This document is for a version of CakePHP that is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a newer release!


CakePHP コア「Configure」クラスの設定は、内部で何が起きているのかを知るための有益な手段です。しかしながら、起きていることの情報をディスクにログデータとして保存したい場合が出てくるでしょう。SOAP や AJAX といった技術に依存することが多くなるにつれ、デバッグはより困難になります。


CakePHP データをログに記録するのは簡単で、ほとんどのクラスの親となっている「Object」クラスで定義されている「log()」関数を呼び出すだけです。Model、Controller、Component 他、ほとんど全ての CakePHP のクラス中で、この機能を使ってデータをログに記録できます。

log 関数を使う

「log()」 関数にはふたつの引数をあたえます。ひとつめは、ログファイルに記録したいメッセージです。デフォルトでは、ログは app/tmp/logs/error.log に記録されます。

// CakePHP のクラス中で log 関数を実行する

$this->log("Something didn't work!");

// app/tmp/logs/error.log に、次のように追加される

2007-11-02 10:22:02 Error: Something didn't work!

第二引数では、記録するログのタイプを定義します。 指定しなかった場合、前述したエラーログのパスに書き出す LOG_ERROR がデフォルトで定義されます。もし LOG_DEBUG に設定した場合は、デバッグログとして app/tmp/logs/debug.log にログが出力されます。

// CakePHP のクラス中で log 関数を実行する

$this->log('A debugging message.', LOG_DEBUG);

// error.log ではなく app/tmp/logs/debug.log に、次のように追加される
//Results in this being appended to app/tmp/logs/debug.log (rather than error.log)

2007-11-02 10:22:02 Error: A debugging message.

ログ機能を正しく動作させるためには、ウェブサーバが実行されるユーザが app/tmp ディレクトリに書き込み権限を持つ必要があります。

Using the default FileLog class

While CakeLog can be configured to write to a number of user configured logging adapters, it also comes with a default logging configuration. This configuration is identical to how CakeLog behaved in CakePHP 1.2. The default logging configuration will be used any time there are no other logging adapters configured. Once a logging adapter has been configured you will need to also configure FileLog if you want file logging to continue.

As its name implies FileLog writes log messages to files. The type of log message being written determines the name of the file the message is stored in. If a type is not supplied, LOG_ERROR is used which writes to the error log. The default log location is app/tmp/logs/$type.log

//Executing this inside a CakePHP class:
 $this->log("Something didn't work!");

//Results in this being appended to app/tmp/logs/error.log
2007-11-02 10:22:02 Error: Something didn't work!

You can specify a custom log names, using the second parameter. The default built-in FileLog class will treat this log name as the file you wish to write logs to.

//called statically
CakeLog::write('activity', 'A special message for activity logging');

//Results in this being appended to app/tmp/logs/activity.log (rather than error.log)
2007-11-02 10:22:02 Activity: A special message for activity logging

The configured directory must be writable by the web server user in order for logging to work correctly.

You can configure additional/alternate FileLog locations using CakeLog::config(). FileLog accepts a path which allows for custom paths to be used.

CakeLog::config('custom_path', array(
    'engine' => 'FileLog',
    'path' => '/path/to/custom/place/'

Creating and configuring log streams

Log stream handlers can be part of your application, or part of plugins. If for example you had a database logger called DataBaseLogger as part of your application it would be placed in app/libs/log/data_base_logger.php; as part of a plugin it would be placed in app/plugins/my_plugin/libs/log/data_base_logger.php. When configured, CakeLog will attempt to load. Configuring log streams is done by calling CakeLog::config(). Configuring our DataBaseLogger would look like

//for app/libs
CakeLog::config('otherFile', array(
    'engine' => 'DataBaseLogger',
    'model' => 'LogEntry',

//for plugin called LoggingPack
CakeLog::config('otherFile', array(
    'engine' => 'LoggingPack.DataBaseLogger',
    'model' => 'LogEntry',

When configuring a log stream the engine parameter is used to locate and load the log handler. All of the other configuration properties are passed to the log stream's constructor as an array.

class DataBaseLogger {
    function __construct($options = array()) {

CakePHP has no requirements for Log streams other than that they must implement a write method. This write method must take two parameters $type, $message in that order. $type is the string type of the logged message, core values are error, warning, info and debug. In addition you can define your own types by using them when you call CakeLog::write.

It should be noted that you will encounter errors when trying to configure application level loggers from app/config/core.php. This is because paths are not yet bootstrapped. Configuring of loggers should be done in app/config/bootstrap.php to ensure classes are properly loaded.

Interacting with log streams

You can introspect the configured streams with CakeLog::configured(). The return of configured() is an array of all the currently configured streams. You can remove streams using CakeLog::drop($key). Once a log stream has been dropped it will no longer receive messages.

Error logging

Errors are now logged when Configure::write('debug', 0);. You can use Configure::write('log', $val), to control which errors are logged when debug is off. By default all errors are logged.

Configure::write('log', E_WARNING);

Would log only warning and fatal errors. Setting Configure::write('log', false); will disable error logging when debug = 0.