) should begin with test, as in testPublished().

When you have created a test case, you can execute it by browsing to http://your.cake.domain/cake_folder/test.php (depending on how your specific setup looks) and clicking App test cases, and then click the link to your specific file.

CakeTestCase Callback Methods

If you want to sneak in some logic just before or after an individual CakeTestCase method, and/or before or after your entire CakeTestCase, the following callbacks are available:


First method called in a test case.


Last method called in a test case.


called before a test case is started.


called after a test case has run.


Announces the start of a test method.


Announces the end of a test method.


Called just before a test method is executed.


Called just after a test method has completed.

Testing models

Creating a test case

Let’s say we already have our Article model defined on app/models/article.php, which looks like this:

  class Article extends AppModel {
         var $name = 'Article';

         function published($fields = null) {
             $conditions = array(
                 $this->name . '.published' => 1

             return $this->findAll($conditions, $fields);


We now want to set up a test that will use this model definition, but through fixtures, to test some functionality in the model. CakePHP test suite loads a very minimum set of files (to keep tests isolated), so we have to start by loading our parent model (in this case the Article model which we already defined), and then inform the test suite that we want to test this model by specifying which DB configuration it should use. CakePHP test suite enables a DB configuration named test that is used for all models that rely on fixtures. Setting $useDbConfig to this configuration will let CakePHP know that this model uses the test suite database connection.

CakePHP Models will only use the test DB config if they rely on fixtures in your testcase!

Since we also want to reuse all our existing model code we will create a test model that will extend from Article, set $useDbConfig and $name appropiately. Let’s now create a file named article.test.php in your app/tests/cases/models directory, with the following contents:


  class ArticleTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
         var $fixtures = array( 'app.article' );

We have created the ArticleTestCase. In variable $fixtures we define the set of fixtures that we’ll use.

If your model is associated with other models, you will need to include ALL the fixtures for each associated model even if you don’t use them. For example: A hasMany B hasMany C hasMany D. In ATestCase you will have to include fixtures for a, b, c and d.

Creating a test method

Let’s now add a method to test the function published() in the Article model. Edit the file app/tests/cases/models/article.test.php so it now looks like this:

  App::import('Model', 'Article');

  class ArticleTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
      var $fixtures = array( 'app.article' );

      function testPublished() {
          $this->Article =& ClassRegistry::init('Article');

          $result = $this->Article->published(array('id', 'title'));
          $expected = array(
              array('Article' => array( 'id' => 1, 'title' => 'First Article' )),
              array('Article' => array( 'id' => 2, 'title' => 'Second Article' )),
              array('Article' => array( 'id' => 3, 'title' => 'Third Article' ))

          $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);

You can see we have added a method called testPublished(). We start by creating an instance of our fixture based Article model, and then run our published() method. In $expected we set what we expect should be the proper result (that we know since we have defined which records are initally populated to the article table.) We test that the result equals our expectation by using the assertEqual method. See the section Creating Tests for information on how to run the test.

Testing controllers

Creating a test case

Say you have a typical articles controller, with its corresponding model, and it looks like this:

class ArticlesController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Articles';
   var $helpers = array('Ajax', 'Form', 'Html');

   function index($short = null) {
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
     if (!empty($short)) {
       $result = $this->Article->findAll(null, array('id',
     } else {
       $result = $this->Article->findAll();

     if (isset($this->params['requested'])) {
       return $result;

     $this->set('title', 'Articles');
     $this->set('articles', $result);

Create a file named articles_controller.test.php in your app/tests/cases/controllers directory and put the following inside:

class ArticlesControllerTest extends CakeTestCase {
   function startCase() {
     echo '<h1>Starting Test Case</h1>';
   function endCase() {
     echo '<h1>Ending Test Case</h1>';
   function startTest($method) {
     echo '<h3>Starting method ' . $method . '</h3>';
   function endTest($method) {
     echo '<hr />';
   function testIndex() {
     $result = $this->testAction('/articles/index');
   function testIndexShort() {
     $result = $this->testAction('/articles/index/short');
   function testIndexShortGetRenderedHtml() {
     $result = $this->testAction('/articles/index/short',
     array('return' => 'render'));
   function testIndexShortGetViewVars() {
     $result = $this->testAction('/articles/index/short',
     array('return' => 'vars'));
   function testIndexFixturized() {
     $result = $this->testAction('/articles/index/short',
     array('fixturize' => true));
   function testIndexPostFixturized() {
     $data = array('Article' => array('user_id' => 1, 'published'
          => 1, 'slug'=>'new-article', 'title' => 'New Article', 'body' => 'New Body'));
     $result = $this->testAction('/articles/index',
     array('fixturize' => true, 'data' => $data, 'method' => 'post'));

The testAction method

The new thing here is the testAction method. The first argument of that method is the Cake url of the controller action to be tested, as in ‘/articles/index/short’.

The second argument is an array of parameters, consisting of:

Set to what you want returned.

Valid values are:

  • ‘vars’ - You get the view vars available after executing action

  • ‘view’ - You get The rendered view, without the layout

  • ‘contents’ - You get the rendered view’s complete html, including the layout

  • ‘result’ - You get the returned value when action uses $this->params[‘requested’].

The default is ‘result’.


Set to true if you want your models auto-fixturized (so your application tables get copied, along with their records, to test tables so if you change data it does not affect your real application.) If you set ‘fixturize’ to an array of models, then only those models will be auto-fixturized while the other will remain with live tables. If you wish to use your fixture files with testAction() do not use fixturize, and instead just use fixtures as you normally would.


set to ‘post’ or ‘get’ if you want to pass data to the controller


the data to be passed. Set it to be an associative array consisting of fields => value. Take a look at function testIndexPostFixturized() in above test case to see how we emulate posting form data for a new article submission.


If you use testAction to test a method in a controller that does a redirect, your test will terminate immediately, not yielding any results. See for a possible fix.

For an in-depth explanation of controller testing please see this blog post by Mark Story Testing CakePHP Controllers the hard way.

Testing Helpers

Since a decent amount of logic resides in Helper classes, it’s important to make sure those classes are covered by test cases.

Helper testing is a bit similar to the same approach for Components. Suppose we have a helper called CurrencyRendererHelper located in app/views/helpers/currency_renderer.php with its accompanying test case file located in app/tests/cases/helpers/currency_renderer.test.php

Creating Helper test, part I

First of all we will define the responsibilities of our CurrencyRendererHelper. Basically, it will have two methods just for demonstration purpose:

function usd($amount)

This function will receive the amount to render. It will take 2 decimal digits filling empty space with zeros and prefix ‘USD’.

function euro($amount)

This function will do the same as usd() but prefix the output with ‘EUR’. Just to make it a bit more complex, we will also wrap the result in span tags:

<span class="euro"></span>

Let’s create the tests first:


//Import the helper to be tested.
//If the tested helper were using some other helper, like Html,
//it should be impoorted in this line, and instantialized in startTest().
App::import('Helper', 'CurrencyRenderer');

class CurrencyRendererTest extends CakeTestCase {
    private $currencyRenderer = null;

    //Here we instantiate our helper, and all other helpers we need.
    public function startTest() {
        $this->currencyRenderer = new CurrencyRendererHelper();

    //testing usd() function.
    public function testUsd() {
        $this->assertEqual('USD 5.30', $this->currencyRenderer->usd(5.30));
        //We should always have 2 decimal digits.
        $this->assertEqual('USD 1.00', $this->currencyRenderer->usd(1));
        $this->assertEqual('USD 2.05', $this->currencyRenderer->usd(2.05));
        //Testing the thousands separator
        $this->assertEqual('USD 12,000.70', $this->currencyRenderer->usd(12000.70));

Here, we call usd() with different parameters and tell the test suite to check if the returned values are equal to what is expected.

Executing the test now will result in errors (because currencyRendererHelper doesn’t even exist yet) showing that we have 3 fails.

Once we know what our method should do, we can write the method itself:

class CurrencyRendererHelper extends AppHelper {
    public function usd($amount) {
        return 'USD ' . number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',');

Here we set the decimal places to 2, decimal separator to dot, thousands separator to comma, and prefix the formatted number with ‘USD’ string.

Save this in app/views/helpers/currency_renderer.php and execute the test. You should see a green bar and messaging indicating 4 passes.

Testing components

Lets assume that we want to test a component called TransporterComponent, which uses a model called Transporter to provide functionality for other controllers. We will use four files:

  • A component called Transporters found in app/controllers/components/transporter.php

  • A model called Transporter found in app/models/transporter.php

  • A fixture called TransporterTestFixture found in app/tests/fixtures/transporter_fixture.php

  • The testing code found in app/tests/cases/transporter.test.php

Initializing the component

Since Components we need a controller to access the data in the model.

If the startup() function of the component looks like this:

public function startup(&$controller){
          $this->Transporter = $controller->Transporter;

then we can just design a really simple fake class:

class FakeTransporterController {}

and assign values into it like this:

$this->TransporterComponentTest = new TransporterComponent();
$controller = new FakeTransporterController();
$controller->Transporter = new TransporterTest();

Creating a test method

Just create a class that extends CakeTestCase and start writing tests!

class TransporterTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
    var $fixtures = array('transporter');
    function testGetTransporter() {
          $this->TransporterComponentTest = new TransporterComponent();
          $controller = new FakeTransporterController();
          $controller->Transporter = new TransporterTest();

          $result = $this->TransporterComponentTest->getTransporter("12345", "Sweden", "54321", "Sweden");
          $this->assertEqual($result, 1, "SP is best for 1xxxx-5xxxx");

          $result = $this->TransporterComponentTest->getTransporter("41234", "Sweden", "44321", "Sweden");
          $this->assertEqual($result, 2, "WSTS is best for 41xxx-44xxx");

          $result = $this->TransporterComponentTest->getTransporter("41001", "Sweden", "41870", "Sweden");
          $this->assertEqual($result, 3, "GL is best for 410xx-419xx");

          $result = $this->TransporterComponentTest->getTransporter("12345", "Sweden", "54321", "Norway");
          $this->assertEqual($result, 0, "Noone can service Norway");

Web testing - Testing views

Most, if not all, CakePHP projects result in a web application. While unit tests are an excellent way to test small parts of functionality, you might also want to test the functionality on a large scale. The CakeWebTestCase class provides a good way of doing this testing from a user point-of-view.

About CakeWebTestCase

CakeWebTestCase is a direct extension of the SimpleTest WebTestCase, without any extra functionality. All the functionality found in the SimpleTest documentation for Web testing is also available here. This also means that no functionality other than that of SimpleTest is available. This means that you cannot use fixtures, and all web test cases involving updating/saving to the database will permanently change your database values. Test results are often based on what values the database holds, so making sure the database contains the values you expect is part of the testing procedure.

Creating a test

In keeping with the other testing conventions, you should create your view tests in tests/cases/views. You can, of course, put those tests anywhere but following the conventions whenever possible is always a good idea. So let’s create the file tests/cases/views/complete_web.test.php

First, when you want to write web tests, you must remember to extend CakeWebTestCase instead of CakeTestCase:

class CompleteWebTestCase extends CakeWebTestCase

If you need to do some preparation before you start the test, create a constructor:

function CompleteWebTestCase(){
  //Do stuff here

When writing the actual test cases, the first thing you need to do is get some output to look at. This can be done by doing a get or post request, using get()or post() respectively. Both these methods take a full url as the first parameter. This can be dynamically fetched if we assume that the test script is located under http://your.domain/cake/folder/webroot/test.php by typing:

$this->baseurl = current(split("webroot", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));

You can then do gets and posts using Cake urls, like this:

$this->post($this->baseurl."/customers/login", $data);

The second parameter to the post method, $data, is an associative array containing the post data in Cake format:

$data = array(
  "data[Customer][mail]" => "[email protected]",
  "data[Customer][password]" => "userpass");

When you have requested the page you can do all sorts of asserts on it, using standard SimpleTest web test methods.

Walking through a page

CakeWebTest also gives you an option to navigate through your page by clicking links or images, filling forms and clicking buttons. Please refer to the SimpleTest documentation for more information on that.

Testing plugins

Tests for plugins are created in their own directory inside the plugins folder.


They work just like normal tests but you have to remember to use the naming conventions for plugins when importing classes. This is an example of a testcase for the PizzaOrder model from the plugins chapter of this manual. A difference from other tests is in the first line where ‘Pizza.PizzaOrder’ is imported. You also need to prefix your plugin fixtures with ‘plugin.plugin_name.‘.

App::import('Model', 'Pizza.PizzaOrder');

class PizzaOrderCase extends CakeTestCase {

    // Plugin fixtures located in /app/plugins/pizza/tests/fixtures/
    var $fixtures = array('');
    var $PizzaOrderTest;

    function testSomething() {
        // ClassRegistry makes the model use the test database connection
        $this->PizzaOrderTest =& ClassRegistry::init('PizzaOrder');

        // do some useful test here

If you want to use plugin fixtures in the app tests you can reference them using ‘plugin.pluginName.fixtureName’ syntax in the $fixtures array.

That is all there is to it.


Customizing the test reporter

The standard test reporter is very minimalistic. If you want more shiny output to impress someone, fear not, it is actually very easy to extend. The only danger is that you have to fiddle with core Cake code, specifically /cake/tests/libs/cake_reporter.php.

To change the test output you can override the following methods:


Prints before the test is started.


Prints everytime a test case has passed. Use $this->getTestList() to get an array of information pertaining to the test, and $message to get the test result. Remember to call parent::paintPass($message).


Prints everytime a test case has failed. Remember to call parent::paintFail($message).


Prints when the test is over, i.e. when all test cases has been executed.

If, when running paintPass and paintFail, you want to hide the parent output, enclose the call in html comment tags, as in:

echo "\n<!-- ";
echo " -->\n";

A sample cake_reporter.phpsetup that creates a table to hold the test results follows:

 * CakePHP(tm) Tests <>
 * Copyright 2005-2008, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
 *                              1785 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 490-204
 *                              Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
 *  Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License
 *  Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 class CakeHtmlReporter extends HtmlReporter {
 function CakeHtmlReporter($characterSet = 'UTF-8') {

function paintHeader($testName) {
  $baseUrl = BASE;
  print "<h2>$testName</h2>\n";
  print "<table style=\"\"><th>Res.</th><th>Test case</th><th>Message</th>\n";

 function paintFooter($testName) {
   $colour = ($this->getFailCount() + $this->getExceptionCount() > 0 ? "red" : "green");
   print "</table>\n";
   print "<div style=\"";
   print "padding: 8px; margin-top: 1em; background-color: $colour; color: white;";
   print "\">";
   print $this->getTestCaseProgress() . "/" . $this->getTestCaseCount();
   print " test cases complete:\n";
   print "<strong>" . $this->getPassCount() . "</strong> passes, ";
   print "<strong>" . $this->getFailCount() . "</strong> fails and ";
   print "<strong>" . $this->getExceptionCount() . "</strong> exceptions.";
   print "</div>\n";

 function paintPass($message) {
   echo "<tr>\n\t<td width=\"20\" style=\"border: dotted 1px; border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden;                  border-right: hidden\">\n";
   print "\t\t<span style=\"color: green;\">Pass</span>: \n";
   echo "\t</td>\n\t<td width=\"40%\" style=\"border: dotted 1px; border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-right: hidden\">\n";
   $breadcrumb = $this->getTestList();
   print implode("-&gt;", $breadcrumb);
   echo "\n\t</td>\n\t<td width=\"40%\" style=\"border: dotted 1px; border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-right: hidden\">\n";
   $message = split('at \[', $message);
   print "-&gt;$message[0]<br />\n\n";
   echo "\n\t</td>\n</tr>\n\n";

 function paintFail($message) {
   echo "\n<!-- ";
   echo " -->\n";
   echo "<tr>\n\t<td width=\"20\" style=\"border: dotted 1px; border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-right: hidden\">\n";
   print "\t\t<span style=\"color: red;\">Fail</span>: \n";
   echo "\n\t</td>\n\t<td width=\"40%\" style=\"border: dotted 1px; border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-right: hidden\">\n";
   $breadcrumb = $this->getTestList();
   print implode("-&gt;", $breadcrumb);
   echo "\n\t</td>\n\t<td width=\"40%\" style=\"border: dotted 1px; border-top: hidden; border-left: hidden; border-right: hidden\">\n";
   print "$message";
   echo "\n\t</td>\n</tr>\n\n";

 function _getCss() {
   return parent::_getCss() . ' .pass { color: green; }';


Grouping tests

If you want several of your test to run at the same time, you can try creating a test group. Create a file in /app/tests/groups/ and name it something like In this file, extend GroupTest and import test as follows:

class TryGroupTest extends GroupTest {
  var $label = 'try';
  function tryGroupTest() {
    TestManager::addTestCasesFromDirectory($this, APP_TEST_CASES . DS . 'models');

The code above will group all test cases found in the /app/tests/cases/models/ folder. To add an individual file, use TestManager::addTestFile($this, filename).

Running tests in the Command Line

If you have simpletest installed you can run your tests from the command line of your application.

from app/

cake testsuite help
    cake testsuite category test_type file
        - category - "app", "core" or name of a plugin
        - test_type - "case", "group" or "all"
        - test_file - file name with folder prefix and without the (test|group).php suffix

        cake testsuite app all
        cake testsuite core all

        cake testsuite app case behaviors/debuggable
        cake testsuite app case models/my_model
        cake testsuite app case controllers/my_controller

        cake testsuite core case file
        cake testsuite core case router
        cake testsuite core case set

        cake testsuite app group mygroup
        cake testsuite core group acl
        cake testsuite core group socket

        cake testsuite bugs case models/bug
          // for the plugin 'bugs' and its test case 'models/bug'
        cake testsuite bugs group bug
          // for the plugin bugs and its test group 'bug'

Code Coverage Analysis:

Append 'cov' to any of the above in order to enable code coverage analysis

As the help menu suggests, you’ll be able to run all, part, or just a single test case from your app, plugin, or core, right from the command line.

If you have a model test of test/models/my_model.test.php you’d run just that test case by running:

cake testsuite app case models/my_model