5.1 Migration Guide

The 5.1.0 release is a backwards compatible with 5.0. It adds new functionality and introduces new deprecations. Any functionality deprecated in 5.x will be removed in 6.0.0.

Behavior Changes

  • Connection now creates unique read and write drivers if the keys read or write are present in the config regardless of values.

  • FormHelper no longer generates aria-required attributes on input elements that also have the required attribute set. The aria-required attribute is redundant on these elements and generates HTML validation warnings. If you are using aria-required attribute in styling or scripting you’ll need to update your application.

  • Adding associations with duplicate names will now raise exceptions. You can use $table->associations()->has() to conditionally define associations if required.

  • Text Utility and TextHelper methods around truncation and maximum length are using a UTF-8 character for ellipsis instead of ... legacy characters.

  • TableSchema::setColumnType() now throws an exception if the specified column does not exist.

  • PluginCollection::addPlugin() now throws an exception if a plugin of the same name is already added.

  • TestCase::loadPlugins() will now clear out any previously loaded plugins. So you must specify all plugins required for any subsequent tests.

  • The hashing algorithm for Cache configurations that use groups. Any keys will have new group prefix hashes generated which will cause cache misses. Consider an incremental deploy to avoid operating on an entirely cold cache.

  • FormHelper::getFormProtector() now returns null in addition to its previous types. This allows dynamic view code to run with fewer errors and shouldn’t impact most applications.

  • The default value for valueSeparator in Table::findList() is now a single space instead of ;.

  • ErrorLogger uses Psr\Log\LogTrait now.

  • Database\QueryCompiler::$_orderedUnion was removed.



  • The _cake_core_ cache config key has been renamed to _cake_translations_.


  • Mailer::setMessage() is deprecated. It has unintuitive behavior and very low usage.

New Features


  • RedisEngine now supports a tls option that enables connecting to redis over a TLS connection. You can use the ssl_ca, ssl_cert and ssl_key options to define the TLS context for redis.


  • bin/cake plugin list has been added to list all available plugins, their load configuration and version.

  • Optional Command arguments can now have a default value.

  • BannerHelper was added. This command helper can format text as a banner with a coloured background and padding.

  • Additional default styles for info.bg, warning.bg, error.bg and success.bg were added to ConsoleOutput.


  • Arguments::getBooleanOption() and Arguments::getMultipleOption() were added.

  • Arguments::getArgument() will now raise an exception if an unknown argument name is provided. This helps prevent mixing up option/argument names.


  • Components can now use the DI container to have dependencies resolved and provided as constructor parameters just like Controllers and Commands do.


  • PluginConfig was added. Use this class to get all available plugins, their load config and versions.

  • The toString, toInt, toBool functions were added. They give you a typesafe way to cast request data or other input and return null when conversion fails.

  • pathCombine() was added to help build paths without worrying about duplicate and trailing slashes.

  • A new events hook was added to the BaseApplication as well as the BasePlugin class. This hook is the recommended way to register global event listeners for you application. See Registering Listeners


  • Support for point, linestring, polygon and geometry types were added. These types are useful when working with geospatial or cartesian co-ordinates. Sqlite support uses text columns under the hood and lacks functions to manipulate data as geospatial values.

  • SelectQuery::__debugInfo() now includes which connection role the query is for.

  • SelectQuery::intersect() and SelectQuery::intersectAll() were added. These methods enable queries using INTERSECT and INTERSECT ALL conjunctions to be expressed.

  • New supports features were added for intersect, intersect-all and set-operations-order-by features.

  • The ability to fetch records without buffering which existed in 4.x has been restored. Methods SelectQuery::enableBufferedResults(), SelectQuery::disableBufferedResults() and SelectQuery::isBufferedResultsEnabled() have been re-added.


  • RulesChecker::remove(), removeCreate(), removeUpdate(), and removeDelete() methods were added. These methods allow you to remove rules by name.


  • SecurityHeadersMiddleware::setPermissionsPolicy() was added. This method adds the ability to define permissions-policy header values.

  • Client now emits HttpClient.beforeSend and HttpClient.afterSend events when requests are sent. You can use these events to perform logging, caching or collect telemetry.

  • Http\Server::terminate() was added. This method triggers the Server.terminate event which can be used to run logic after the response has been sent in fastcgi environments. In other environments the Server.terminate event runs before the response has been sent.


  • Number::formatter() and currency() now accept a roundingMode option to override how rounding is done.

  • The toDate, and toDateTime functions were added. They give you a typesafe way to cast request data or other input and return null when conversion fails.


  • Setting the preserveKeys option on association finder queries. This can be used with formatResults() to replace association finder results with an associative array.

  • SQLite columns with names containing json can now be mapped to JsonType. This is currently an opt-in feature which is enabled by setting the ORM.mapJsonTypeForSqlite configure value to true in your app.


  • CakePHP as well as the app template have been updated to use PHPUnit ^10.5.5 || ^11.1.3".

  • ConnectionHelper methods are now all static. This class has no state and its methods were updated to be static.

  • LogTestTrait was added. This new trait makes it easy to capture logs in your tests and make assertions on the presence or absence of log messages.

  • IntegrationTestTrait::replaceRequest() was added.


  • Hash::insert() and Hash::remove() now accept ArrayAccess objects along with array data.


  • Validation::enum() and Validator::enum() were added. These validation methods simplify validating backed enum values.

  • Validation::enumOnly() and Validation::enumExcept() were added to check for specific cases and further simplify validating backed enum values.


  • View cells now emit events around their actions Cell.beforeAction and Cell.afterAction.

  • NumberHelper::format() now accepts a roundingMode option to override how rounding is done.


  • TextHelper::autoLinkUrls() has options added for better link label printing: * stripProtocol: Strips http:// and https:// from the beginning of the link. Default off. * maxLength: The maximum length of the link label. Default off. * ellipsis: The string to append to the end of the link label. Defaults to UTF8 version.

  • HtmlHelper::meta() can now create a meta tag containing the current CSRF token using meta('csrfToken').