This document is for CakePHP's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases.
You may want to read current stable release documentation instead.

Page Contents

Schema Cache Tool¶

The SchemaCacheShell provides a simple CLI tool for managing your application’s metadata caches. In deployment situations it is helpful to rebuild the metadata cache in-place without clearing the existing cache data. You can do this by running:

bin/cake schema_cache build --connection default

This will rebuild the metadata cache for all tables on the default connection. If you only need to rebuild a single table you can do that by providing its name:

bin/cake schema_cache build --connection default articles

In addition to building cached data, you can use the SchemaCacheShell to remove cached metadata as well:

# Clear all metadata
bin/cake schema_cache clear

# Clear a single table
bin/cake schema_cache clear articles